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1、宜昌分部 网址: 至善教育助您的孩子成人!成才!成功! 至 善 教 育 宜昌分校 一 对 一 授 课 讲 义学生姓名: 授课老师: 科 目: 授课日期: 授课时间: 课 次:第 次课 学习管理师签字: 报名地点:隆康电信城背后文化局2楼咨询热线:0717- 6224123 、6230406网址:辅导讲义本节课的授课目标:通过名词系统的学习,能掌握名词的用法,记住本次讲义中出现的名词。本节课的主要授课重难点:名词变复数,名词所有格本节课的主要授课内容:名词分类,可数名词变复数规则,不可数名词,名词所有格七年级Unit14名词考查name neim computer kmpju:t clock k

2、lk game geim question kwestn key ki: answer:snotebook ntbk girl g:l ring ri telephone telifun school sku:l number nmb sister sist phone fun mother m card k:d fatherf: ID cardparent prnt family fmili brother br pencil pensl grandfather grnd,f: book buk grandmother grnd,m eraser ireiz friend frend rul

3、er ru:l grandparents grndpernts case keis aunt :nt pencil casecousin kzn backpackbkpkdaughter d:t pencil sharpener :pn uncle kl dictionary diknri picture pikt English igli photo futu baseball beisb:l table teibl watch wt dresserdresbookcase bukkeis sofa suf chair t plant pl:nt drawer dr: math m alar

4、m clock l:m video vidiu tape teip video tapehat ht floor fl: thing i room ru:m television telivin desk desk 名词Nouns一、名词的种类:专有名词China, Japan, Beijing, London, Tom, Jackthe Great Wall, the Yellow River, the Peoples Republic of China普通名词个体名词 tree, apple, dog可数名词集体名词 family, class, police物质名词 water, ric

5、e, milk, oil不可数名词抽象名词 health, trouble, work, honor二 可数名词前可用a/an, some, any, many, a few/few, a lot of, lots of, 数词等修饰。1 可数名词单数an以a, e, i, o开头的单词以u开头,uncle, umbrella, an unhappy boy以h开头,h不发音,hour,an honest guy单个的字母,F,H,L,M,N,R,S,X. There is an F in the word ”food”.a以辅音字母开头的单词以u开头,university, a useful

6、 tool, a European country选择a/an填空_ boy _ hour _ apple _ orange _ H _ Englishwoman _ umbrella _ map _ M_ useful photo _ a famous university _ uncle _ book_ honest boy _ old man _ European businessman2 可数名词复数1) 大多数可数名词,在该词末尾加-s。 读音变化:结尾是清辅音读s,结尾是浊辅音或元音读z。 friendfriends; catcats2) 以s,ss,x,ch.sh结尾的词,在该词

7、末尾加-es。 读音变化:统一加读iz。 Busbuses; foxfoxes; matchmatches; dressdresses; toothbrushtoothbrushes3) 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加-es。 读音变化:加读z。 ladyladies; storystories babybabies; librarylibraries; dictionarydictionaries4)以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,直接加-s。boyboys; daydays5) 以-o结尾的名词,初中阶段以下5个单词加-es,其它加-s。读音变化:加读z。 tomatotomato

8、es; potatopotatoes; heroheroes; echoechoes; negronegroes其它:pianopianos; photophotos; 6) 以-f或-fe结尾的名词,初中阶段以下9个将-f或-fe改变为-ves,其余都加-s。读音变化:尾音f改读vz。 小偷的妻子生命中只在乎架子上的小刀,树叶和自己抓的半匹狼。thiefthieves; wifewives; lifelives; shelfshelves; knifeknives; leafleaves; selfselves; halfhalves; wolfwolves其它:roofroofs, gul

9、fgulfs可数名词变复数不规则变化:1) ae manmen; womanwomenEnglishmanEnglishmen; FrenchmanFrenchmen(注意:GermanGermans)2) ooee toothteeth; goosegeese; footfeet3) en/ren; oxoxen; childchildren mousemice4) 单复同形:sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese5) 以man和woman开头的名词,两部分都变。 men doctors; women teachers6)复合名词变复数时(a)变主体名词为复数形式。如:

10、sister(s)-in-law嫂子,弟妹 editor (s) -in-chief总编辑。(b)如没有主体名词则在最后一个词的后面加“s”。如:grown-up(s)成年人名词变复数练习leafbusrulersheepstorywatchmancityfootoxdeerwomanmonkeychildtoothknifeEnglishmanthiefwoman nursegoosefather-in-lawfoxroofpotatoGermanbrushChinese三 不可数名词数量不可数,可用some, any, much, a little, a lot of, lots of等修

11、饰。要表达确定数量,就要用到不可数名词的量化:常见量词:cup, bottle, glass, bag, box, basket, bowl, group, drop, plate, pile, suit, piece, pair.表达:a cup of tea, a bag of rice, a group of students, a pair of shoes two cups of tea, six bags of apples翻译一碗米饭 _ 一袋苹果 _一群男医生 _ 一片面包 _一双鞋子 _ 两滴雨 _三副眼镜 _四 名词的所有格1 表有生命的东西(人或动物)的名词所有格,一般在名词后加“s”。Mikes bag, Childrens Day,boys football注意:1)名词复数的词尾是-s或-es,它的所有格只在词后加“s”。Teachers Day2)一样东西为两人共有,在最后的一个名词后面加“s”. Jane and Helens room. 不是共有,每个词后都要加“s”. Bills and Toms radios. 3)表地点(店铺,某人的家等)的名词所有格后面,一般省去它所修饰的名词。the



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