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1、PEP小学英语四下Unit 6 Shopping B Read and write教学内容:B Read and write教学目标:1. 能够在图片的帮助下读懂广告,理解生词sale, more, us在语境中的意思;能够完成读后看问句,写答语的任务;能够按照意群和正确的语音、语调朗读这则广告。 2. 能够看图、读句子,进一步了解形容词very, too的用法,同时巩固学习在四线格中正确书写句子的规范。能完成个性化的书写活动:画出鞋子或其他衣物并仿写句子。 教学重点:掌握重点句子:“They are.”的正确书写。教学难点:仿照示范例句,在四线三格中正确描述自己的鞋。并能够在四线格中的正确书

2、写They are.教学过程:Step 1.Preparation1. A song: How much is that doggie in the window?(通过歌曲复习旧知识,活跃课堂气氛,并由此引出话题。)2. Review Sarah要参加庆六一的演出,需要一件裙子,一双鞋和一副眼镜,但是没时间去买,她很着急,教师说:Can you help her?引导学生说:Yes, we can.教师接着出示购物场景。1. Whats in the shop? (复习学过的服装词汇)2. Who can help Sarah ?让学生帮助Sarah购裙子。教师当售货员,师生对话。T: Ca

3、n I help you?S1: Yes. The dress is pretty. How much is it?T: Its.S1: Can I try it on?3. 同桌两人一组分别扮演售货员和Sarah,购买鞋子。(复习本单元的重点句型,为阅读做准备)Step2 Pre-readingT: Let s go to another shop to buy the sunglasses.(出示63页图片)T:Look! There are some sunglasses. How much are they?SS: They are 5 yuan.T: Are they cheap?

4、SS: Yes, they are.T: look! All the things in this shop are 5 yuan. They are for sale.Step 3 In-readingReading 1 T: A piece of paper on the window , lets skim it and answer my question.what is it?A: sales promotion ads( 促销广告) B: a letter from customer(顾客投诉信)(快速略读,了解本文是一则促销广告)Reading 2(1)T: Read and a

5、nswer the questions below.(运用寻读技巧,完成Write the answers活动, 提取细节信息) (2)Check the answers.(3)课件出示第2段(we have many nice scarves, too-red, yellow, brown, and more)学生朗读,通过看图和联系上下文猜测生词more的含义。The word “more” means _A: green B: many colors.Reading 3Listen, mark and repeat (用/划分意群,用标注重读单词)Read in groupsShow t

6、ime.(学生分组朗读广告,练习后展示。)Step 4 Post-reading1. 小组讨论如何把本文分为3部分,核对答案,了解广告一般由标题,正文,结尾三部分构成。2.阅读文具店广告,补充所缺句子。_1_Today all the pens are 2 yuan. _2_. But they are good for writing. And we have many colors, red, green, blue what color do you like? Pencil-boxes are not expensive . They are 3 yuan. There is only 1 notebook left._3_. _4_A: They are cheap.B: Come and buy soon. C: It is very beautiful.D: For sale3.完成教材中的个性化书写活动(1)引导学生看两幅图片并朗读句子,体会very和too的意思。(2)教师画出自己最喜欢的服饰,然后运用本单元的核心句型和词汇进行描述。(3)示范书写,引导学生回顾句子的书写要点。1,开头大写。2单词与单词之间的空格要均匀 3.末尾加标点符号。(4)学生画出自己的鞋子并书写句子,展示学生的个性化书写作品.


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