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1、Unit 3 Lesson 2 Parties新课教学过程(北师大必修一)Unit 3 Lesson 2 Parties教材分析本课是第3单元第2课。本课话题为 Parties,是听说课型,话题贴近学生生活,容易 引起学生学习兴趣和参与意识。经过上一节课的学习,学生了解了不同的节日风俗,本课继续celebration ”的话题,学生将学习parties的不同类型,相关词汇以及如何给他人提出建议。本课计划按两课时进行:第一课时通过图片呈现不同主题的parties,导入本课主题,学生在教师指导下从听力材料中提取信息,学习如何给予他人建议的功能用语,进行听力策略的训练;第二课时通过对给予他人建议功能

2、用语的口头操练,设置情景,强化功能用语, 并引导学生关注如何向他人表示祝贺。教学内容话题:Parties (听说课)词汇:alcohol, close friends, present, wedding reception, soft drink, apply for, retire, salary, smartly, depe nd on听力策略: Liste n for the gen eral idea by grabb ing key wordsPredictio nGetti ng prepared for liste ning 功能用语:表达给予别人的建议givi ng advic

3、eYou should ,You must ,You should n ,You don have to 第一课时First Period教学目标在本课结束时,学生能够:1. 根据图片、与自己生活中Parties相关话题,基本理解词汇。2. 运用听主旨大意的听力策略,提取听力材料的主旨。3. 运用听力策略,听懂录音节目中对在英国中学生派对中所应做和不应做事情的建议,提 取给别人提出建议的表达方式的功能用语。4. 运用所提取的功能用语及相关词汇,自编广播节目,使用英语给参加不同聚会的人提出 建议。5. 了解聚会的不同种类,西方聚会中的社交注意事项,谈论与自己生活相关的聚会话题并 给予他人建议。教

4、学过程教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间ActivitiesIntentionsIP & timeLeading-inStep 1T asks Ss what kind of parties they know and shows pictures of differe nt sorts of parties and asks Ss what the people in the pictures are doi ng. PPT 3,4热身并导入本课话题, 激发学生背景知识,为 听说做准备。CW5T offers some situations and elicits Ss vocabulary a

5、bout parties and celebration. T adds some new words to enlarge Ss vocabulary. PPT 3,4学案 Word Bank开启学生原有词汇,在 学生的语境中呈现词 汇,帮助学生理解词汇。Listening 1Step 2Pre-liste ningSs say how to get the main idea in listening. T presents listening strategies: un dersta nding the general idea by grabbing key words. PPT 5

6、,6通过问题引导学生注意 听力策略,呈现听力策 略,为之后听力活动做 准备。CW1Step 3 While-listei ngT plays the tape. Ss write down the key words they hear. T plays twice if necessary. (Explains the new words.)PPT 7,8学案 I 运用听力策略,练习通 过抓关键词听主曰人意 的听力技能。在此过程 中处理新词汇。IW4Step 4 Post-liste ningSs match the main ideas with persons. PPT 7学案 I 根据

7、所抓关键词,连线 主曰人意。IW & PW1SpeakingStep 5T asks Ss what things they should pay attention to at a retiring party.T leads in the next step. PPT 9搭建上下环节的过渡, 为之后的听和运用功能 用语做铺垫。CW2Listening 2Step 6Pre-listei ngBefore liste ning, T prese nts liste ning strategies:Prediction and getting prepared for liste ning.

8、PPT 11复习在1 , 2单兀所学的 预测和为听力做准备两 项听力策略,让学生预 填句子,为之后听力活 动铺垫。CW3Step 7While-liste ningstT plays the tape for the 1 time, and checks the answers in Ex.2 PPT 12学案 II运用策略,练习听关键 信息的听力技能。IW3Step 8While-liste ningSs summarize what people should and should n tdo at parties in the UK. T writes dow n the functio

9、nal sentences on PP.T and provides some exercise to reinforce the进一步加深巩固功能用 语。IW & CW3functional sentences. PPT 13-19Step 9While-liste ningT plays the tape for the 2 n time, and asks Ss to focus on how the in terviewer starts and as well as how the interviewees give responses in a radio program. PPT

10、 20-22学案 III更进一步训练学生从听 力材料中获取所需信息 的能力,为之后说的活 动提供语言支持。IW4Post-listeningStep 10Speak ingT gives the task and offers some sentences to support Ss speak ing. Ss make a similar program Culture Corner ” to in terview what people should and shouldn do at differe nt parties. T en courages Ss to use the fun

11、cti onalsentencesandvocabulary to finish the task. PPT 23-25学案 IV给出任务,为学生活动 提供必要语言支持,铺 设台阶。引导鼓励学生 运用课堂所学词汇、功 能用语和米访语言,他 人提出建议。GW1T walks around among groups and provides help if n ecessary.展示对于本课所学知识 技能的输出,检测所学 知识技能。GW10T gives example to evaluate Ss performances. Ss evaluate others performa nces by

12、 themselves. PPT 26学案 Evaluation适当运用评价手段,反 馈学生活动结果。IW & CW2Step 11SummarySs summarize the less on.PPT 27总结本课所学,引领学 生回顾本课知识,使学 生明确学习成果。IW & CW1HomeworkPolish and write down their program on A4 paper. There will be a show on the wall tomorrow. Read the tapescript and finish Ex 2,3 on page 80. PPT 28Ex

13、ercise 1: Listening 1- Why is each person celebrating?Listen & write down the key words you hear. Then match with the main ideas.Personskey wordsmain ideasDaveless ons,twiceretiri nqMike、passing his/her drivingtestEwaqoinq to study abroadLisaqettinq a job with qoocsalaryExercise 2: Listening 2 -List

14、en and complete the advice with the modal words.UsefulSentences:GivingAdvicedont have to, should (x 2), shouldnt( x 3), must1. If it s very formal, youdress smartly.2. Nowadays yoube too formal.3. Youarrive late to a dinner party.4. Youtake something with you.5. Youdrink too much at parties.6. Youac

15、cept a lifthome from a person you don t 17. Yoube careful.Exercise 3: Listen and fill in the blanks: How to make an interview in a radio programme.I:Our “Culture Corner” this week is on “Parties ” , and we have a couple ofteenagersfrom Britain in the. Jenny and Carl, thank you forJ&C: Youre welcome. Thanks forus.I:So could you, perhaps, gi



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