2023年初三上册 尖刀班 5.doc

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1、尖刀班中考针对性提升(十三)姓名:_l 每周跟读,脱口而出1. Itsimportanttotakeresponsibilities,becausenooneelseisgoingtodoitforyou.重点是,你要自己承担责任,因为没人会来帮你。2. I can accept failure, but I cant accept not trying.我可以接受失败,但我不能接受从不去尝试。第 页l 课内词汇过关1.n. 卡车;货车2.n. 兔;野兔3. adj. & pron. 谁的;(4种形式)4. v. 出席;参加n.a./n.服务员5. adj. 很有用的;宝贵的a.不值钱的a.

2、非常宝贵的,价值连城的n./v.珍惜7. n. 野餐10. n. 声音;噪音11.n. 3位男警察12. n. 4头狼13. n. 实验室14. n. 外套;外衣15. adj. 困倦的;瞌睡的a.睡着了的16. n. 衣袋;口袋17. n. 一个外星人18. n. 西服;套装a. 适合的19. v. 表示;表达n. 表情20.(短语) 不但而且21.n. 圆圈 v. 圈出22. 大不列颠23. v. 接受;收到n.接待处24. n. 领导;领袖历史学家25. n.仲夏;中夏26.adj. 医疗的;医学的n.药27. v. 阻止;阻挠28. n. 精力;力量a. 有精力的29.n. 位置;地方

3、30 n. 埋葬;安葬 v. 埋葬31. 尊重;表示敬意 n. 荣幸a. 可敬的、值得尊敬的a. 光荣的32. n. 祖宗;祖先33.n. 胜利;成功34. n. 一位敌人;仇人35. n. 一段时间;时期36. n. 奥秘;神秘事物37. 神秘的1. 属于某人2. 可能是某人的3. 一定有(是)某人正在做什么4. 出席音乐会5. 任何有价值的东西6. 的剩余部分7. 彼此8. 没什么9. 其他什么事10. 不知道(have)11. 逃跑12. 制造噪音13. 做什么玩的开心14. 追逐某人15. 跑步锻炼16. 赶公车17. 与某人交流18. 指出19. 不但而且20. 一个医疗目的21.

4、战胜敌人的一次胜利22. 在很长的一段时间期间专练:( )1. Ten children had a picnic near the lake. Li Yun was the only girl _ the picnic.A.with B.for C.at D.in( )2. Whats the _ of this visit? To learn about the local custom.A.period B.problem C.purposeD.process( )3. _ new suit is this?I think it may be Bobs. He bought one la

5、st week.A.Who B.Which C.What D.Whose( )4. Jenny, youre wanted on the phone. Its from Beijing.Youre joking. I dont know _ in Beijing.A.anybodyB.somebody C. nobody D. everybody( )5. Linda seems very sad. Of course. She lost her mobile phone and it is _ for her.A. enjoyable B. comfortable C. available

6、D. valuable( )6. It was Sunday. _ Marcus didnt need to go to school, he didnt get up until 9 a.m.A. Unless B. When C. Though D. As( )7. There isnt _ about this book. You dont need to buy it.A.something special B.anything specialC.special anything D.special something( )8. Every year Jiuzhaigou _ tons

7、 of visitors from all over the world.A.allows B.introduces C.accepts D.receives( )9. Why did Ruths mother _ her going out to play? Because she hasnt finished her homework.A.advise B.promise C.keep D.prevent( )10. Look at the man beside the black car. Is he Mr. Jackson?No, he _ be Mr. Jackson. He has

8、 gone to China.A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt( )11. Nancy, will you go to the movies with me on Saturday?Im not sure, Joe. I _ watch the tennis match on TV.A.must B.need C.might D.should( )12. Karen likes English very much. She has great fun _ it.A.learning B.to learn C. learn D. learned( )13. _ Mr. W

9、ang asked me to answer his question, I felt very nervous.A.Though B.After C.Since D.As( )14. Look, there are some fallen leaves on the ground. Lets go to _.A.pick them up B.look them up C. give them up D. cut them up( )15. Gina, you look sad. _? I failed my Chinese exam.A. Guess what B. Whats wrong

10、C. What about you D. Whats next( )16. Look at that big house over there! It is said it _ an old woman.A. belongs to B. is belonged to C. is belonging to D. was belonged to( )17. People in that country use spoons or chopsticks to eat. And it is impolite to use both of them _.A. at that time B. at the same timeC. for the first time D. from time to time( )18. Listen! Do you hear someone _ for h



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