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1、初一下册英语Unit 6 教学案例一、教学目标1知识目标:1)词汇:make soup、 read a newspaper、 wash、use、 eat out、 go to a movies. Watching TV、 reading、doing homework、 talking on the phone .2)语法 现在进行时(Present progressive tense)3)句子What are you doing? Im watching TV.Whats he doing? Hes doing his homework.What are they doing? Theyre

2、cleaning the room.2. 能力目标:(1)To Help the students freely talk about or learn about what they are doing.(2)Improve the students self-research ability and the ability of discussing in group.3. 情感目标:激发他们学习英语的兴趣和热情,在接近生活常态的交际中乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与。(1)Enable students to cooperate among the team members and comp

3、etition. (2)Enable students to solute their learning difficulties. 二、教学重点和难点 : Important points(重点) (1)Let the students master how to describe what people are doing. (2)Master the phrases: talking on the phone、watching TV、 doing homework、eating dinner、cleaning、 reading.Difficult points(难点) Grasp and

4、 make use of simple communication patterns in English: -What are you doing? -I am watching TV.- What is he doing?- He is doing homework. -Is she reading? -No, she isnt. 三、教学过程设计The First Period(Section A 1a. 1b ,1c,2c)Step 1. Warming up1、Greeting2、Play an English song called“Are you sleeping?”【设计说明:

5、利用歌曲让学生在轻松的氛围中逐渐进入最佳学习状态】Step2. Leading-inAfter listening to a song, lead in by asking“Are you sleeping? What are we doing now?”(Help the students to answer:Were having an English class now.)【设计说明:通过以上导入,让学生积极参与教学,激发学生求知欲和学习兴趣,为下面教学形成一种期盼,从而提高教学效果】Step 3. Presentation(1)教师说出: Its 8:20 now.We are hav

6、ing an English class now.Im teaching Engl Its 8:20 now.What are we doing?ish.Youre learning English.(引出现在进行时态,并指出该时态的谓语结构是“be + doing”. 把此结构比喻为一条活生生的鱼,be为鱼头,ing为鱼尾,用该时态时别忘了在动词的前后加上鱼头和鱼尾)(2) 教师在多媒体屏幕上一张一张出示图片,带着同学们一起问与答,让同学们熟悉现在进行时的结构和用法。For example: T: What is she doing? S:She is listening to musicT

7、:What is he doing?S:He is playing basketball.(3)叫一位学生到同学们前面做一些简单的动作,比如;run、jump、walk、sing、dance、read books etc. 再让另一位同学大声地问:S1: What are you doing now? S2: Im dancing/singing/walking.老师再问:T:What is he doing?S:He is playing basketball.设计说明:让学生在交际情景中掌握运用现在进行时的结构和用法 Step4. Practice(多媒体屏幕上展示出各种图片)。1. Sh

8、ow some pictures on the screen and let the students ask and answer in pairs.e.g A:What is he/she doing?B:He/She is V-ingA:What are they doing?B:They are V-ing【设计说明:通过多媒体展示生动有趣的图片,让学生在真实情景中学习短语和感受现在进行时的结构和用法。】A:What is he/she doing?B:He/She is V-ingA:What are they doing?B:They are V-ingStep 5. Role p

9、lay (假设你正在做事时,你的同伴打来电话和他一起把你们的对话表演出来,多媒体的图片中显示不同的活动。)A: Hello, .B: Hi, .A: What are you ing, ?B: Im . What about you?A: Im , but its .B: Do you want to?A: That sounds . Show some pictures on the screen and ask the students to match the words with the activities. 【设计说明:使用教科书1a 部分训练学生识记单词】Step6. (Summ

10、ary)Ask the students to sum up the present progressive tense.(1)定义:现在进行时表示现在或当前一段时间正在进行的动作。(2)标志词:listen、look、 right now、while、 now 、 these days、at the moment etc.(3)结构:am / is / are + 现在分词(即be+doing)【设计说明:培养学生归纳能力,找出记忆的规律】Step7. 板书设计Unit 6 Im watching TV (The First Period)What are you doing? Im wat

11、ching TWhats he / she doing? Hes / Shes reading.What are they doing? Theyre watching Treading a newspaper washing clothesusing the computer going to the moviesmaking soup watching TvStep8.Homework1.Its 7:30 now. She _(读报).2. Listen! He _(唱歌) in his room happily.3. Be quiet! The baby _(睡觉).4. -Wheres Bob? - Hes _(听光盘) in his room.5. -Im hungry, Mom! -Oh, dear! I_(做晚饭). Please wait a moment.6.Look,the girls _(用电脑) over there.7.The students _(打扫教室) at the moment.8.It is 8;00 now. My mother _(洗碗) in the kitchen .


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