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1、第四单元测验卷一、根据中文意思写英文。家 窗户 椅子 床 门 二、根据中文提示,选出正确答案1、朋友来你家,你说:AWelcome to my home. B. I have a nice home.C. I like my home.2、你告诉别人你喜欢你的学校,可以说:AMy school is big. B. I like my school. C. This is my school.3.你很喜欢你朋友 的房间,你对她说:A. You have a room. B. Is it your room?B. Its a nice room ,I like it.4. 你让别人开门,可以说:

2、A. Open the door ,please. B.Go to the door ,please.C. Is this a door ?5.狗在卧室里,你说:A. The dog is in the bathroom. B. The dog is in the bedroom.C. The dog is in the kitchen.三、连词造句。1. like ,I, classroom, my 2. is , this , pen , my , welcome, my ,home. 4.they ,are , in , the room. 5. is , this, your

3、, bedroom. 四、根据问句,找出相应的答语。( )1.Is Sarah in the study? A.Its on the table. ( )2.Where is my new bag? B.Yes,they are. ( )3.Are they on the sofa? C.No,she isnt. ( )4.Where are you? D.I can see a bed. ( )5.What can you see in my room? E.We are in the living room.五、把下列句子排成一段通顺的话。( 1)Mom,where is my math

4、book? ( )What colour is it? ( )Look, it is on the fridge. ( )No,it isnt. ( )I dont know.Is it on the shelf?( )Its yellow and blue. ( 7)Oh,thank you,Mom.六 阅读短文, 判断对错. Mike: Mom, where are my glasses(眼镜)?Mom: Are they on the desk?Mike: No, they arent.Mom: Are they on the bed?Mike: No, I cant see them(它们).Mom: Look, they are in your hand.Mike: Oh, yes, thanks, mom.1. Mike is looking for(正在找)his glasses. ( )2. Mikes glasses are on the desk. ( )3. Mike cant see his glasses on the bed. ( )4. Mikes glasses are on the bed. ( )5. Mike is a careless(粗心) boy. ( )



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