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1、二是用来辅助测试使用的数据2012年09月03日|作者: songhoubo|分类: 办公软件|系列原创:性能测试新手误区测试环境的重要性无需多说,大家都知道测试环境要尽量的模拟生产环境,当然也包括数据。这样测试的结果才会更加准确的反应真实的性能。就连开发过程,都已经开始在大数据量下加压开发了。那么,关于测试数据,你了解多少呢?通常说的测试数据可以分为两类:一是为了测试性能而准备的数据,这是用来模拟“压力”的数据。也就是常说的数据量、历史数据等。 中。那么我们要测这个打分的操作,首先就要保证有可用的案件,这就需要去生成测试数据,该数据可能一经使用就失效了(已经打过分就不能再打了)。这样,每 次

2、测试这个功能,就需要准备这样一批数据。这里的测试数据,更多的是和测试流程有关,是为了能够正常的进行测试,而不是涉及到性能的。我们这里要说的是第一类,对性能测试结果产生直接影响的数据。先看两个小案例,涉及到了案件表(T_AJ)和法院编号列(N_FY)、立案日期列(D_LARQ)。案件表中模拟了一百万测试数据,测试简单的查询操作,根据经验,预期响应时间在2秒之内。案例1. 查询本院案件列表,相应的SQL如下:经排查,生成的100W测试数据中,所有的N_FY列值都为10。这样,最明显的问题就是,查询的结果集数量完全偏离了正常范围。如果实际有 100家法院,正常分布下,每家法院只有1W的案件,但测试数

3、据的FY只有一个值,通过这个查询,查出了原来100家法院的数据。无论是在数据库处理中 (如本例的排序),还是在程序的处理中(如展现或者是对数据做进一步处理),两者的性能差异都是很显著的。所以这个测试结果是无效的。有人说,这个例子太弱了,结果集差了100倍,性能当然不一样了。那是不是数据总量和结果集大小都一致,测试结果就是有效了呢?案例2.查询本院一个月内收的案件,相应SQL如下:7款秋季美味鱼减肥食谱2012年08月24日|作者: songhoubo|分类: 健康资讯|7款秋季美味的鱼的饮食你也想苗条的美丽的秋天,美丽的季节可以达到美丽的爱情。到了秋天,减肥计划不能懈怠放松。告诉你属于的重量美

4、味的鱼秋季的饮食,不仅可以有效地阻 止脂肪细胞的生长,而且还可以防止脂肪细胞增殖肥胖。特别是对于有遗传倾向的肥胖人群涞水,改善饮食习惯,用鱼来代替肉类,能很好地控制肥胖哦!体重和美 容份额的7款美味的鱼减肥饮食:A,柠檬的鲭鲨鳍身体材料(2-3肯):鲭鱼的鱼翅体,150克洋葱第三个,柠檬1/6,亚麻仁油适量,盐和黑胡椒,葱花适量。将鲭鱼罐头进一步小碟中,在鱼店切碎洋葱,葱花切成薄片,吃挤一些柠檬汁即可其次,胡萝卜混合油肯尼迪鱼材料(2人(MAX):永安鱼刺身70克,醋2茶匙糖,1茶匙盐,1克,胡萝卜20克,白萝卜200克。油坚尼地鱼线程,http:/ ,然后用尚干鱼,白萝卜片,酱油和葱花,油肯

5、尼迪鱼类吃。The lean stomach magical 7 days vegetable juiceAugust 17, 2012 | Author: songhoubo | Category: health radioVine, and the Xiangjiang River Reporter: seven days lean stomach magical vegetable juice, real culture(Premiere date: 2012)Mind generators in Japan a beautiful writer vine, and the Xiangj

6、iang River, she was 17 years old when, due to lack of exercise, weight soared to 70 kg from 50 kg. She made up his mind to lose weight, but the challenges of a variety of methods have failed, but also become a fat, but malnutrition state. Regulating body, her every morning to drink fresh vegetable j

7、uice pressing, she started the so-called breakfast juice diet, and later in the half of the weight loss of 20 kg per year, she said, she never complex health information health knowledge network of womens health, health knowledge, Roland Dean, good health, white-collar health knowledge, health, mate

8、rnal and child knowledge, sexual life .-Japan has a beautiful writer vine and the Xiangjiang River, she was 17 years old when, due to lack of exercise, weight soared to 70 kg from 50 kg. She made up his mind to lose weight, but the challenges of a variety of methods have failed, but also become a fa

9、t, but malnutrition state. Health information, womens health, health knowledge, health knowledge network Roland Dean, good health, and the white-collar health knowledge, health, maternal and child knowledge of sex life in order to adjust the body, drink fresh vegetable juice pressing her every morni

10、ng to start the implementation of her so-called breakfast juice diet, and later half of the loss in weight of 20 kilograms per year, she said she never had a complex fats. Reporters today the spirit of generator comes to her seven days lean belly magical vegetable juice of the vine, and the Xiangjia

11、ng River, is a real culture.Open this book, the authors emphasize that the enzyme intake of fresh vegetable juice, you can add the enzyme, allowing better metabolism, nature can easily thin body. But we first mention of the authors own breakfast juice diet, it is a smar t http:/ enzyme function appl

12、ies to food enzymes from the fresh fruit and vegetable intake, better regulation of metabolic function, metabolic function, old waste discharged smoothly, based on the authors view, to promote fat decomposition and burning may help.In addition to fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, meat and food containi

13、ng enzyme, just eat the fish, the body to digest protein or fat, it will consume large amounts of enzymes. So, if you want to do can not let the burden of the digestive system, and supplemental enzymes, health information, womens health, health knowledge, health knowledge network Roland Dean, good h

14、ealth, and the white-collar health knowledge, health, mother infants and knowledge, the sex life of fruit and vegetable intake is the best method. And the author of the book, especially in stressed, she felt squeezed into juice fruits and vegetables, can directly eat better than digestion, intake, enzyme activation.The authors also remind, hollowing out in the morning to drink fresh


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