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1、 BBC数千名记者下月将进行罢工,反对减员措施Thousands of BBC journalists across the nation will hold two days of strike action next month over the threats of compulsory redundancy at the corporation.数千名全国各地的英国播送公司(BBC)记者将于下月进行为期两天的罢工,以针对公司强制裁员的威逼。 TV, radio and online news will be disrupted on Friday 3 April and Thursda

2、y 9 April after nearly 800 members of the National Union of Journalists chapel at the BBC today voted in favour of industrial action in a national ballot.电视,播送以及网络新闻将于4月3日周五,4月9日周四中断,这是今日在全国范围内,近800名全国记者工会(National Union of Journalists)成员投票赞成行动的结果。 More than 1,100 of the unions nearly 4,000 members

3、at the corporation took part in the vote, 77% of whom voted in favour of a strike.在总人数将近4000人的公司工会中,有超过1100人参与了投票,其中77%的人赞成罢工。 The most urgent threat of compulsory cuts is at the World Services South Asian section, where up to 20 members are at risk, the union has said. Staff in Scotland are also un

4、derstood to be under threat.最迫切的强制裁员来自于 World Services South Asian部(按:指BBC制作南亚地区新闻的部门),公会表示那边有20个员工面临失业威逼。苏格兰的员工也感处处在威逼之中。 The NUJ general secretary, Jeremy Dear, said: “Journalists at the South Asian services have been fighting a heroic struggle against the outsourcing of their jobs . now they have

5、 the weight of thousands of NUJ members at the BBC behind them.“全国记者工会(NUJ)秘书长,Jeremy Dear,说道:“ South Asian services的记者已经针对业务外包做了勇敢的斗争现在,他们有记者公会数千名记者做后盾。” London-based journalists on the BBC Hindi, Nepali, and Urdu radio programmes and websites have already held a one-day strike over the proposed cu

6、ts.位于伦敦的印地语,尼泊尔语以及乌尔都语播送节目记者,和网站制作记者已经进行了一天的罢工*取消这些节目。 Union representatives from across the BBC, meeting today, condemned the threat hanging over colleagues and called on management to enter “meaningful negotiations“ and withdraw the threat of compulsory redundancies.来自BBC上下的工会代表,在今日进行会议,责备这一覆盖在员工之

7、上的威逼,并呼吁治理层进展“有意义的谈判”并撤销所谓强制裁员的威逼。The union said it was opposed to compulsory redundancies in all parts of the BBC, adding that the strike would take place if further talks with BBC management “fail to resolve the issue“.公会说他们反对BBC任何部门的强制裁员,还补充假如同BBC治理层进一步的会谈“解决不了问题”的话,将会进行罢工。 It also said it was co

8、ncerned by efforts by some World Service managers to “coerce“ staff in the South Asia service in to accepting redundancy packages.公会表示,他们尤其关注到一些World Service的经理“勒令”南亚部的员工承受裁员方案。 A spokesman for the World Service told the suggestion that staff were being coerced was “complete nons

9、ense“. “Staff are talking to us voluntarily, there is no coercion whatsoever,“ the spokesman said.一名World Service的发言人对说,所谓员工被“勒令”的说法是“空穴来风”。 ”员工是自愿同我们谈话的,没有任何所谓的强迫,“发言人说道。 “No one is facing imminent compulsory redundancy at the BBC South Asian service. We are still in the process

10、of seeking volunteers and finding opportunities for redeployment and we are optimistic that we will find a satisfactory outcome.“BBC南亚部没有一个员工正在面临将来的强制裁员。我们还在处在寻求志愿者,以及为他们的重新安置谋求时机的过程中。而且我们对能找到一个满足的结果表示乐观。” The NUJ said it intended to meet with representatives of the Bectu and Unite unions to co-ordinate a response.全国记者工会说将和同播送消遣电影与剧院工会(Bectu)和总工会协调后才作出回应。



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