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1、六年级英语毕业总复习(三)School: Class: Name: 选择准确答案填空( )1He often helps with English.Aher,herBshe,herCher,sheDshe,she( )2How many are there in your school?Awoman teacherBwomen teacherCwoman teachersDwomen teachers( )3David goes to school every day.Aby bikeBby his bikeCon his bikeDon bike( )4Are in the same cla

2、ss?Ayou,he and IByou,I and heChe,you and IDI,you and he( )5“ your brothers number?” “4”.AWhatsBHow manyCHowDHow old( )6Thats bus.AEnglishBhis CJapaneseDhe( )7“Thank you very much.”“ ”.AThats right.BThank you COh,yes,all rightDThats all right.( )8 a bird name is Polly.AIts,ItsBIts,ItsCIts,Its DIts,It

3、s( )9I get up _ about seven fifty -five AinBonCatDfor( )10Why are you looking at _like that? AIBmineCmyDme( )11I want _ a map of China AbuyBis buyingCto buyDam buying( )12Is it a picture _ your school? AofBtoCandDwith( )13Do you like _ ? AswimBswimmingCare swimmingDswim, too( )14The man _ a book in

4、his hand is my uncle AandBofCwithDfor( )15Whos the lady _ blue ? AinBonCatDwith( )16We usually stay _ home _ Saturday afternoon AatinBatonCinatDonon( )17A: Its a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, _ is yellow AIBMyCMineDMe( )18_ any men in the room ? AIs thereBAre thereCThere arentDThere isnt ( )19T

5、he bed _ the right is yours AonBinCatDof( )20Look at _ picture AoneBthe oneCfirstDthe first( )21These books are my _ AstudentsBstudentssCstudentsDstudents of ( )22My parents often tell me _ your family AaboutBfromCforDby( )23_ any food in the fridge ? AAre thereBIs thereCHaveDHas( )24Sixteen and twe

6、nty-four is _AfourtyBfortyCfourteen( )25_ their teacher doing morning exercises?AIsBAreCAm( )26_ there any water in the cup?AIsBAreCAm( )27How much are the plants? _ twenty yuan.AItsBTheyreCTherere( )28Can your brother _? Yes ,he can Aplay the footballBplays footballCplay football( )29My good friend

7、 _ fishingAis likeBlikeClikes( )30Its time _ schoolA.toBforCof( )31How many _ are there in May?AdayBdaysCweek( )32LookThe girl _ in the gardenAis swimingB.is swimmingCswims( )33Lets go _.AonBinCat( )34Her grandfather died _ December 20 th 1998 A.atBonCin( )35My mother often _ the dinner at six past

8、ten. AcooksBcookCcooked( )36Mr Wang is healthy _ strong.AorBandCbut( )37The boy _ on April 2 nd AbornBwas bornCbrons( )38I hope the young tree will grow _.AgoodBwellCnice( )39My sister lost her cat this morning, she _ it now.Ais looking atBis looking forCis looking( )40This bed is _ than mine Acomfo

9、rtableBcomfortablerCmore comfortable( )41Chen Ping is my good friendShe often plays with _.AIBmeCmine( )42How long may I keep it? 。 ATwo days.BYes ,you do.CTwo yuan.( )43Who is the father of modern China? -。AMao ZedongBLu XunCSun Yasen.( )44Does Tom _ any pens ? Yes, he _ some.Ahave, haveBhas, hasCh

10、ave, hasDhas, have( )45_ any teachers in the office? AHaveBhasCAre there( )46There is a glass of for you.AjuicesBjuiceCa juice( )47There some fish in the river.AisBarecam( )48I a book now.Aam readingBis readingCreading( )49Mary and May exercise under the tree now.AtakeBare takingCtaking( )50A cow is bigger than a mouse.AmuchBmoreCmany( )51His uncles house is very .AoldBolderColdest( )52There isnt _ water in the bottle.AanyBsomeCnoDa



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