穿越于“时”、“空”之中的介词学案- 高考英语一轮复习.docx

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1、高考英语备考:穿越于“时”、“空”之中的介词请看下题:He was educated at the local high school, _ he went on to Beijing University.A. after which B. after that C. in which D. in that本题把介词和定语从句的用法综合到一起。从句式看,可以先排除B和D。因为B项中的after是一个介词,不能连接两个句子,可以改为He was educated at the local high school, and after that he went on to Beijing Uni

2、versity。B项如果引导的是定语从句,介词后面不能加that,表示事物可以加上which,而D项in that作连词用意思是“因为”,很明显“他继续上北京大学”不是“他在当地中学读书”的原因。正确答案为A项,很多同学会误选C。错误的原因在于混淆了介词表示时间还是表示地点。从语境看,本句表达的意思是“他在当地的中学读书,之后他继续上了北京大学。”因此此处的介词表示了时间的先后关系。如果使用in which则表示“他在当地的中学读书,期间他继续上了北京大学”或理解为“他在当地的中学读书,在当地中学他继续上了北京大学”,很显然不符合语义逻辑。再如:There were a lot of peop

3、le standing at the door and the small girl couldnt get _.A. between B. through C. across D. beyond本题考查了介词表示空间的用法。四个选项都可以表示地点。between强调在两者之间;through表示从内部通过、穿过;across强调横穿;beyond在的那一边。题干表达的意思是“门口站着很多人,小女孩进不去(从门口进入)”。所以使用get through。介词既可以表示时间、也可以表示空间,这是介词最基础、最常见的用法,掌握该用法的关键要从以下几个方面来辨析介词的“时”、“空”用法,才能和介词手

4、牵手,自由、潇洒地穿越于“时”、“空”之中。一、表示时间1. 时间的大小各不同【例句】As a middle school student in a small city, I have to get up at 6 every morning.The 2008 Chinese Spring Festival falls on February 7.The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held in August.辨析 at表示时间的一点,时刻,如:at 1200,也可以表示“在黎明、中午、夜间”。如:at dawn/at daybreak 在黎明时候

5、;at noon 在中午;at night 在夜里;at midnight在半夜。on表示具体的日子或特定的时间,如某日、星期几、某个特定节日。如:on August 8, on a cold morning, on Monday, on National Day。 in则表示较长的时间,如世纪、朝代、年、季节、月份,也可以泛指上下午、晚上等。如: in the 1990s, in the Ming Dynasty, in May, in the morning。2. 时间的点和段要分清【例句】The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held in fou

6、r months.I will go abroad to study for my master degree after July.I have learned English for 6 years.I have learned English since 6 years ago.辨析in和after都可以表示“在之后”用在一般将来时中,in 后面加表示一段时间的状语(“四个月”是一段时间);after后面的时间表示时间点(“七月份”是时间点);for后面加段时间(“六年”是一段时间),since后面接的时间表示时间点(“六年前”是时间点)。3. 从泛指和特指方面来攻关。【例句】We us

7、ually have PE classes in the afternoon.The opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held on the morning of 8, August.I have a practice of surfing the Internet at night, but I had to finish my homework on the night of last Monday.辨析 表示泛指的“在上下午、晚上”用in,但特指在某天的上下午、晚上则使用on;表示泛指的“在黎明、中午、

8、夜间”使用at,但是特指某天的黎明、中午、夜间则用on。4. 时间的先后不含糊【例句】His father died in Wuhan at last March.His father had gone abroad to do business by last March.His father has been doing business abroad since last March.辨析 at表示就在某个时间点,by表示在某个时间之前,since表示从某个时间之后。在区别这几个介词时要注意根据句子的时态来判断时间的先后。二、表示空间1. 区别空间的方位【例句】The horse jum

9、ped over the fence and ran across the field. Beyond the field flowed a river.Taiwan lies in the east of China; Japan lies to the east of China; Korea lies on the east of China.The university is opposite a factory, between a hospital and a post office.辨析over表示从上方越过,across表示横越,beyond表示在的那一边。in强调在内的某个方

10、向,to强调两个地点不相连,on强调两地接壤。opposite表示在对面。between表示在(两者)之间。2. 区别所在空间的动态和静态。【例句】When I came into the room, he was in the sofa.Mr. Smith was walking along the coast when he found a beautiful cottage on the coast.辨析 into是动态介词,强调由一处进入另一处,in是静态介词,表示处于某个位置。along常用作动态介词,和动词连用表示“沿着”,on是静态介词,表示与线或面接触的地方。3. 区别空间的大

11、小【例句】He lives at 88 Xianggang Road.He lives in Wuhan.辨析 at表示小地点,in表示大地点。介词的用法林林总总,除了表示时空的基本用法以外,还可以表示目的、方向、原因、程度等。需要同学们注意的是大部分介词经常和动词、名词、形容词构成固定短语,因此我们在平时的学习中要逐步积累、不断体会。【巩固练习】1. Where is the post office?You can find it _ 2336 Fire Road.A. on B. in C. near D. at2. We can see a lot of people doing exe

12、rcises in the parks even _ a cold morning.A. at B. in C. by D. on3. Your mother will be back _ a few minutes, but your father will be back _ ten oclock.A. after; after B. in; in C. in; after D. after; in4. Hubei lies _ the north of Hunan, which is _ the middle of China.A. to; on B. on; in C. in; in

13、D. on; on5. The train leaves _ 6:00 p.m. So I have to be at the station _5:40 p.m. at the latest.A. at; until B. for; afterC. at; by D. before; around6. The enemy got beaten and fled _ all directions.A. to B. toward C. for D. in7. Can you see the heavy smoke _ the skyscraper? What ishappening over t

14、here?A. through B. beyond C. on D. across8. The doctor will be free _.A. 10 minutes later B. after 10 minutesC. in 10 minutes D. 10 minutes after9. The sunlight came in _ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.A. through B. across C. on D. over10. He suddenly saw Jane _ the room. He pushed his way _ the crowd of people to get to her.A. across; across B. over; throughC. over; into D. across; throughKey:1.D 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D



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