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1、小学英语社交用语之问路、指路素材问路、指路【问路常用语】1. Excuse me. Where is the post office?2. Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital? / How can I g et to No. 4 Middle School?3. Excuse me. Which bus goes to World Park? / Which bus should I take to the po st office?4. Excuse me. Which is the way to the

2、 Bank of China? / Could you tell me the wa y to the station, please?5. Excuse me. Where does this street lead to? / Does this road lead to the zoo, please?6. Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Red Rose Hotel? / Am I going in the right direction to the police station?【指路常用语】1. It s over there.2.

3、 Its between the cinema and the fruit shop. / Its next to / in front of /behind / on the left (right) side of the library.3. It s (in / on / to the) south / north / west / east of the park.4. Its about 400 meters from here. / Its about five minuteswalk from here.5. Go down / along this street until

4、you see the tall red building. You can tmiss it. / 6. Turn right / left at the first / second crossing / turning / corner.7. You can take Bus No. 103. / You d better take a taxi.8. Sorry, I don t know. I m a stranger here, too.Excuse me , can you tell me where the railway station is? 对不起,请问火车站在哪儿?Ex

5、cuse me, but can you tell me the way to the train station? 劳驾,请问去火车站怎么走?Excuse me, could you tell me which is the way to the nearest hospital? 请问去近来的医院怎么走?Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the post office? 请告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗?Excuse me, would you mind telling me the way to the police station?

6、对不起,请告诉我去警察局怎么走好吗?Excuse me, could you give me some directions? 请你给我指指路好吗?Excuse me, can you direct me to the post office? 请问到邮局怎么走?Excuse me, where s the mens ( ladies ), please? 请问男(女)洗手间在什么地方?Excuse me, where s the bus station, please? 请问公共汽车站在什么地方?Excuse me, how can I get to the No. 1 Middle Sch

7、ool? 请问去一中怎么走?Excuse me, could you tell me where there is a public telephone? 请问哪儿有公用电话?Excuse me, is this the right way to the People s Park ? 请问去人民公园走这条路对吗?Excuse me, does this bus go to the train station? 请问这公共汽车是开火车站的吗?Excuse me, I wonder if you could do me a favour. I m looking for the policest

8、ation? 对不起,不知能否帮我,我在找警察局。Is this the only way to get there? 去那处只有这一条路吗?Which is the best way to get there? 去那处走哪条路最好呢?What street is this? 这是什么街?Where does this street lead to? 这条街通什么地方?Go down this street, and turn to the left at the first crossing.沿着这条街走,在第一个十字路口向左拐。Go straight on, then turn right

9、 at the second crossing.素来走,在第二个十字路口向右拐。Go down the road and you ll come to a bus stop.沿着这条路走,你会走到一个公共汽车站。Go straight ahead about 300 metres.往前素来走300 米。Go straight ahead until you come to a tall building, then turn left.素来往前走,素来走到一座高楼,尔后向左拐。Go this way about 5 minutes. When you come to a lane, turn

10、right.沿着这条路大体走5 分钟。当你走到一条小巷时,尔后向右拐。Keep going until you see a big white building on your left.连续往前走,素来走到左边有座白色建筑。Keep straight on for two blocks.素来往前走,走过两条马路。Walk until you get to the second crossing and then turn right.素来走到第二个十字路口,尔后向右拐。Walk one block east.朝东走过一个街区。Take the first turning on to the

11、left.在第一个拐弯处向左拐。Just follow this street two blocks.沿着这条街走过两个街区就到。Cross the street and turn left.过了这条街,尔后向左拐。It s over there.就在那里。It s just around the corner.就在拐角处。It s just across the street.就在街那里。It s opposite the post office.在邮局对面。It s next to the hospital.就在医院近邻。It s near the train station.就在火车站周

12、边。It s on the third floor.在三楼。It s not far from here.离这儿不远。It s about 200 metres from here.离这儿大体 300 米。It s about five minutes walk.走路五分钟就到。It s about half an hour s ride.乘车大体半小时。It s only two blocks.只过两条马路就到。It s at the end of the street.在这条街的终点。Take the No 5 bus here, and get off at the next stop.

13、在这里乘五路车,在下一站下车。注意 :1. 在向人问路从前,一般应先说句Excuse me, 这样一方面可引起对方注意,另一方面又显得比较客气。 Excuse me,译成汉语不用然总是“对不起”,此时也可译为“劳驾”,“请问”等。若对方讲的话你没听清,你可以说I beg your pardon? (用升调,意为:对不起,我没听清) 或 Would you please say itagain ? I m afraid I didn t quite catchyou. (请再说一遍好吗?我生怕没有完好听清)。问完路此后,应向指路人表示感谢。2.“向左(右)拐”英语有两种常有的说法:turn left ( right ) 或 turn tothe left(right)。表示“在左(右)边”,英语用介词on 或 at均可。如 Turn leftand walkon, and soon youll see a tall building on at the left.(向左拐,尔后连续走,不久你就会看到左边有一座高楼)。别的,依照我国的交通规则是“行人靠右”,而在英国你会看到这样的交通标牌Keep to the left



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