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1、1.A pressure of 20 psi is measured at a depth of 20 ft. Calculate the density of the liquid if p = 0 on the surface.解:1psi=6.895kPa 而1ft=304.8mm 根据P=gh 得:=P/gh=6.895103/(9.80.3048)=2.308103kg/m32A vacuum of 31 kPa is measured in an airflow at sea level. Find the absolute pressure in:(a) kPa(b) mm Hg

2、(c) psi(d) ft H20(e) in. Hg解:根据P=P-Pa 得:P=P+Pa P=101.325-31=70.325 kPa 因为1mmHg=133.33Pa 所以得:P=70.325 kPa=70325/133.33=527.45mmHg 因为1psi=6.895kPa , 所以70.325/6.895psi=10.20psi因为1mmH2o=9.807Pa 所以P=70.325/(304.89.807)=22.97ftH2O70kpa=20.77in.Hg3.The water level is same in the closure tank, tube 1, pipe

3、3, and 4. Pipe 1 can fluctuate, so as to adjust the water pressure in the bank. If (1) tube 1 decline in a certain height, (2) tube 1 rise in a certain height. Try to illustrate which is the highest level, which is the lowest level, and which are the same level at each time.解:在升降前有:P2=P4=Pa 在变化前后都有:

4、h1=h3 h2=h4筒一下降一定的高度,此时水箱中的水流向筒中,以保持h1=h3.有液面2.3.4均下降,而液面1下降的高度与液面3下降高度相同,但小于筒下降的高度。 由于筒下降,水箱中的空气被扩充,则有:P2Pa=0 又PA=P2+ga 得PA=0+gb=gb 推出 PA/g=P2/g+a PA/g=b因为P20 所以 ba h3h2 所以 h2=h4h1=h3 筒一上升一定的高度。同理可得:相反的 ba h3h2 有 h1=h3h2=h44. In order to accurately measure the pressure difference between A and B in

5、 the liquid with density of , a micromanometer was designed specially as shown in the figure. Try to determine the relationship between and, and the pressure difference between A and B.依题意有:从1-1面的静压相等可知PA-gH=PB-gH 可得:PA-PB=gH-gH=gH(-) 由于1面和3面中间是空气,则P1=P2 由2-2平面的静压相等可得:PB-gb=PB-g(h1+h2) 又b=a+h2+h1 所以

6、推出 gb=g(b-a) 进一步得:=(b-a)/b 将=(b-a)/b 代入 PA-PB=gH-gH得:PA-PB= agH/b 5. There was a flat rectangular metal gate supported with 3 beams on the opposite surface to water, the height of gate and the depth of water are same as h=3m. Calculate the locations of beams which are uniformity in force. 解:作闸门的压强分布

7、图如图右,将其面积分为、三部分。各梁的位置分别为闸门各部分AE、EG、GB受力的压力中心D1、D2和D3AABC=1/2ghh=1/21039.80732=44.13103N/mAAEF=1/3AABC=1/2gyEyE =1/344.13103=1/21039.807y2E得:yE=1.73m由AAGH=2/3AABC=1/2gyGyG=1/21039.807y2G得yG=2.449m yGE=yG-yE=2.449-1.73=0.719m yBG=yB-yG=3-2.449=0.551my1=2/3yE=2/31.73=1.15m对梯形EFHG分成矩形和三角形,根据合力距定理有:1/2yGE(yGEgyE)+2/3yGE(1/2yGEgyGE)=AEFHG(y2-yE) 化简代入数据得:y2=2.11m同理解得:y3=2.73m



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