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1、 2022年6月英语六级阅读理解备考:真题长难句(4) The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage. (2022年12月) 【分析】本句为复合句,主架为The key will be。to abandon sustainability为不定式作表语。which centre on the need damage为非限制性定语从

2、句,修饰的是measures of sustainability。 【译文】关键是要摒弃简洁的、一成不变的可持续进展的方法,这些方法以满意生产需要但又不增加对环境的破坏为中心。 17. That is a much larger question than what should happen with undocumented workers, or how best to secure the border, and it is one that affects not only newcomers but groups that have been here for generation

3、s. (2022年12月) 【分析】本句为and连接的并列复合句,主架为That is a larger question and it is one。much修饰larger。than后接了两个由or连接的宾语从句:what should workers和how best border。that groups为定语从句,修饰的是one。在该定语从句中,谓语affects后跟两个由并列构造not only but 连接的宾语,分别是newcomers和groups。that have been here for generations为定语从句,修饰的是groups。 【译文】这个问题,比“对

4、没有合法身份的工人应当实行什么政策”、“怎样才能保证边疆安全”之类的问题要重要得多,它不但影响到新移民,也影响到那些在美国生活了好几代的族群。 18. In time, Italians, Romanians and members of other so-called inferior races became exemplary Americans and contributed greatly, in ways too numerous to detail, to the building of this magnificent nation. (2022年12月) 【分析】本句为简洁句

5、,主架为Italians, Romanians and members became Americans and contributed to the building。of other so-called inferior races为介词短语作后置定语,修饰members。in ways too numerous to detail为插入语。 【译文】随着时间的消逝,意大利人、罗马尼亚人以及其他被称作“劣等民族”的人成为了美国人中的典范,他们以各种各样的方式为建立宏大的美国奉献良多。 19. But as arguments about immigration heat up the ca

6、mpaign trail, we also ought to ask some broader questions about assimilation, about how to ensure that people, once outsiders, dont forever remain marginalized within these shores. (2022年12月) 【分析】本句为复合句,主架为we ought to ask questions。But表转折。as arguments campaign trail为时间状语从句。about, about为介词短语作后置定语,修饰q

7、uestions。how to ensure为宾语从句,作about的宾语。that peopleshores为宾语从句,作ensure的宾语,在该从句中,once outsiders为插入语。 【译文】在总统竞选活动中,移民问题又再次升温,我们应当问些更广泛的有关“同化”的问题,即如何保证这些过去的局外人不会在这个国度永久处于边缘地位。 20. Sustainable development is applied to just about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a result i

8、t has become difficult to question either the basic assumptions behind it or the way the concept is put to use. (2022年12月) 【分析】本句为并列复合句。本句主干为development is applied to everything, and it has become difficult to question。from to 意为“从到”,from to growth修饰everything。as a result表示结果。either or 意为“或者或者”,either or the way 作question的宾语。the concept is put to use是定语从句,先行词为way,在这里可以不用引导词。 【译文】可持续进展被应用到了从能源到干净水和经济增长的几乎每个领域。结果,要想质问这一概念背后的根本假设或者这一概念是如何被执行的,就变得很困难。


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