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1、小学英语问候语教案设计本教案主要围绕how are you ?及其相应的四种应答句展开教学。综观本册的上半册内容,从第一单元的hello /hi! ,第二单元的good morning /good afternoon /nice to meet you ,第四单元的goodbye !/see you /good night ,到本单元的how are you ?互致问候的礼貌用语贯穿始终。随着学生学习内容的增多,教师在教学过程中应经常复习学过的问候语,并鼓励学生在平时的生活、学习中尽量用英语互致问候,自觉将所英语运用于日常交际中。teaching demands:你好,我叫XXX。我就读于XX

2、小学X年级X班。我X岁了。我非常喜欢X。你呢?如今让我为大家唱首歌吧。我的介绍到此完毕。谢谢聆听。1、 能学会使用问候语 how are you ?及其四种应答语。2、 能听懂、会说以下八个学惯用品类单词 a pen ,a book ,a rubber ,a pencil ,a pencil box ,a ruler , a ball pen , a pencil sharpener .3、 会唱歌曲hello ! how are you ?teaching mainpoints and difficult points :1. 能学会使用问候语how are you ?及其四种应答语:fin

3、e ,thank you / fine ,thank you ,and you ? im fine ,too /not bad ,thank you /not so good .2. 听懂、会说八个文具类单词,并能以升调进展问答练习,答语为yes or no.teaching aids:a cassette ,pictures, masks , a smiling face , a crying face , school things .allocation of time:the first period: a. learn to say .the second period : b lo

4、ok and learn .the third period: c look and say .the fourth period : d fun house .Hi! My Chinese name is Ma Fangyu. My English name is Jane. Im a happy girl. I live in Nanzhuang Cun. My birthday is in December. My favorite colour is purple. My favorite pet is lovely dog. I have two big black eyes. I

5、like English very much. Every day I go to school on foot. I like my school. There are 25 students in my class. I love my school. This is me.the first period: a learn to say .teaching aims :1. enable the ss to understand and say “how are you ?” “fine ,thank you , and you ” “not bad ”or “not so good .

6、”2. raise the ss interest to learn english.3. encourage the ss to have good cooperation with one another.teaching contents :how are you ? fine ,thank you .( and you?)not bad ,thank you .not so good.im fine ,too . im sorry .teaching procedures :step1. warming up exercise .1. greetings the ss: good mo

7、rning /afternoon ,class? glad to see you !2. revision : show me your english book ,show me your rubber ,etc .what colour is it?3. now ,lets sing ,ok ? (“hi, nancy”.“colour song”)step2. presentationa. lets talk .(1) lets make a dialogue :t:(toy peter) hello ,im peter, nice to meet you .ss:hello,peter

8、.sa : hello ,peter, im .sc: nice to meet you ,peter.t :nice to meet you ,too .(2) lets listen to the tape ,please listen carefully, then answer my questions :a. how many kids do you know ?b. what do you remember?c. who is not so good ?(3) teach and learn : how are you ?/fine ,thank you .a. t holds u

9、p two fingers (the two fingers are opposed)finger 1: hi, how are you ?finger 2: fine ,thank you .(twice times )b. follow me and practise hi, how are you ?fine ,thank you .c. practice in pairs .d.check (single or part work )e.lets sing together .hello!how are you !(1) learn to say : fine ,thank you ,

10、and (how are )you ?A second study showed that men who ate fish at least five times a week had a 40 per cent lower risk of developing colorectal cancer pared with men who ate fish less than once a week.a. finger1: hi ,how are you ?finger 2: fine ,thank you ,and how are you ?finger1: im fine ,too .b.

11、read after the t.c. mainpoints:and how are you ?/and you ?im fine ,too .d.ss say and do .(2) learn to say : not bad a. please say “how are you ?”to me.ss: how are you ? miss t: not bad (smiling and swinging your arms )b. read after the t and do what the t does .c. please say “not bad ”loudly .d. sin

12、g:“hello !how are you ?not bad ,thank you ,”step3 presentation .1. learn to say : not so good ,im sorry .a. t shows the pictures and asks : what is yangling saying about ?im fine ?not bad? not so good ?作为班里的一名小干部,我从二年级起一直坚持为班级出好每一个月的黑板报,每期的黑板报排版、书写、图画,都精心设计,得到了教师和同学们的好评,每当看到教师和同学们赞许的目光,总能让我感到我的付出和得到

13、同样是快乐的。b. say :“not so good .”c. practice in pairs .d. lets sing (tune /tju:n/ 调子:two tigers )( lyric/5lirik/ 歌词 :good afternoon ,yangling , how are you ? not so good . im sorry ,)step4 consolidation .1. listen to the tape .2. try to repeat .3. read after the tape .4. action .step5 homework :practic

14、e the dialogues to your parents .designing of writing on the blackboard .礼貌问候语英语想找一些关于英语的问候语吗?下面是为大家搜集的英语礼貌问候语。一、Basic Expressions问候根本用语Good morning afternoon ,evening ,John .早安(午安,晚安),约翰。Hi, John.嗨,约翰。Hi, Mark .how are you doing?嗨,马克。你好吗?Fine. And you?不错。你呢?Hello,Jane. How are you?哈罗,珍。你好吗?pretty g

15、ood. Thanks. And you?很不错,谢谢。你呢?Whats upheld? Nothing much.怎么了?没什么。Whats happening?近来好吗?Nothing much .Im just taking one day at a time.没什么。我只是过一天算一天。How are you feeling today?你今天觉得怎样?风清清云淡淡,雨细细情绵绵,相识便是缘!相知就是份!让短信捎去我的祝福!让电波带去我的思念!让信息带走你的烦恼,让我祝福你!Just so so.普通。How is it going?托太阳公公轻轻的叩醒你沉睡的心灵,将暖暖的阳光洒满你全身,愿你精神抖擞信心百倍的迎接新的一天,朋友,早安!近况如何。Hows everything with you?你的一切如何?Hi! Are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗?How have you been (feeling)?你近来如何?So far so good.到目前还好。Greetings with people Meet Often问候常见面的人Hi, there


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