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1、_八年级英语阶段检测 单元5-6一、 词汇(15%) 1 Can you name the four great -(发明) of China? 2 I -(收到) three letters from my mother since I came here. 3 Could you give me a-(信息) to Mr Black? 4 She succeeded in -(展示) her plan to the class. 5 The two cities are -(连接) by a river. 6 I was the only -(乘客) on the bus. 7 Her v

2、oice -(听起来) sweeter than music in his ears. 8 He told us a -(幽默的)story , and we all laughed. 9 We have built lots of new -(工厂) these years. 10. Ive been -(搜索;搜查) for my dog.二、 单选(15%)1Mr King told us that he -on a trip after three weeks.A would go B will go C goes D has gone2Jenny felt like -home la

3、st winter holiday.A to go B going C went D had gone3I have known him- she was youngA when B before C since D until4When I reached the station, the train -.A leaves B left C has left D had left5After I finished - the story . He was too excited to fall asleep.A tell B telling C to tell D told6Mike did

4、nt go to bed - his father came backA since B after C till D if7-you -Zhang Qiang yet ?A Do know B Did know C Havent known D Had know8It -the pupil only half an hour to finish it .A had B cost C made D took9As he was badly ill,-he had to stay at home.A and B but C then D /10-Must I finish the exercis

5、e this afternoon?-Yes,you -. But you -finish it now.A must mustnt B must dont have to C may neednt D may mustnt11. -_have you been studying English? -Since two years ago.A when B How far C How long D How often12-Has Tom come -?- Yes. He has - been here for 10 minutes.A yet already B already yet C al

6、ready still D yet yet13.-Im going on a trip to Japan after the exam. - Really?-A. Have a nice time B. Congratulations! C OK D Its nice of you14He came here - his car ,not -bus。A by by B in in C by in D in by15-Do you know -?-In 2000.A who invent it B when it invent C when was it invented D when it w

7、as invented三、情景会话(10%)A:Hi!Could you speak to Miss Zhao, please?B:-1-Er, Im sorry she isnt here now. Can I have a message for her? A:-2-,but I want to talk to her about my daughter, Mary. I would like to see her as soon as possible.B:-3-?A:Sorry. Im busy every day except today.B:Do you think you are

8、 able to come this afternoon?A:I think so. -4-?B:Between 4:00 and 5:00.A:OK.B:Ill leave a message on her deskA:-5-.B:Youre welcome.( ) 1.A Just a moment, please B What do you do C She is busy D Who are you( ) 2. A How are you B Thats very kind of you C Its my pleasure D Im sorry( ) 3.A Are you free

9、tomorrow B What about this morning C Are you free this afternoon D Are you busy( ) 4. A how long B How often C What time D How soon( ) 5. A What can I do for you B Thank you C Thats nothing D Never mind四、完行填空(15%)Mark was a farmer. He lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and every

10、one-1-he would die. They -2- for a doctor. Two days -3- the doctor came and examined the sick man. The doctor asked for a pen and some paper to write -4- the names of the medicine. But there was no pen -5- paper in the village. Because no one could read or write.The doctor -6- up a piece of burnt wo

11、od from the fire. Then he used the wood and wrote the names of the medicines on the door of the house.“get this medicine-7- him.”He said,“And he will soon get -8-.”Marks family and friends did not know -9- to do. They could not read the strange words. Then the village barker-10-of an idea. He got of

12、f the door of the house, put it on his cart and drove to the nearest hospital . He bought the medicine, and Mark was son well again.( ) 1.A afraid B wanted C thought D knew( ) 2.A took B saw C asked D sent( ) 3.A later B late C ago D before( ) 4.A on B in C down D with( ) 5.A and B or C then D also(

13、 ) 6.A picked B held C took D looked( ) 7.A to B with C at D for( ) 8.A better B worst C bad D good( ) 9.A where B what C who D which( ) 10.A thought B found C looked for D saw五、阅读理解 (30%)(A)There are fifty states in the United States. The largest in population is California, the largest in area is Alaska. Alaska is the smallest in population and Rhode Island is the smallest in size. The oldest states are the ones along the Atlantic coast. The newest states are Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska is also the coldest state. California and



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