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1、Book 5 Unit 1 Great scientistsPeriod 2 Grammar+ Writing导学案班级: 小组编号: 组名: 姓名:【学习目标】 To learn Ved form used as attribute(定语) and predicative(表语). To write a paragraph trying to use Ved form.【学习重点】 How to use it correctly.【学法指导】 1. 高一我们学习了V-ing形式用作非谓语动词的用法,它们在句中可以作除谓语以外的所有成分。2. 动词的V-ed形式(即过去分词)和V-ing形式一

2、样也有两个功能,一个是和be动词用在一起(即be done)或者和has/have/had用在一起(即has/have/had done)在句中做谓语,我们称之为谓语动词,另一个就是作除主语、谓语、宾语以外的所有成分(我们称之为非谓语)。今天我们学习的是过去分词做定语和表语。3. 我们只有靠大量的阅读和练习,才能感知动词V-ing形式和动词的V-ed形式的基本用法,然后进一步弄清它们的区别,直至比较熟练的掌握与运用。【知识链接】Read aloud the following sentences and write down the functions of each v-ing form.1

3、. The news that our school has made historical achievements in the College Entrance Examination is encouraging. _2. Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language, but only a few of us do so. _ _3. Im considering having a day or two off because Im so tired. _4. Power stations employ

4、falling water to produce electricity. _5. Its wrong of you to leave the air conditioner running while you are out. _6. The glass doors have taken the place of wooden ones at the entrance, letting in the natural light during the day. _7. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answe

5、r carelessly, always saying the same thing. _【学习过程】Step1. V-ed used as attribute.1.V-ed作定语的位置1). reserved seats= seats that are reserved2). terrified people / people terrified of cholera=people who were terrified of cholera3). polluted water / water polluted by the factory=water that is polluted by

6、the factory4). a broken vase / a vase broken by someone=a vase that was broken by someone5). the tired audience / the audience tired of the lecture=the audience who are tired of the lecture6). The new rule matters much for anyone concerned. 新规则对相关人士意义重大。7). He is one of those invited.【归纳小结】.从例1-5中可以

7、看出单个的V-ed作定语放在所修饰词的_,V-ed短语作定语放在所修饰词的_,它们和其修饰词之间有动宾关系,它们可以改成定语从句。. 从例6,7中可以看出在修饰something, anyone, everything, nobody等不定代词和those时,即使是单个的过去分词作定语,也要放在所修饰词的_。2.V-ed作非限制性定语V-ed作非限制性定语,用来补充说明被修饰词的情况,前面常用逗号与被修饰词隔开,相当于一个非限制性定语从句。Eg: The computer center, opened last year (=which was opened last year), is ve

8、ry popular with the students in this school.【尝试运用】Complete the sentences using the past participle as the attribute.1. Have you ever read the novel_(Dickens写的)? (write)2. China is a developing country while America_(是发达的国家). (develop)3. The teacher answered all the questions_(学生提出的). (put)4. Do you

9、know the person _(被怀疑偷了一辆自行车的)?(suspect)5. He is a teacher_(受学生爱戴). (respect)Step2. V-ed used as predicative1. We are excited at the news that one of the students in our school was admitted by Qinghua University.2. It was business hour, but the door to the supermarket remained locked.3. He felt rath

10、er let down by their indifference. 他们的冷漠使他感到相当失望。【归纳小结】过去分词或过去分词短语作表语放在be或连系动词(ie. remain ,keep, feel, get)的后面,和句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系。我们所学的情感类动词excite, surprise, frighten, disappoint, move, touch等当主语是表示人的时候常用V-ed做表语,意为“感到.”;用V-ing表示“令人”。【尝试运用】Choose appropriate verbs to complete the following sentences

11、using V-ed . infect disappoint blame shock tire excite concern1. He got _ about losing the money.2. The painter looked so _ after working for a whole day.3. I was _ with the film I saw last night. I had expected it to be better.4. Everybody was _ to hear of the death of the famous film star.5. Every

12、body is really_ about the news that 150 students from our school are going to be admitted by key universities.6. His wound became _ with a new virus.7. Most of the newspaper seems to be _ with pop stars.Step4. Complete the following sentences.1. With the governments aid, those _(受到地震影响的) have moved

13、to the new settlements. (affect)2. I dont like going to supermarkets _ (位于市中心). (locate)3. The hospital_(武汉大学附属的) is well-known for its advanced equipment as well as skilled physicians. (attach)4. The books _(为孩子们设计的) attracted many adults. (intend)5. It was cold and damp, the man pulled up his collar and put his hands to his_(冻僵了的脸). ( freeze )6. When we came back from the field, we found that the old man _ (仍然坐着)under the tree smoking. (seat)7. Just a little patient. I _(在换衣服). (get)8. I _(感到万分荣幸) to be invited to speak at the conference. (honor)9. Li Hua, _(已改掉喝酒


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