2012届英语一轮知识点复习精品 Unit12 Culture Shock 北师大版必修4.docx

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1、2012届英语一轮知识点复习精品教案:Unit12 Culture Shock(北师大版必修4)【课堂点拨】1、owe vt. 欠某人某物 owe sth. to sb./owe sb. sth.You owe me a favour!你还欠我一个人情呢!We owe $5, 000 to the bank. We owe the bank $5, 000. 我们欠银行5, 000美元。 归功于, 归因于I owe my success to hard work. 我把成功归功于勤奋工作。 应当给予I think were owed an apology. 我认为得有人向我们道歉。 感激I o

2、we you a lot for all you did for me when I was young. 我十分感激你在我年幼时为我做的一切。owing to (doing) sth. “由于”;在句中作状语。Owing to the shower, the baseball game was broken off. 由于骤雨突至, 那场棒球赛被迫中止了。完成句子。1. 买这些杂货我得给你多少钱?How much do I owe you for the groceries? 2. 与下属坦诚相待,这是你对他们应有的态度。You owe it to your staff to be hone

3、st with them. 3. 我的一切都归功于他。I owe everything to him. 2、absorb vt. 吸收(液体, 气体等)Plants absorb carbon dioxide. 植物吸收二氧化碳。 吸取, 掌握(知识等)I havent really had time to absorb everything that he said. 事实上我还没有时间弄懂他说的一切。 吸引(注意力等)absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意力be absorbed in专心于, 全神贯注于完成句子。1. 作家全神贯注地写作, 以至于忘了弹去雪茄的烟灰。T

4、he writer was so absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar. 2. 这项工作已使他沉迷了好几年。This work has absorbed him for several years. 3、afford v. 买得起;承担得起(后果),有能力做,搭配: afford to do sth.Can we afford a new car? 我们买得起一辆新车吗?He says he really cant afford to wait another day. 他说他确实一天也

5、等不了啦。 给予, 使得到The tree afforded us shelter from the rain. 树给我们遮雨。完成句子。1. 我倒想去度假, 可是抽不出时间来。Id love to go on a holiday but I cant afford the time. 2. 与你共餐将是我的一大乐事。It will afford me great pleasure to have dinner with you. 3. 要我离岗3周是不行的。I cant afford three weeks away from work. 4. 你的来信使我很高兴。Your letter h

6、as afforded me much pleasure . 4、exchange vt. 交换, 交流, 兑换 n. 交换(物), 兑换;交易所 exchange A for B以A换BYou can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel. 你可以在宾馆把你的钱兑换成美元。 exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物 in exchange (for) 作为交换, 和交换exchangeable adj. 可交换的, 可更换的change vt. 改变;变化;常与for, into和from等连用。完成句子。1. 你

7、愿意和我交换座位吗?Will you exchange seats with me?2. 他教她中文。作为交换,她教他英文。Hes teaching her Chinese in exchange for teaching him English. 3. 这些礼券只能用来兑取光盘。These tokens are exchangeable for CDs only. 4. 我正在考虑换辆大车。Im thinking of changing my car for a bigger one. 5. 在一个童话故事里, 巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。In a fairy tale, the witch ch

8、anged the prince into a frog. 5、consider vt.&vi. 考虑consider sth.consider doing sth.consider wh to do vt. 认为;把视为(其后常接that从句或复合结构)I consider that it was a very good film. 我认为这是一部很好的影片。considerable adj. 值得考虑的;重要的;相当大/多的considerate adj. 考虑周到的;为他人着想的consideration n. 考虑;体贴;关心considering prep.&conj. 就而论, 考

9、虑到be under consideration正在考虑之中give consideration to考虑all things considered从各方面考虑起来takeinto consideration/account 把考虑在内完成句子。1. 我们正在考虑去北京。We are considering going to Beijing. 2. 我们考虑下一步怎么办。We considered what to do next. 3我认为他是一个聪明的人。I consider him to be a clever fellow. 汉译英。4. 我考虑这个周末去看看我的叔叔。Im consid

10、ering paying a visit to my uncle this weekend. 5. Jean认为自己很幸运。Jean considered herself (to be) very lucky.6、manner n. 礼貌;风格;方式;习惯;举止I thought I noticed a certain coldness in his manner.我想我觉察到他的态度有些冷淡。 in amanner 以方式/方法She answered in a businesslike manner. 她回答时显出一副公事公办的样子。 all manner of 各种各样的;形形色色的 i

11、n a manner of speaking 不妨说;从某种意义上说汉译英。1. 他经常以这种古怪的方式讲话。He often speaks in such a strange manner. 2. 他们问了我各种各样的问题。They asked me all manner of questions. 7、insist v. 坚持 insist on坚决要求, 坚持认为。是对要求、看法、意见或主张的“坚持”, on是介词, 后面接名词或动名词作宾语。 She insisted on her opinion at the meeting. 她在会上坚持自己的意见。insist接that从句, 有

12、两种情况表示“坚决认为(主张)”, 从句用陈述语气。Though all his friends criticized him, he insisted he had done nothing wrong. 尽管所有的朋友都指责他, 但他坚持认为自己没有做错事。表示“坚决要, 坚决要求”, 这时从句谓语常用虚拟语气。He insists that she (should) go.他坚决要她去。完成句子。1. 他坚持说他是无罪的。He insisted on his innocence. 2. 他坚持要邀请她参加我们的聚会。He insists she should be invited to

13、our party. 3. 她坚持要他穿西装。She insisted on his/him wearing a suit. 8、belong “属于”;后面与to搭配,只用于主动语态, 不能用于被动语态;只用于一般时态, 不用于进行时态。I dont know to whom the bike belongs. 我不知道这辆自行车是谁的。汉译英。1. 那本词典是汤姆的。That dictionary belongs to Tom. 2. 你是哪个俱乐部的?Which club do you belong to?3. 中国是个发展中国家, 属于第三世界。China is a developin

14、g country, belonging to the Third World. 9、I kept_saying that I knew the way myself, but it just did not work. (P40) 我重复着说我自己知道路,但是这不起作用。keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事, 重复做某事We kept (on) working in the field in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨, 我们还是坚持在地里干活。keep doing与keep on doing重复性较强的时候, 多用keep doing (sth.)。Sh

15、e kept coughing all night. 她整夜咳嗽。keep on后接行为动词, 不能接sitting, standing, lying, sleeping等表示静态的动词。如不能说:He kept on sitting. 但可以说:keep lying/standing/sitting there。keep的几个常用短语: keep watch守望,值班;放哨 keep back 隐瞒;保留,扣除 keep in touch 保持联系 keep my promise/word 履行诺言 keep up (vi.)使继续;不落后;使不下降;跟上(with) keep off 防止,避开;使免受影响 keep out阻止进入;不卷入,避开(of)汉译英。1. 我父母总是反复叮嘱我应当努力学习。My parents always keep (on) saying to me that I should stu



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