5A Revision Unit3-6 教学设计.docx

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1、5A Revision Unit3-6 教学设计【教学内容】本节课是5A Unit3-6的复习课,主题分别是宠物、爱好、职业和网友,Unit4-6这三课都是围绕着人的话题开展的,所以本次复习课的主线就是3个来自不同国家的朋友,用神奇校车串联了起来。主要复习的单词有身体部位类、动作类、职业类和国家类单词;句型有How old is he? What does he do? What does he like? Does he like doing.? What can he do? Can he? 及其回答,拓展的句型是Where does he come from/ live in? 需要着重

2、突破的难点是第三人称单数形式和like+ing形式。【教学目标】1.学生能够熟练掌握已学的身体部位类、动作类、职业类和国家类单词,运用动词的第三人称单数变形。2.学生能够运用第三人称单数形式来问答人物的基本信息,能用Its. It has. It can. 来介绍动物。3.开发学生的语篇阅读和提取关键信息的能力。4.提升情感教育:感受中国的美景和文化。【教材分析】教学重点:1.复习第三人称单数的变形和like+ing形式。2.将所学句型整合,学生能够达到语段输出。 教学难点:学生需要将所学知识融会贯通,根据图片完成大量表达。【设计理念】课程一开始挑选乘客的游戏是为了帮助学生分清三单名词,由于电

3、脑触屏出现了问题,这个游戏没能顺利开展,但是台下的学生看的较为认真,游戏的目的基本能够达成。接着神奇校车依次开到了美国、加拿大和中国。在美国我们认识了篮球教练Tom,这第一个朋友是帮助学生回顾关于个人信息的问题:How old is he? Where does he live in? What does he do? What does he like?等。这个环节以选词填空这种较为简单的形式介绍人物,并且通过篮球游戏请学生练习三单动词的变形,自己总结规律。在第二个国家加拿大学生认识了厨师Zekro,我没有直接告诉学生他的个人信息,而是要求他们根据关键词来提问,自行翻阅Zekro的朋友圈寻找

4、答案,这是要考验学生的综合能力,不仅要读懂文字,还要从中提取有用的信息,组合成正确答案。这个环节有一个笔头练习,把Zekro的名片卡从第一人称改写成第三人称,由于时间有限,没有细致的核对学生的三单变形是否写正确了。为了复习Unit3的知识点,在Zekro的餐厅里简要介绍了两个宠物,但是一带而过的,有些许生硬。前两个环节都是用思维导图的形式呈现的,所以第三个环节直接让学生听Mike的信息然后完成思维导图,最后根据提示完整地介绍Mike。本课的窗体顶端【教学道具准备】1. 希沃白板5课件2. 前学单3. 课堂练习单4. 带有人物信息的板书窗体底端【教学过程】Step1 Warming upPlay

5、 a video Magic school bus before the class.1. Free talkT:Whats your name? How old are you? What did you see in the videoSs: I can see a school bus.2. Make new friendsT: Great! Its a magic school bus. Today we are going to get on it and make new friends. Only The Third Person Singular From can get on

6、 the bus. Lets choose them.Step2 Presentation1. RevisionSs clear the definition of The Third Person Singular FormSs play a game about it and choose correct words and phrases.2. About TomT leads Ss to ask questions about age, country, job, hobbies and abilities. Ss try to describe according to the ph

7、otos.Questions & Answers:How old is he? Maybe he is . years old.Where does he come from/ live in? He comes from/ lives in the US.What does he do? He is a teacher. / He teaches PE.What does he like? He likes playing basketball/ eating Chinese food/ traveling/ doing exercise. He doesnt like skiing.Doe

8、s he like doing.? Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.What can he do? He can write/ speak Chinese.Can he? Yes, he can./ No, he cant. Ss fill in the blanks according to the pictures.Tom is 54 years old. He is tall and strong. He in the . He is a . He PE. He playing , Chinese food, traveling doing exercise.

9、he not like . He with his hand. He always to China. So he Chinese well.Play a video about Tom and his student.A basketball gameSs play a game and then summarize+s: take live help make say come write like work +es: watch wash teach go do变y为i,+es: fly study carry 特殊变化:have变为has3. About Zekro Competiti

10、onBoys VS GirlsSs ask questions about age, country, job, hobbies, abilities, family, pets quickly. Read and findSs look for useful information from the We-chat Detailed reading Introduction cardSs change the dialogue form the first person from to the third person singular form.He _ 65 years old. He

11、_ a cook. He _ a restaurant. He _ pizza and salad in _ restaurant. He also _ cooking. There are 6 people in _ family. _ wife is a nurse. At weekends, his son _ house. Sons wife _ the violin. His grandson _. His granddaughter _ fruit. He _ friends, _ the drum and _ a plane. Video of Zekro Pets Listen

12、 and guess rabbit Look and say parrot4. MikeSs finish the listening exerciseMike is a driver. He loves China very much. Lets get on his school bus to enjoy view of China. T: Is it beautiful? We are lucky to live in China.Homework:1. Review Unit3-6.2. Find more friends by magic school bus. 【教学反思】这堂课的目标是让学生在掌握教材内容的基础上有所提升,尽可能多地语言输出,但是我没有教过高年级,对教材解读不够,对学生所学知识的把握不准确,课程中涉及到了一些比较难的词汇,以至于部分学生表达不出来,课堂氛围有点尴尬。接下来需要落实到书本,尽量让大部分学生能够参与活动。


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