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1、直接引语和间接引语一、直接引语和间接引语(Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)的定义当我们转述别人的话时,可以引用别人的原话,被引用的部分称为直接引语;也可以用自己的话转述别人的意思,被转述的部分称为间接引语。间接引语多数构成宾语从句。直接引语变为间接引语时,须在时态以及代词、状语等方面作一些必要的调整。二、直接引语和间接引语的时态变化如主句的谓语动词为过去时态,间接引语中的谓语动词一般按下列规律变动:直接引语间接引语一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时一般过去时一般将来时现在完成进行时一般过去时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成时过去将来时过去完成进行时“Shes pre

2、paring her lessons,” I said. 我说:“她他正准备功课。”(直接引语)I said (that) she was preparing her lessons. 我说她正在准备功课。(间接引语)I said to them, “Hell get excited.” 我对他们说:“他会兴奋的。” (直接引语)I told them (that) he would get excited. 我告诉他们他会兴奋的。 (直接引语)She said to me,“Jane spent all her time doing that”他对我说:“简做那件事花了她全部时间。”(直接引

3、语)He told me (that)Jane had spent all her time doing that.他告诉我简做那件事花了她全部时间。(间接引语)直接引语中的谓语动词为一般过去时,如与一个具体的表示过去时间(如 in 1992, last week等)连用,在变为间接引语时可以不变。如:My father said to me,“I read the book in 1986” 我父亲对我说:“我 1986年读了这本书。”(直接引语)My father told me he read the book in 1986 我父亲告诉我他于1986年读了这本书。(间接引语)三、直接引

4、语和间接引语的代词的变化代词要根据句中的意义作相应的变动。直接引语间接引语I , memy, minehe (she)him (her)his (her), hershiswe, usour, oursthey, themtheir, theirsyouyour, yoursthey, themtheir, theirsthisthesethatthose如:“I havent brought my dictionary,” the student said.那学生说:“我没有带字典。”The student said (that) he hadnt brought his dictionar

5、y. 那学生说他没有带字典。注:this,these相应地改为that,those。四、直接引语和间接引语的状语的变化状语一般须做下列变动:直接引语间接引语herenowtodaytonightlast nightyesterdaylast week(month,etc.)three days agotomorrownext week(month, etc.)comebringtherethenyhat daythat nightthe night beforethe day beforethe week (month, etc.) beforethree days beforethe nex

6、t (following) daythe next (following) week (month, etc.)gotake如:“Ill come and see you again this evening, Tom.” He said.他说:“汤姆,今天晚上我再来看你。”He told Tom (that)he would go and see him again that evening.他告诉汤姆那天晚上再来看他。在句子的意义不会引起误解的情况下,状语有时也可以不变。如:“Ill come here again today,” she said.她说:“我今天还要到这儿来。”She s

7、aid( that) shed come here again today.她说她今天还要到这儿来。注:动词come可根据具体情况相应地改为go。五、直接引语为疑问句时的变化当直接引语是疑问句时,除注意在人称、时态和状语等方面作相应的变动外,还要注意:1间接引语中要用陈述句的句序;2特殊疑问句的疑问词要保留;3一般、选择或反意疑问句在间接引语前要加连词或She asked, “What is it? Whats going to happen now?”她问:“那是什么?又要发生什么事了?”She asked what it was and what was going to happen t

8、hen.她问那是什么,又要发生什么事了。The boy was wondering, “How does the computer work?”那男孩感到奇怪:“电脑是怎样工作的?”The boy was wondering how the computer worked.那男孩对电脑是怎么工作的感到奇怪。“Why do you speak English so fluently?” I said to him.我对他说:“你为什么英语说得如此流利?”I asked him why he spoke English so fluently.我问他,他的英语为什么说得如此流利。“Is there

9、 anything wrong, Madam?” asked the policeman.警察问到:“夫人,出了什么事吗?”The policeman asked the woman whether (或if )there was anything wrong.警察问那个妇女是否了里什么事。He asked me, “Do you study English or French?”他问我:“你学的是英语还是法语?”He asked me whether I studied English or French.他问我学的是英语还是法语。“Its Mary, isnt?” asked Jane.简

10、问到:“这是玛丽,是吗?”Jane asked whether it was Mary or not.简问那是不是玛丽。六、直接引语为祈使句时的变化当直接引语为祈使句时,主句中的谓语动词在变动时往往根据直接引语中的口气换用ask, invite, warn, tell, order等动词,而直接引语中的谓语动词则要变成动词不定式。如:“Please explain why youre two and a half hours late,” the boss said.老板说:“请解释一下你为什么迟到了两个半小时。”The boss asked him to explain why he was

11、 two and a half hours late.老板要他解释一下为什么迟到了两个半小时。“Dont give up!” Father shouted to him.父亲对他高声喊到:“不要泄气!”Father told him in a loud voice not to give up. 父亲大声喊着叫他不要泄气。“Get everything ready in half an hour.,” the teacher said to the students.老师对学生说:“半个小时内把一切准备好。”The teacher ordered the students to get eve

12、rything ready in half an hour.老师命令学生在半个小时内把一切准备好。巩固练习一、把下列句子变成间接引语:1 We shal1 write to you this week,they said.2. My bicycle has been stolen, he said. I shall have to telephone the police. 3. John carne to China ten years ago, and has been living here ever since. he said.4. I dont need your help tod

13、ay,” Tom said.5. The book has been translated into several foreign languages, he said.6. I really dont think I can finish the work on time,” he said.7. Im going to the railway station to meet my uncle this afternoon, Jane said.8. “The earth turns around the sun,” the geography teacher said.二、把下列句子变成

14、直接引语:1. The doctor told Mrs. Smith that her daughter would never be able to hear again.The doctor said to Mrs. Smith . 2. Mary told her mother that she needed a new coat to go with her skirt.Mary said to her mother .3. The postman told the lady that here was a parcel for her.The postman said to the lady, .4. My brother was told by a policeman that he could not leave his car there.A policeman said to my brother .5. My brother told the policeman that he was only leaving the car there for a few minutes.My brother said to the policeman, .6. Mary told her friend Rose that she couldn



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