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1、1你想去哪里?Where do you want to go?2我也去那里,你可以和我一起I go there, you can join me in3我是法律专业学生,在太原理工大学I am a law student, Taiyuan University of Technology4我英语水平有限,你能说中文吗?My English is limited, can you speak Chinese?5欢迎来这里旅游,祝你玩得高兴Welcome to travel, I wish you a good time6我也是来这旅游,也不知道那里I also come to travel, d

2、o not know where7冒昧问下,请问你来自哪里Take the liberty to ask, may I ask where you came from8我住在陕西省咸阳市I live in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province9咸阳是两千年前秦朝的首都Xianyang is two thousand years ago the capital of Qin Dynasty10去大雁塔你可以乘坐10路公交在翠华路下车To the Big Wild Goose Pagoda you can take the 10 bus and get off at Gr

3、eenwood Road11下车后向左直走大概一百米,然后左转你就可以看见音乐喷泉Get off to the left of straight ahead about one hundred meters, then turn left you will see the musical fountain12顺便说一句,音乐喷泉每天中午十二点和晚上十点音乐喷泉都会向游客开放By the way, a musical fountain twelve oclock and ten p.m. musical fountain will be open to visitors13我听不懂的你的话语,你

4、能在地图上向我指出来吗I do not understand your words, you can be pointed out to me on the map14应该做的,不用客气Should do, youre welcome15哪里的门票大概七十五元Where tickets for about $ 7516沿着这条街一直走大概一百米,在路的右边坐公交Go about one hundred meters along this street has been in the right side of the road by bus17对不起我不知道那里,你问问其他人吧Im sorry

5、 I do not know where, you ask the other person18你可以叫计程车,告诉司机你想去的地方You can call a taxi, tell the driver where you want to19我可以尽自己最大努力帮你翻译I can do my best to help you translate20我是一名大三学生,在山西太原上学,但是我是陕西西安人I am a junior school in Taiyuan, Shanxi, but I Xian21西安好玩的地方很多,比如大雁塔,兵马俑,华清池,省博物馆等等Xian fun a lot

6、of places, such as the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Terra Cotta Warriors, Huaqing Hot Springs Provincial Museum22我英语水平有限言语不对的地方还请见谅My English language proficiency of limited words wrong place please forgive me23我们也是听说这里有名,所以和朋友来看看We are also heard here is famous, and friends to see24西安现在发展很快我相信会越变越好Xian i

7、s now very soon, I believe it will get better25这里的小吃很有名,比如羊肉泡馍,肉夹馍Where the well-known snacks, such as steamed mutton, Rouga Mo26我的话语你能听懂吗?My words you can understand?27我得离开了,希望我的信息可以帮助你I have to leave, I hope my information can help you28请问你们的当中有会说中文的吗?What is your among Chinese-speaking?29我的发音不标准M

8、y pronunciation is not standard30你可以一直走在第二条街右转直走你就可以看见它You can always go straight ahead at the second street turn right you can see it31那里有个醒目的建筑There is a striking building,32你现在在市中心,你要去的地方还在城北You are still in the city center, where youre going north33你要去的地方离这里还有很长一段路Where youre going from here, th

9、ere is still a long way34我建议你乘计程车I suggest you take a taxi35这里没有去那里的公交Did not go to where the bus36很高兴可以帮到你们Glad to help you37我的朋友们在等我再见My friends waiting for me goodbye38你们是韩国人?日本?俄罗斯?美国?英国?法国?德国?You are Korean? Japan? Russia?The United States?Britain? France?Germany?39你的朋友很风趣Your friend is very funny40你们是交流生?You are an exchange student?41原来你们也是在这里上学So you go to school here



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