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1、 亚洲奢华酒店艳惊巴黎New wave of luxury Paris hotels The early 20th-century building on the corner of Pariss Avenue Klber and Avenue des Portugais has undergone myriad transformations since it first opened as the Hotel Majestic in 1908. At one time, it served as offices for Frances defence ministry; then as t

2、he headquarters of Germanys high command in Paris during the second world war. In 1973, it was the venue for the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, which marked the end of the Vietnam war. 位于巴黎克雷贝尔大街(lavenue Klber)与葡萄牙大街(Avenue des Portugais)拐角处的大楼兴建于20世纪初,首先是美琪酒店(Hotel Majestic)于1908年在此开业,从那以后,这幢大

3、楼“改换了无数次门庭”。曾几何时,它是法国国防部办公大楼所在地;二战期间,它又成为德国驻巴黎最高指挥部总部。1973年,巴黎和平协定 (the Paris Peace Accords) 在此签署,该协定标志着越战正式结束。 Walk past its grandiose entrance today, and its brand-new bolt-on glass portico and two hulking Chinese lions on either side of the main steps are signs that the former Majestic has just u

4、ndergone another change. 如今走过它气势恢宏的大门时,崭新的螺栓紧固式玻璃门廊以及门两边主台阶上两只中国风格的大石狮子活生生地表明昔日的美琪酒店所在地又更换了新主人。 Last month, the building reopened as the Peninsula Paris, the Hong Kong-based hotel groups first venue in Europe. With a total investment of nearly 800m (460m to purchase the building and 338m for its ref

5、urbishment), the Peninsula Paris is one of the biggest and flashiest hotel projects ever undertaken in the French capital. LOiseau Blanc, its aviator-styled rooftop bar and restaurant, offers sumptuous views of the city. 不久前,大楼重新开业,这次的新主人是巴黎半岛酒店(Peninsula Paris),它是总部位于香港的集团在欧洲开业的首家酒店。酒店总投资近8亿欧元(其中4.

6、6亿欧元买下整幢大楼,花费3.38亿欧元进行重新装修)。从机舱风格的楼顶酒吧与餐厅LOiseau Blanc向四周俯瞰,巴黎的美景一览无遗。 But it is not alone. Within a relatively small radius of the Peninsula, near the Arc de Triomphe, two other new five-star hotels have opened since 2010. On the Rue Saint-Honor, one of the citys go-to streets for high-end shopping

7、, the Mandarin Oriental offers top-rate rooms and suites looking over a verdant central courtyard for 925 a night. 但这样的绝佳酒店比比皆是。自2010年以来,离半岛酒店只有咫尺之距、位于凯旋门(Arc de Triomphe)附近的另外两家五星级酒店又相继开业。在巴黎高档购物去处圣奥诺雷街(Rue Saint-Honor),文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)的高档客房与豪华套房可以俯眺酒店内绿草如茵的四合院,每晚的入住费用为925欧元。 In the more s

8、edate 16th arrondissement, guests can relax at the Shangri-La Hotel in a building that was once home to Prince Roland Bonaparte, great-nephew of Napoleon. The hotel has the best pool of any five-star hotel in Paris and offers seductive views of the Eiffel Tower. Bonapartes fully restored rooms alone

9、 are worth the visit. 在更为静谧的第16大区,嘉宾们可以惬意地入住香格里拉酒店(Shangri-La Hotel),这儿曾一度是拿破仑侄孙罗兰波拿巴王子(Prince Roland Bonaparte)的府第。酒店的泳池冠绝整个巴黎的所有五星级酒店,在此还可眺望艾菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)的雄姿。单单入住彻底翻新的波拿巴王子的房间,游客们就已不虚此行了。 What all these hotels have in common, beyond their Asian roots, is the sort of modern, high-end facilitie

10、s that a new class of mega-rich international tourists many of them from emerging economies such as China, Russia and Brazil had looked for among Pariss old guard of top-notch hotels. 除了均来自亚洲外,这些酒店的共性就是现代高端设施一应俱全,它们正是新涌现的全球富豪阶层(很多来自中国、俄罗斯以及巴西等新兴国家)在巴黎老牌顶级酒店中到处寻觅的目标。 The new Asian presence in Pariss

11、hotel scene has sent a tremor through some of the most famous names in Parisian hospitality, inducing an initial period of collective introspection in much the same way that Frances recent economic malaise has forced its residents to ponder the countrys fading grandeur in a faster-moving, more compe

12、titive world. 亚洲酒店集团最新进军巴黎,“震动”了巴黎的一些最知名酒店,初期还引发了集体性反思这与近期法国经济萎靡不振迫使国民深刻反思国家在快速发展、竞争激烈的全球环境中地位每况愈下如出一辙。 For the majority, it has also served as a wake-up call, forcing them to undertake the biggest investments in decades and a rush to turn rooms into suites and gymnasiums into spas. 对于多数酒店来说,这也如同震耳发

13、聩的警示,迫使巴黎本地酒店在未来几十年里进行大规模投资,抓紧时间把普通客房改造成豪华套间以及把健身房改建成spa房。 This year, the Bristol completed a six-year renovation to bring it up to date with the demands of todays ultra-rich. The Ritz, which closed for a 140m revamp in 2012, barely a year after the Shangri-La and the Mandarin Oriental barged into P

14、aris, will not reopen until 2015 a year later than expected. Meanwhile, on the corner of Place de la Concorde, a seven-storey temporary office block housing architects, engineers and foremen provides just one clue as to the scale of renovation taking place at the Htel de Crillon. 今年,Bristol酒店为期六年的改建

15、工程完工,以满足当今富豪的现时需求。丽兹酒店(The Ritz)2012年歇业后,进行了总耗资达1.4亿欧元的翻修(距离香格里拉与文华东方酒店进军巴黎不到一年时间),并将于2015年重新开业,比预期的时间晚了一年。与此同时,在协和广场(Place de la Concorde)边角上,临时搭建了一幢七层办公楼,建筑设计师、工程师以及领班济济一堂,克利翁酒店(Hotel de Crillon)的改扩建规模可见一斑。 On Avenue Montaigne, Pariss shopping street par excellence for luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Prada and Herms, the Hotel Plaza Athne has just reopened after a 10-month, 200m facelift 100m for the purchase of adjoining properties and another 100m to revamp rooms, restaurants, spa and bar. 蒙田大道(Avenue Montaigne)上的雅典娜广场酒店(Hotel Plaza Athne



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