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1、 学号_ 密级_ 武汉大学本科毕业论文 基于RSS的图书信息发布子系统的研究与实现院(系)名 称:国际软件学院专 业 名 称 :空间信息与数字技术学 生 姓 名 :汪强指 导 教 师 :谭喜成 二九年五月BACHELORS DEGREE THESIS OF WUHAN UNIVERSITYThe Research and Implementation of RSS-Based Book Information Distribution SystemCollege:International School of SoftwareSubject:Spatial Informatics & Digi

2、talized TechnologyName: Wang QiangDirected by : Tan Xicheng ProfessorJune 2009郑 重 声 明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。本人签名: 日期: 摘 要随着信息高速公路的发展和普及,人们已经被包围在信息的汪洋大海之中。由于信息不断地更新和增加,信息量以指数规律


4、了介绍。接下来,介绍了这个网站项目数据库的需求分析和详细设计。在第4章,本文对本课题涉及到的核心技术:RSS进行了详实的分析。主要介绍了它的发展历程,结构,特点和应用模式,并就RSS在购书门户网站项目中的应用进行了设计,包括选用类库,RSS Feed产生流程,系统架构设计等等。在论文的最后,详细介绍了本系统中几个关键问题的实现,包括:利用ROME实现RSS格式的输出,浏览器读取RSS Feed文件等,并对系统进行了测试。关键词:RSS; PUSH ;ROMEABSTRACT With the development and diffusion of Information Highway, p

5、eople have been surrounded by the vast ocean of information. Due to the constant updating and increasing of information, the amount of information grows and expanses exponentially at a high speed, resulting in the “information explosion”. The “Information Trek” and “Information Overload” on the Inte

6、rnet have become an increasingly serious problem.Information Push Technology (PUSH) is an effective solution to these problems. It achieves the “find people by information, service on-demand” by taking the initiative to push forward information to users.As a representative of the “PUSH” technology,

7、RSS technology has been developing rapidly in the network news, e-commerce, BLOG, electronic publishing and other fields. The Information Push Technology, which is based on RSS, is an effective supplement to other push technologies, with the features of information editing, sharing and convenient tr

8、ansferring.The research goal of this topic is to realize the design of information subsystem which is based on RSS technology, using RSS technology and Struts framework, and to apply this system on the construction of book-purchase portals.This paper firstly gives an introduction of the book-purchas

9、e portal which has provided the research topic for this thesis. Next, it introduces the demand analysis and detailed design of the project database of this site. In Chapter 4, it provides a detailed analysis on the core technology, RSS, which is relevant to this topic. The analysis mainly includes t

10、he development process, structure, features and application models of RSS, and has designed the application on RSS in the project of book-purchase portal, including the choice of class libraries, the production process of RSS Feed, system framework design and so on.Lastly, this paper introduces elab

11、orately on the realization of several key issues in this system, including: the use of ROME RSS format to achieve the output, reading RSS Feed documents by browser and so on. There is also a system testing in the end.Keywords:RSS; PUSH ;ROME目 录第1章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 项目研究的目的及意义31.2.1 研究目的31.2.2 研究意义31.3

12、 论文的主要内容31.4 本章小结4第2章 系统功能分析与概要设计52.1 项目背景52.2 系统功能分析62.2.1 用户模块62.2.2 管理员模块62.2.3 系统模块62.3 系统概要设计72.3.1 系统总体架构72.3.2 系统的框架92.3.3 设计思想和建站原则102.4 服务器选择112.4.1 应用服务器112.4.2 数据服务器122.5 本章小结13第3章 数据库设计143.1 数据库需求分析143.2 数据库详细设计143.3 本章小结16第4章 RSS技术分析与设计174.1 RSS技术分析174.1.1 RSS概述174.1.2 RSS技术发展历程174.1.3

13、RSS技术优势184.2 RSS文件结构194.3 RSS应用模式214.4 RSS在本系统中的应用设计224.4.1 应用项目选择224.4.2 ROME简介234.4.3 RSS Feed的产生和解析234.4.4 RSS Feed产生原理234.5 本章小结24第5章 信息发布子系统的实现与测试255.1 信息发布子系统的实现255.1.1 RSS Feed的产生255.1.2 RSS Feed的解析265.2 信息发布子系统的测试275.2.1 黑盒测试概述275.2.2测试用例及结果275.3本章总结27第6章 全文总结28参考文献29致谢3031第1章 绪论1.1 研究背景随着信息




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