2022届高考英语一轮复习 分块专项练习(1)语言知识运用(一)

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《2022届高考英语一轮复习 分块专项练习(1)语言知识运用(一)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022届高考英语一轮复习 分块专项练习(1)语言知识运用(一)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022届高考英语一轮复习 分块专项练习(1)语言知识运用(一)1完形填空“Just sign here,sir,”the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Peyna a package.The package consisted of a long,narrow box_21_wrapped in brown paper._22_the box,Oscar saw an umbrella insidea very old one with a beautifully carved wooden handle._23_he had not seen it

2、 in more than 20 years,he recognized it_24_.Oscar was 16 when he first saw the_25_umbrella.He had gone to a concert with his grandparents.As they were leaving,he noticed an umbrella on an empty seat.Impressed by its_26_,Oscar felt a strong desire to find its_27_.Oscar_28_the manager to look in the r

3、ecord of advance ticket sales.Just as he thought,a name matched the seat_29_Oscar had found the umbrella.The name was Mrs.Katie OBrien.Oscar talked his grandparents into going by Mrs.OBriens_30_on their way home.He rang the bell,the door opened,and an elderly woman appeared.“May I_31_you?”she asked.

4、“Id like to return it if its yours,”Oscar said,_32_the umbrella as if presenting a_33_that had long been wished for.“Why,yes!Its mine,”replied Mrs.OBrien with a_34_smile and shining eyes.“It was given to me by my father years ago.Thank you so much for returning it.May I offer you a reward for your_3

5、5_?”“No,maam,”he said,“My grandmother says that a good deed is its own reward.”“Well,thats_36_what my father used to say.What is your name,young man?”Years later Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs.OBrien.It was in perfect condition,considering how_37_i

6、t was.Why had it arrived here today?As if_38_,a note fell from the paper.It read:Mrs.OBrien wanted you to_39_this umbrella as a present for a kind,_40_gesture long ago. (2012浙江)1A.strictly BcarefullyCroughly Dcasually答案B解析根据下文及最后一段可知,这把漂亮的雨伞作为对作者善良、无私行为的奖励被邮寄给了他,所以包裹应是包得非常仔细。carefully仔细地,符合语境。strict

7、ly严格地;roughly粗糙地,粗略地;casually随便地,随意地。2A.Opening BSeizingCObserving DSearching答案A解析根据下文Oscar saw an umbrella inside可反推出Oscar已经将盒子打开了。3A.After BWhenCSince DAlthough答案D解析本句句意为:虽然他有20多年没有见它了,但是他还是立刻认出了它。根据句中的had not seen it in more than 20 years和recognized it可知,前后语意为转折关系。4A.clearly BfullyCimmediately Ds

8、uddenly答案C解析根据后文内容可知,作者对这把伞的印象非常深刻,所以当他见到这把伞时,立刻就认出它来。clearly清楚地;fully完全地,十分地;immediately立刻,马上;suddenly突然。5A.average BunusualCplain Dtypical答案B解析从第二段中“a very old one with a beautifully carved wooden handle”可知,这把伞非同一般。unusual非同寻常的,符合语境。average普通的,一般的,平均的;plain朴素的,简单的;typical典型的,有代表性的。6A.beauty Bshape

9、Corigin Dhistory答案A解析第二段中的beautifully以及倒数第二段中的finely均表明这把伞非常好看,所以作者被它的美所打动。7A.designer BsellerCuser Downer答案D解析根据下文可知,作者经过一番努力,找到了伞的主人。第七段中的Its mine也提示了这一点。8A.convinced BforcedCencouraged Dadvised答案A9A.until BbeforeCwhich Dwhere答案D解析根据句式结构分析可知,空格后为一个定语从句,其先行词为the seat,关系词在从句中充当地点状语,故选where。10A.famil

10、y Btheater.ziyuanku.Chouse Dneighborhood答案C解析通过对下文的理解可知,作者说服了祖父母到失主家送伞。根据后文的rang the bell,the door opened等字眼可知是到了失主的家里。11A.invite BhelpCbother Dknow答案B解析当老妇人看到作者时并不知道作者的来意,所以询问作者她能为他做些什么。May I help you?表示“有需要帮忙的吗?”。12A.putting up Bturning outCpicking up Dholding out答案D解析通读前文可知,作者要将老人的伞归还回去,自然是要伸出手将伞

11、递给老人。hold out伸出,符合语境。put up举起,张贴;turn out结果是,最终是;pick up捡起,接收,用车接。13A.chance BfactCgift Dresult答案C解析本句句意为:奥斯卡说着,伸手将伞递过去,好像是在递交一份期盼已久的礼物。选项中只有C项可与hold out搭配。14A.wide BconfidentCproud Dshy答案A解析父亲多年前赠送的礼物现在失而复得,老妇人自然是笑逐颜开。a wide smile为习惯搭配,表示“笑得很开心”。confident自信的,proud自豪的,shy羞涩的,均与语境及常理不符。15A.patience B

12、kindnessCcourage Ddetermination答案B解析作者将捡到的东西归还失主,自然是好心。老妇人希望能送给作者点儿什么作为对他好心的报答。最后一段中的kind也与该处的kindness相呼应。16A.obviously BnaturallyCexactly Dprobably答案C解析作者的祖母对他说过的话恰巧老妇人的父亲也跟她说过。exactly恰好,正确地,符合语境。obviously显而易见地;naturally自然地;probably很可能。17A.old BrareCprecious Dnice答案A解析本句句意为:伞状况完好,鉴于它已经那么旧了。根据文章第二段中

13、a very old one以及more than 20 years可知,这把伞很旧了。尽管这把伞经历了漫长的岁月,但其状况依然良好。18A.in contrast Bin returnCin exchange Din answer答案D19A.possess BacceptCcarry Dvalue答案B解析由该语境可知,老妇人将这把伞邮寄给作者,希望作者能够将其作为一份礼物收下,以此表达老人对于作者无私帮助的感激。20A.attractive BsignificantCunselfish Dsympathetic答案C解析通读前文可知,作者为了找到伞的主人做了很多事情,而且并没有为自己的善

14、举索取什么。他的做法在老妇人看来是善良、无私的。unselfish无私的,符合语境。attractive吸引人的;significant重要的;sympathetic有同情心的。2. 语法填空In the field near my house there _1_ (be) two horses. From a distance, they look the same. But if you get a closer look, you will notice something quite _2_ (interest). Actually, one of the horses is blin

15、d. But his owner has chosen not to abandon him. Instead he has made him a safe and fortable barn _3_ (live) in.If you stand nearby and listen carefully, you will hear the sound of a bell ing from the other horse. It makes the blind horse know _4_ his friend is, so he can follow.As you stand closer and watch the two hor



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