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1、英文26个字母书写、学习巧记忆字母书写歌字母书写有规格, 左倾五度正适合。大写一律上两格, 不顶线是原则。头上有辫上两格, (b,d,h,k);有尾下面两格托, (g,q,y);无辫无尾中间格, (a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z);唯有f三格点, j,p中下两格多,i,t中上一格半。对照课本仔细看, 养成书写好习惯。巧记26个字母二十六个字母整理成一段有趣的顺口溜:金字塔AAA,汉堡包BBB,小耳朵CCC,月饼切半DDD;木头梳子EEE,金钥匙是F,抽水马桶GGG。梯子是H,火腿肠是I,大钩 子JJJ,机关枪KKK;LL象锄头,MM是高山,NN滑滑梯。大鸭蛋OOO,小旗子P

2、PP,鸡蛋打破QQQ;P系围巾是R,半个“8”字是S,电线杆TTT。小水杯UUU,胜利手势VVV,手拉手W;小叉叉X,大弹弓是Y,小板凳ZZZ” 针对孩子易把“L、M、N”顺序弄混淆的情况,用顺口溜“拿着锄头(L)上高山(M),下了高山玩滑梯(N)”巧记大小写字母大A箭头指上方, 小a系辫好模样;大B耳朵右边长, 小b食指指向上;大C吃饭把嘴张, 小c大C一个样;大D肚子圆又胖, 小d五线谱里藏;大E将山竖着放, 小e像鱼肉真香;大F像旗杆上绑, 小f像个小拐杖;大G让C挂条棍, 小g大辫真正长;大H工字放倒写, 小h椅子侧着放;大I工字中间长, 小i像人跪地上;大J长得多像“厂”, 小j子弹

3、射出枪;大K伸臂又踢腿, 小k稍息把事想;大L指针三点过, 小l像根火腿肠;大M山峰尖又尖, 小m鼻孔出气长;大N闪电实在怕, 小n单门墙上装;大O鸡蛋喷喷香, 小o蛋小人人抢;大P圆旗高飘扬, 小p旗小英姿爽;大Q西瓜连藤摘, 小q和9很相似;大R和P右踢腿, 小r路灯明又亮;大S弯弯溪流淌, 小s像8没合上;大T铁锤当当响, 小t像个大写七;大U陷阱在下方, 小u将n倒着放;大V竖起两手指, 小v长个尖下巴;大W是M朝天躺, 小w将v弄成双;大X像叉画本上, 小x剪刀裁衣忙;大Y弹弓没皮筋, 小y比v多尾巴;大Z和2最相像, 小z呼噜声最响。字母读音儿歌A little antA, a,

4、its for ant. Its a little ant. Ant, ant, a little ant. Its working hard.A bottle of beerB, b, its for beer. Heres a bottle of beer. Beer, beer, a bottle of beer. Dad likes it very much.A big cinemaC, c, its for cinema.a big cinema. Cinema, cinema, a big cinema. Lets go to the cinema.My DadD, d, its

5、for Dad. This is my Dad. Dad, dad, my dad. I love my dad very much.My eyesE, e, its for eye. I have two eyes. Eyes, eyes, my eyes. The world is in my eyes.A nice fishF, f, its for fish. Its a nice fish. Fish, fish, a nice fish. Its swimming in the pool.A white goatG, g, its for goat. Its a white goa

6、t. Goat, goat, a white goat. Its eating grass in the field.A big hamburgerH, h, its for hamburger. Its a big hamburger. Hamburger, hamburger, a big hamburger. I like eating the hamburger.A yummy ice-creamI, i, its for ice-cream. Its a yummy ice-cream. Ice-cream, ice-cream, a yummy ice-cream. We like

7、 the ice-cream.A new jacketJ, j, its for jacket. Its a new jacket. Jacket, jacket, a new jacket. Im wearing the new jacket.A beautiful kiteK, k, its for kite. Its a beautiful kite. Kite, kite, a beautiful kite. Its flying in the skyMummy loves meL, l, its for love. Mummy loves me. Love, love, mummy

8、loves me. I love my mummy too.A bright moonM, m, its for moon. Its a bright moon. Moon, moon, a bright moon. I want to fly to the moon.A bowl of noodleN, n, its for noodle. Heres a bowl of noodle. Noodle, noodle, a bowl of noodle. I like eating the noodle.A big orangeO, o, its for orange. Its a big

9、orange. Orange, orange, a big orange. Its sweet and juicy.My pianoP, p, its for piano. Its my piano. Piano, piano, my piano. I can play the piano.A beautiful queenQ, q, its for queen. Its a beautiful queen. Queen, queen, a beautiful queen. I want to be the queen.A sitting-roomR, r, its for room. Its

10、 a sitting-room. Room, room, a sitting-room. My daddy is in the sitting-room.Our new schoolS, s, its for school. Its our new school. School, school, our new school. Welcome to our school.A good teacherT, t, its for teacher. This is a good teacher. Teacher, teacher, a good teacher. The teacher teache

11、s us very well.My uncleU, u, its for uncle. This is my uncle. Uncle, uncle, my uncle. Hes very humor.A new violinV, v, its for violin. Its a new violin. Violin, violin, a new violin. Can you play the violin?A magic windowW, w, its for window. Its a magic window. Window, window, a magic window. Its t

12、he magicians window.A X-ray roomX, x, its for X-ray. Heres an X-ray room. X-ray, X-ray, X-ray room. The doctor is in the X-ray room.A yellow bananaY, y, its for yellow. Its a yellow banana. Yellow, yellow, a yellow banana. Im eating the yellow banana.A big zooZ, z, its for zoo. Its a big zoo. Zoo, z

13、oo, a big zoo. Lets go to the zoo.英语26个字母与谚语A is for art. Art is long, life is short.A 代表“艺术”。艺术是永恒的,生命是短暂的。B is for blood. Blood is thicker than water.B 代表“血”。血浓于水。C is for children. Children and fools speak the truth.C 代表“孩子”。孩子和傻子都说真话。D is for diligence. Diligence is the mother of success.D 代表“勤奋”。勤奋是成功之母。E is for education. Education is the chief defense of nations.E 代表“教育”。教育是国家的主要防御力量。F is for friendship. Friendship is love with understanding.F 代表“友谊”。友谊是爱加上理解。G is for genius. Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.G 代表“天才”。天才就是勤奋加努力。H is for ha


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