3 Healthy or unhealthy1.doc

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《3 Healthy or unhealthy1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《3 Healthy or unhealthy1.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、6A Healthy or unhealthy教学设计一、教学目标:1.能听、说、读、写单词和词组:healthy, unhealthy, hamburger, pie, pizza, sandwich, cola, a little。 2.能灵活运用句“What did you have for this morning? I had ”来询问和回答吃过的一日三餐。 3.在阅读、交流、讨论的过程中,进一步理解“healthy, unhealthy”的意义,懂得什么样的饮食对身体健康有益,什么样的饮食不易于身体健康。 4.通过了解各种食物的摄入量,学会合理膳食,树立健康饮食的理念。 二、教学重

2、难点:1.学生能正确区分并使用some, a little, a lot of, a few。2.通过活动培养和提高学生说的能力。三、教学过程: Step 1: 歌曲导入,复习旧知 1. Greeting to students.T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning, Mrs zhang !T: How was your weekend? S: It was.;2. Students look at the video and sing the song. Step 2: 游戏教学,新授单词 1. Show the pictures,

3、 get students to understand the meaning of the topic . healthy unhealthy2、Show the pictures about different food. Get students choose which is healthy, and which is unhealthy.Step3:教师点拨,难点讲解 1. Show the text, get students read the dialogue. And to learn the new words: hamburger pizza pie2.Look at th

4、e picture, get students to learn the difference between “a few, a little. some and a lot”. 3. Make some sentences about these words. Step4: 句型操练,巩固提升 1. Ask and answer Get students look at the pictures, and answer my questions: a. What does Kitty have for breakfast?b. What does Peter have for breakf

5、ast?c. What does Jill have for breakfast?2. Do a survey Get students do a survey in the group and using the target languageWhat did you have for breakfast?I had for breakfast.Step5: 自查 Get students do a quiz, to know if he or she is healthy or unhealthy.Step6:当堂检测板书设计: Healthy or unhealthyhamburger What did you have for breakfast?pie I had for breakfast.Pizza 蒋瑶


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