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1、Lesson 37 Whats your hobby? 教学设计 茶镇九年制学校 罗瑞一、教学内容 冀教版初中英语八年级上册Lesson 37 Whats your hobby?二、教材分析 本课时是河北教育出版社出版的初中英语八年级上册的第七单元Lesson37 whats your hobby? 本课时的对话主要讲述Ms. Liu和Wang Mei, Li Ming, Yang Hao, Yi Han, Tiao Xiaolin 和Li Lin谈论爱好的话题,与孩子们的现实生活结合紧密,并围绕爱好这个话题展开.本单元教学内容贴近学生生活,有利于培养他们在真实情景中用英语进行交际的能力。本课

2、时为第七单元的第一课时,属于情景教学,是在通过对话的形式来创设真实的情景,自然导入单元核心内容,并为本单元后面几个课时的教学作铺垫三、学情分析1通过学生课前预习以及课后复习的检查情况来了解学生一节课所掌握的知识是多少,特别是课后给学生补置的作业,从作业的量的多少、以及学生完成的质的情况来看,学生一节课可以掌握到的知识是多少。 2从学生角度来看,学生如果不能够专心的听讲,将会使本节课学习如何用英语来表达别人的兴趣爱好成为主要的障碍点,所以应该让学生反复的练习,加深对其的有效运用。四、教学目标 1、知识与技能 Im interested in. . My hobby is I like 及兴趣爱好

3、的介绍collect stones, study stars, collect concert tickets, play basketball, listen to music, read books. watch movies. and surf the internet。 2、过程与方法本课时要通过听、说的能力,来培养学生动手和动口的能力,听懂并理解有关爱好内容的语言信息,能抓住关键词。3、情感态度价值观培养有益健康的兴趣爱好。情景教学要突出“情景交际”,特别是要引导学生观察对话中的人、物、爱好等,通过师生互动共同来理解情景。运用所学知识与他人交流,了解别人的兴趣爱好。进一步提高学生学习

4、英语的热情,帮助他们形成更加稳固的学习兴趣。五、教学重点和难点1、Teaching important points: 掌握本课的词汇和短语,能初步感知对话内容,朗读课文。2、Teaching difficult points: 能够用英语向别人简单介绍自己的兴趣和爱好。六、教学工具 Audiotape , a large piece of paper.七、教学过程 Step 1 Warming Upa)GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again. I am very happy today. Lets say rhyme

5、, ok?Running, running, I like running.Jumping, jumping,I like jumping.Reading, reading, I like reading.Drawing, drawing, I like drawing.T: You did a good job.b)Free talk Step 2 Review Review the theme from Unit6Step 3 Presentationa以组为单位,制作Word box, 收集生词,全班共同解决生词。练习:Guess and matchCollect 阅读Stones 石头

6、Interested 爱好Everybody 每个人Hobby 收集Read 对感兴趣b 请翻译并朗读下列句子:I like collecting stones.Mike is interested in listening to music.She enjoys playing basketball.Peters hobby is collecting toy cars. c. Discuss the title of lesson37 and talk about the Think About It questions as a class.Step 4 Listen and Read

7、Listen to the audiotape again and then answer the following questions. After listening, we can check the answer.Step 5 Explain Explain some important points and difficult points. Step 6 Role-play 1) Instruct the students to role-play the lesson in groups of seven. 2) Invite one group to present thei

8、r role-play in front of the class. Step 7 Task 调查活动,同桌间互相提问并作出回答。 NameAgeFavourite colorHobbyStep 8 板书设计:Lesson 37 Whats your hobby?我将会把黑板分成三板块:第一板块做为复习上节课所学的知识和导入部分。第二板块做为本节课所要学习的新单词和新词组及句型。第三板块做为本节课所要学习的语法。1、Review 2、New words and new phrases 3、Grammer Step 9 Homework T: Boys and girls, in this class, we get to ., and interview the superstar. His hobby is .,After class, you can finish this exercise. Member Mother FatherSisterBrotherHobby1)Finish off the exercise book.2)Remember this lessons words



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