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1、比较状语从句比较状语从句表达人或事物的属性或特征的不同程度。常由asas(和一样),not as / so(不像那样),than(比),the(越越)等引导。1. as+原级+as(第一个as是副词,含“如此”的意思,在主句说明所比内容的程度;第二个as是连词,含“比”或“如此”的意思,引导从句)。例如:Our classroom is as big as theirs. 我们的课室跟他们的一样大。I hope you like it as much as I do. 我喜欢你跟我一样喜欢它。在这种结构中,比较成分的前面常用表示倍数的词如times(倍),twice(两倍)等来表示相比较的两个

2、成分相差的倍数,通常译作“像几倍那样多”,“是的几倍”。例如: The speed of sounds in water is about four times as great as in air. 声音在水中的速度是空气中的4倍左右。 This book is twice as thin as that one. 这本书的厚度是那本书的二分之一。2. “no+比较级+than”(不比多,不少于)。no是副词,在主句中作状语,修饰形容词或副词的比较级;than是连词,引导从句。例如:Tom is no less diligent than peter. 汤姆用功不比彼得差。(汤姆和彼得同样用

3、功)He feels no better today than he did yesterday.他今天的感觉不比昨天好。(他今天的感觉跟昨天同样不好。)3. not so / as as(不像那样,不如)。第一个as/so是副词,在主句中作状语,修饰其后的形容词/副词;第二个as是连词,引导从句。not soas比not asas用得比较普遍。例如:The weather is not so cold as it was last winter. 天气不如去年冬天那么冷。It is not as easy as you think. 事情并不像你想的那么容易。The work did not

4、 go so smoothly as we hoped. 这工作并不像我们希望的那样顺利。4. 形容词/副词的比较级+than+被比较的对象。表示两个人或事物在某(些)方面的差别。than是连词,引导从句。后面被比较对象如果是名词,多用省略形式,省去与主句中相同的部分。This flower is less beautiful than that one but sweeter than that one.这朵花不如那朵花看,但比它香。Man grows faster than the planet he inhabits.人类成长的速度远比他居住的星球快得多。 从句中的主语(名词)如果与主句

5、中的主语一致,为了避免重复,常用that代替不可数或某些可数名词,用those代替可数复数名词,用one或ones代替可数名词。例如: The result of this experiment is better than that of the last one.这次实验的结果要比上次好。The students in our class are more diligent than those in their class.我们班的学生比他们班的学生用功。 比较状语从句的动词,如果与主句的谓语动词一致,且为行为动词时,常用do(does,did)代替,以免重复。例如: We have p

6、roduced even more coal this year than we did that year. 我们今年出产煤要比去年出产得更多。 We seemed to understand human nature as well as do science. 你不但通晓科学,而且似乎也同样洞察人性。 She drives better than her husband does. 她开车开得比她丈夫好。 asas,not so / asas, than 引导的比较状语从句的省略形式:1 省略主句。例如:I read as many pages as(they)are required(

7、to be read). (主、从句的主语不一致)我读了我该读的页数。The winters in Hangzhou are not so mild as(they)are in Guangzhou. (主、从句主语一致)杭州的冬天没有广州的冬天那么暖和。He eats more than is good for him. 他吃的太多,对身体没好处。There were more casualties than was reported. 伤亡人数比所报道的要多。2 省略谓语。例如:She is more highly regarded than he. (主、从句主语不一致)她比他受到更高的

8、重视。Sometimes it is as hard as rock. (主、从句主语不一致) 有时它和岩石一样硬。3 省略主语和(部分)谓语。例如:Work is as necessary for sound mind as(it is necessary)for sound body.(主、从句主语一致)健全的精神需要工作,就像健全的身体需要工作一样。Mother loves me as dearly as her. 母亲爱我, 我也爱她。When I spoke to him on the phone this morning, he was more agreeable than(he

9、 was)last night. (省略主句和部分谓语)今天早晨我在电话里跟他讲话时,他比昨天要随和。4 省略宾语。例如:Thats as good a place as I can find. (从句as可看作是关系代词)那是我所能找到的一个好地方。5 句型thethe(越越)。即:从句:the + 比较级,主句:the + 比较级The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance.我们越学习,就越发现自己无知。主句如果是将来时,从句可用现在时代替将来时。例如:The longer the treatment is delayed, t

10、he worse the prognosis will be.延误治疗的时间越长,预后越差。 “thethe”句型通常是从句在前,主句在后;这时,主句和从句均用倒装语序。有时,主句在前,从句在后;这时,主句不必用倒装语序,分句之前通常不用逗号。例如: An object draws the harder, the more matter it contains. 有的物质越多,它的引力就越大。I like you(the)more, the more I know you.我越了解你,就越喜欢你。 主句的主、谓语有时可用半倒装语序,以保持句子的平衡。例如:The more you read,

11、the better will you write. 你读得越多, 写得就越好。 “thethe”句型的省略形式。这种句型的句子如果意思明显,用省略句的很多:主句的主语和动词可以省略,有时主句和从句的主语和动词都可以省略。例如: The more, the better. 越多越好。 The higher the temperature(is), the greater the pressure(is). 温度越高,压力越大。让步状语从句 让步状语从句,从句是“退让”,主句是“前进”。常由although, though, as(尽管,即使), however(无论怎样), whatever(

12、无论什么), whoever(无论谁), whomever(无论谁), whichever(无论哪个), whenever(无论何时), whether(无论哪里), no matter (who, what, where, when, etc) (无论), even if(即使), even though(即使), whetheror,whetheror not等词引导。(1)though, although表示“虽然,纵然”之意。这两个连词意思大致相同,在一般情况下可以互换使用。在口语中,though较常使用,although比though正式,二者都可与yet, still或never,

13、the less连用,但不能与but连用。例如:Although/Though he was worn out, (still) he kept on working. 虽然他已经精疲力竭了,但仍然继续工作。Although/Though he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong. 他虽然年纪大了,身体还很健壮。值得注意的是,although引导的让步状语从句位于主句之前的情况较多,though引导的让步状语从句可位于主句之前或主句之后。例如:She passed the examination though she had not studied ve

14、ry hard. 她虽然不用功学习,考试却及格了。although 引导的从句,多指事实,不指设想,故不用虚拟语气;though引导的从句,可指事实,也可指设想,因此,可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气。例如:Although air is light, it has weight. (指的是事实,用陈述语气)虽然空气很轻,但是有重量。Though all the world were against me, I would still hold to my opinion. (指的是假设,用虚拟语气)即使全世界的人都反对我,我仍然要坚持我的意见。当从句的主语与主句的主语相同,从句的谓语又是be时从

15、句可用省略结构,即省略从句的主语和be,这时多用though引导。例如:The girl, though plain, had a good, kind face.这个女孩虽然衣着朴素,但和蔼可亲。Though beaten, we were not disgraced. 虽然输了,我们并不丢脸。though可作副词,置于句末,用逗号隔开,这时though表示“但是”、“可是”的意思;而although无此用法。The drug is good for your health; it is a litter bitter, though.这药对你的健康有好处,只是它有点苦。(2)as, though表示“虽然但是”,“纵使”之意。as引导的让步状语从句必须以部分倒装的形式出现,被倒装的部分可以是表语、状语(即将形容词、副词、分词、实义动词提前),though也可用于这样的结构中,但although不可以这样用。例如:Object as you may, Ill



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