【最新】浙江省江山实验中学高一英语必修一导学案:passive voice

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1、最新教学资料人教版英语学习目标:.扎实掌握被动语态的含义和用法,提升自己的理解力、记忆力。2. 自主学习,合作探究;学会通过循环复习,牢固掌握基础知识的方法。 3. 激情投入,疯狂记忆,体验学习的快乐。重点:常用8种时态的被动语态,含情态动词的被动语态难点:谓语动词的时态和语态判定,主动形式表被动含义的特例预习案:列出必修(二)第一二三单元中的被动语态的句子(至少15句)并背诵默写1.2.3456789101112131415我的疑惑:写下疑惑点,待课堂探究探究案:探究点(一)相似句,大区别1. The book _ very quickly. It _ well (sell)2. The b

2、ook is worth _ (read). But I have much homework_(do). I can read it after all the homework_(finish)主动语态?被动语态?体会区别探究点(二)主动变被动,学生小组互动规律总结:动作的执行者与承受者在被动语态中,承受者变为主语,用被动语态,但也有一些例外。(Newspaper) 课堂检测用所给动词的适当形式填空.last, host, take, hold, start, succeed, join, grow, compete, chooseThe Olympic Games were first

3、_ in Ancient Greece as early as 776 B. C. They were held every four years in Olympia. This place was _ because it was more or less in the centre of the Greek world. Only Greek free-born citizens could _ part. Slaves were also prevented from _. The competition _for more than 1000 years but died out u

4、nder the rulers of Rome and stopped with the decline of ancient Greek civilization. Then in 1896 the games were held again. In that year, a Frenchman, Baron de Cowbertin, decided to try to _ the games again. He _ and the modern Olympic Games have _ steadily with more and more nations and sportsmen _

5、 in them. In 2008, Beijing will _ the 29th Olympic Games.训练案1. He was noticed _ the room. A. enter B. having entered C. entered D. to enter2. Two and three _ five. A. was B. made C. have D. makes3. Why _ you so late?”“ I _ by a road accident.” A. were . was stopped B. are . am stopped C. are . was s

6、topped D. were . had stopped4. I will tell him all about it as soon as he this afternoon. A. returns B. will return C. is going to return D. is to return5. We _ more films than we used to. A. are enjoying B. have enjoyed C. had enjoyed D. were enjoying6. I _ a letter from eight oclock to nine oclock

7、 this morning. A. was writing B. wrote C. am writing D. have written7. We were having supper when the light _. A. goes away B. went out C. has gone away D. is out8. When _you see the film? ”“ Last Saturday evening. A. were B. do C. did D. will9. Writing stories and articles what I enjoy most. A. is

8、B. are C. was D. were10. I saw him _ at desk, reading. A. sat B. seated C. seating D. seat 11. Once you _ a promise, you must carry it out. A. is making B. made C. had made D. have made 12. I wont go home until I _ the job. A. have done B. had done C. will do D. do 13. Hardly _ we _ to work when the

9、 engine didnt work. A. had, started B. did, start C. have, started D. were, staining 14. When I arrived, the Browns _ supper. A. was having B. have had C. had had D had 15 On returning home. I found I _my umbrella in the office. A. would leave B. left C. have left D. had left 16. These kinds of shoe

10、s _ well. A. dont sell B. are not sold C. wont be sold D. were not sold 17. The terminal examinations _. A. will draw near B. draw near C. are drawn near D. will be drawn near 18. The library_ at 5 oclock every day. A. closes B. is closed C. is dosing D. will be closed 19. A quarrel _ between the two neighbours. A. broke out B. was broke out C. is breaking out D. is broke out 20. The May 4th Movement _ in 1919. A. took place B. was taken place C. was taking place D. had taken place我的收获(反思静悟,体验成功)


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