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1、On the Heights of Despair 站在绝望的巅峰E. M. Cioran齐奥兰Translated and with an Introduction by Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston The University of Chicago Press Chicago & London THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPRESS, CHICAGO 60637THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS, LTD., LONDON 1992 by The University of ChicagoAll rights res

2、erved. Published 1992Printed in the United States of America010099989796 543 ISBN (cloth): 0-226-10670-5 Originally published as Pe culmile disperrii by the Fundaia Pentru Literaturi Art Regele Carol II, 1934. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cioran, E. M. (Emile M.), 1911Pe culmil

3、e disperrii. English On the heights of despair / E.M. Cioran ; translated and with an introduction by Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston. p. cm.Translation of: Pe culmile disperrii.1. Philosophy. I. Title. B99.R652C5613 1990 194dc20 91-35173 CIP ContentsAcknowledgments vii Introduction: Imagining Cioran ix 齐

4、奥兰之印象On Being Lyrical 3 存在中的抒情How Distant Everything Is! 6 多遥远的距离On Not Wanting to Live 8 充满不愿活着的念头The Passion for the Absurd 10 对荒谬的激情The World and I 14 世界与我Weariness and Agony 16 厌恶与苦痛Despair and the Grotesque 18 绝望与怪物The Premonition of Madness 20 疯狂的前兆 On Death 22 死亡 Melancholy 29 忧郁 Nothing Is I

5、mportant 33 一切都不重要Ecstasy 35 着魔The World in Which Nothing Is Solved 37 陷入无法解答之谜的世界The Contradictory and the Inconsequential 39 矛盾与非逻辑 On Sadness 41 悲伤中Total Dissatisfaction 43 不满的总和The Bath of Fire 45 炼狱之火 Disintegration 46 瓦解On the Reality of the Body 48 I Do Not Know 49 我确实不知道On Individual and Cos

6、mic 孤寂和宇宙Loneliness 50 孤寂Apocalypse 52 启示The Monopoly of Suffering 54 被苦难所统治Absolute Lyricism 57 绝对的抒情 The Meaning of Grace 59 别有意味的优雅The Vanity of Compassion 61 空虚的同情 Eternity and Morality 62 永恒与道德Moment and Eternity 64 瞬间与永恒History and Eternity 66 历史与永恒Not to Be a Man Anymore 68 绝不再是个人Magic and Fa

7、tality 70 魔法与天命Unimaginable Joy 72 不可思议The Ambiguity of Suffering 73 不确定的苦难 All Is Dust 74 一切都是垃圾 Enthusiasm as a Form of Love 75 狂热不过是爱的一种形式 Light and Darkness 79 光明与黑暗Renunciation 81 与我无关 The Blessings of Insomnia 83 不眠的祝福On the Transubstantiation of Love 84 变质的爱Man, the Insomniac Animal 85 人,失眠的动

8、物 Truth, What a Word! 87 真理,世界!The Beauty of Flames 88 美丽的光芒 The Paucity of Wisdom 89 智慧的微粒The Return to Chaos 90 混乱的回归 Irony and Self-Irony 91 反讽与自嘲 On Poverty 93 超越贫穷 The Flight from the Cross 95 横插一档 The Cult of Infinity 98 Transfiguration of Banality 101 The Burden of Sadness 103 Degradation thr

9、ough Work 104 The Sense of Endings 106 The Satanic Principle of Suffering 108 An Indirect Animal 111 Impossible Truth 112 Subjectivity 113 Homo . . . 114 Love in Brief 115 Contents Nothing Matters 116 The Sources of Evil 117 Beautys Magic Tricks 119 Mans Inconsistency 120Capitulation 122Facing Silen

10、ce 123 The Double and His Art 124 Nonsense 126 E. M. Cioran: A Short Chronology 127 AcknowledgmentsI thank E. M. Cioran for entrusting me with this book, Matei Calinescu for bringing us together, Mme. Simone Bou and Jennie Lightner for their very helpful editorial suggestions, my cousin, Pedro Pidal

11、 Nano, for the peace of his house by the sea where most of this translation was completed, and last but not least, my husband, Kenneth R. Johnston, whose fine sense of the English language shines forth through the book and helped bring it to life a second time. This translation was made possible by

12、grants from Indiana University (Office of Research & Graduate Development and Russian & East European Institute) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston Introduction: Imagining CioranImagining the author is part of any reading experience. For the translator, even more than for

13、 the ordinary reader, the author, or that fiction named Author, is a personal obsession. Like Jacob who wrestled a mysterious being all night long, the translator struggles silently with the author until he blesses him or lets him go. Like Jacob, he wants to know his opponent, to see him face to fac

14、e, is haunted physically and spiritually by the authors face, his name, his strength, his style. So I struggled with Cioran, and for a long time I imagined him like a spirit conjured up from the lines of his text as from a witchs brew: a leonine head, Zarathustras voice, dramatic poses alternating b

15、etween those of a biblical prophet and a Western dandy. Above all, I saw him as frightfully young and precocious, with an uncanny affinity for suffering and a diabolical propensity for self-torture, an enfant terrible full of somber and cruel vitality, dangerously playing at philosophy, toying with poisonous and lethal thoughts. But my Cioran has a historical dimension still recoverable from a not-too-distant past. He is a young intellectual from Romanias politically troubled interwar period. Along with Eugene lonesco, the absurdist playwright and member of t


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