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1、The Kings new clothes Period fifth赣榆区班庄镇夹山小学 熊传高Teaching contentThe kings new clothes Checkout time and Ticking time Teaching aims and demands:1.复习巩固本单元单词和词组:rich, clothes, king, clever, foolish, light, soft, beautiful, wearing, 理解意思,能听懂,能读熟。2.能熟悉运用所学句型: can 3.读懂小故事,并能正确完成练习。4.让学生体验故事表演的快乐,明白为人要诚实,待

2、人要真诚。Teaching keys:描述服装的形容词、故事中人物语气的朗读。Teaching difficulties:在正确理解故事的基础上,有感情地朗读、表演故事内容。Teaching aids:头饰,PPT课件,板书Checkout time and Ticking timeTeaching steps :Step one Free talk1.What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?2.Who can retell the story for us ?Step 2 Presentation1.Tell a story 模仿Car

3、toon time 中的小故事,教师给出开头,请学生续编故事,如:Long long ago , there were sixty-five students in the classroom 请学生快速动起来,将故事续编下去,可以天马行空(教师将刚才的学生编写的故事,用录音的方式记录下来,以备将来用)2.Circle (1)Lets look at the story in our book , you can help them to find the right words , please circle them out .(2)Check them .3.Read and write

4、 (1)There is another story , too . Please finish it by yourselves .(2)学生以小组为单位对对话进行交流。(3)集体订正。Long long ago , there was a lion . He lived in the forest . There were some flowers in front of the lions house .One day , an old man walked by the house . He picked a flower .The lion was angry . He shoute

5、d at the old man , “You picked a flower . Now give me your child .”The old mans child was a beautiful girl . She lived with the lion . The lion was nice to her .One day , the lion was sick . The girl looked after him . Then the lion turned into a prince .(4)Read the story .Step 3 Consolidation 1. Re

6、ad the story after the tape2. act Step 4 Summary 1.板书复习本课时所学内容。2.一般过去时中,动词的变化及运用分析并举例说明(请学生完成)。3.Ticking time 学生根据自己完成的情况进行打星。Step 5 Homework1. Recite the story to your parents .2. 抄写Grammar time 中动词的变化及例句,并试着写几个。Bb design PPT Checkout time and ticking time Long long ago , there (was / were )two men 原形 过去分词 is was shout shouted


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