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1、一百个超级短句 反复操练、滚瓜烂熟、据为己有、随时卖弄!【疯狂短评】人们在日常生活中不离口的都是小词、短句。学会使用适当的惯用语短句进行交谈,就会让别人觉得你的英语地道、精炼而流利。我们每期为你精选的100个超级短句都是在美国好莱坞电影中频频出现的最常用、最时髦的口语精华,帮助大家表达英语更加地道、生动、活泼、自然。【Kims Note】When Americans speak they like to use as few words as possible to get their meaning across. Learning these spoken elements will ma

2、ke you sound natural and more like a native speaker. These are the sentences that appear in movies and TV shows because they are the most authentic American English. These sentences are the way people really talk to each other! The formal dialogues in most traditional textbooks sound very unnatural

3、and are more difficult to learn.【李老师的建议】上面的这段话一定要用“三最法”脱口而出!一步登天,显示出你对美国、美国语言、美国文化的了解。【录音说明】1. Any more?(还有吗?/ 还要吗?)2. Are you alone?(你一个人吗?)3. Are you ready?(你准备好了吗?)【Kims Note】I always use this sentence to encourage someone who is taking too long. Teacher Li has heard me use this sentence hundreds

4、 of times!4. Be my guest.(别客气!/ 请用!)【Kims Note】 If you use these three little words when someone makes a request, you will amaze people with your English. In fact, if you say this when someone is just looking at an empty seat beside you, they will feel grateful and relieved! It is much more eloquent

5、 than saying “Sit down please!”【疯狂实战】A: Pardon me, Miss, but may I sit here?(对不起,小姐,我可以坐这里吗?)B: Be my guest.(当然,别客气!)5. Can you believe it?(你能相信吗?)6. Dont argue!(不要争辩!)7. Dont be childish.(别那么孩子气。)8. Dont bother.(不必麻烦。)【Kims Note】This is a good way to put someone at ease when you feel she has done t

6、oo much for you. It lets a person know that it is not necessary to treat you as a guest!【疯狂实战】A: Do you want me to help you with your bags.(要我帮你拎包吗?)B: Dont bother, theyre not heavy.(不用麻烦了,这些包不重。)9. Dont get upset!(不要烦恼!)【Kims Note】 Most of the time this sentence comes before news that is really ups

7、etting, but it is still useful. In fact, sometimes clever people use this to deliver news that isnt that bad. They know that when a person hears these words, she automatically assumes the worst. If the news isnt that bad, it always comes as a big relief!10. Dont mind me.(别管我。)11. Did you get it?(你懂了

8、吗?)12. Forget it!(算了吧!)【Kims Note】 I always call this Teacher Lis number one American sentence. It is without a doubt one of the most frequently heard sentences in American English!13. Enjoy yourself!(尽情享受吧!)14. Get off my back!(我受够了!/ 别烦我!)【Kims Note】If you are facing too much pressure from your pa

9、rents, your boss, or your boyfriend or girlfriend, you can yell this sentence to get some relief.【疯狂实战】A: I really think you need to spend more time studying and less time watching TV.(我真的认为你应该多花点时间学习,少看点电视。)B: Get off my back! Ive been studying for six hours!(我受够了!我已经学习了六个小时了。)15. Go ahead!(去吧!/ 请便

10、!)16. He gave me the cold shoulder.(他对我很冷漠。)【疯狂实战】A: I dont know why Kim gave me the cold shoulder when I said “hi” to her.(我不知道为什么每次我对金姆说“嗨”的时候她都对我很冷漠。)B: You know, she is moody sometimes. I wouldnt worry about it.(你知道她有时候喜怒无常,我是不会为此而担心的。)17. He hit the roof!(他勃然大怒!)【Kims Note】Some people really hi

11、t the roof if you give them the cold shoulder. Both of these idioms are very useful in everyday conversations, but really have a different meaning than their words suggest.18. He was a fake.(他是个骗子。)【疯狂实战】A: Why didnt you like Lilys new boyfriend?(为什么你不喜欢莉莉的新男朋友?)B: He was a fake. I always hate phony

12、 people like that.(他是个骗子。我一直都很讨厌像他那样的骗子。)19. Hes bad medicine.(他是个丧门星。)20. Here you go.(就是这样。)【疯狂注释】当我们了解对方提出问题的内容,而且随即可以为之解决时,这句话就可派上用场。通常在解决问题或动作完成之后,或者一边动作,一边说出这句话。【疯狂实战】A: This is the first time Ive used this copy machine. Can you show me how to use it?(这是我第一次使用这台复印机,你能示范给我看看吗?)B: Here you go. J

13、ust press the button.(喏,就这样。只要按下这个钮。)【Kims Note】 Anytime you receive merchandise in a store or change from paying a bill you will automatically hear this sentence. Get into the habit of saying it in your daily life.* You ordered the chicken right? Here you go.(你点了鸡肉是吗?来了。)* Your change is eleven dol

14、lars and thirteen cents. Here you go.(找给你11元13分。给!)21. I am sorry to be late.(对不起我迟到了。)22. I disagree.(我不同意。)23. I dont care.(我不在乎。)24. I have no problem with that.(对此我没有问题。)25. I wish it were true.(我希望这是真的。)26. Id be the last to know. = How would I know? / I really dont know. / I have no idea. / Im

15、 the wrong person to ask.(我怎么知道?/ 我真的不知道。/ 你问错人了。)【疯狂实战】A: Kim, do you know where Li Yang is?(金姆,你知道李阳在哪里吗?)B: Id be the last to know. I just got here myself.(我不知道。我刚刚才到这里。)A: Do you know how to make jaozi?(你知道怎么做饺子吗?)B: Id be the last to know. I cant cook anything. I cant even boil water!(我不知道。我不会做饭,连水都不会烧。)27. Id rather not.(我不愿意。)28. Ill say.(就是嘛!)【疯狂注释】用于表示极为赞同对方的意思,用在表示强烈地附和对方所说的话。比如对方说“犯罪这种事真是难以叫人宽恕,其中又以诱拐妇女儿童最为卑鄙无耻,罪大恶极”,这时候如果自己对此看法也深表同感时,即可以说“Ill say!”【疯狂实战】A: I just dont understand why she goes out with him. Hes so much younger than she is.


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