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1、Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic 1 English is widely spoken throughout the world.Section CThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:tongue, mother tongue, state, speaker, communicate, conference, tourist2. Go on learning the simple pre

2、sent passive voice: Of all these languages, English is the most widely used. 3. Let the students know the wide uses of English in the world. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/召开国际会议的图片/世界地图/有许多游客的风景名胜图片/录音机/英语标识. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)师生复述Section B中的2a,然后检查作业,复习上节课的语言项目,为导入新课

3、作准备。1. (小黑板出示上节课的重点短语,复述Section B中的2a。)T: Look at these phrases, and lets retell 2a, Section B.(出示短语。)on business in general have no trouble doing sth.once in a while translate and explaine.g. Janes father often goes abroad on business. In general, he has no trouble understanding people from differe

4、nt countries(如果必要,可再复述一遍。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)展示图片,创设情景对话,呈现新词汇。然后让学生阅读1a,完成1b。提高学生的阅读能力,让学生感受到英语在日常生活中的广泛应用。1. (教师出示一张召开国际会议的图片,图片中有发言人,有英文背景。师生互动,呈现新单词。)T:Do you know which language is spoken as their mother tongue in France?S1:French.(板书、讲解并领读,要求学生掌握。) tongue, mother tongueT:Look a

5、t this picture. Can you tell me what they are doing?Ss:They are having a meeting. T:Yes. They are having an international conference.(板书并要求学生掌握。) conferenceT:(指着发言人。)Which language is the speaker speaking? Can you guess?Ss:Yes. I think he is speaking English. (板书并要求学生掌握。)speakspeaker (教师出示世界地图。) T:

6、English is spoken in many countries. It becomes an international language today. More and more people use English to communicate on the Internet, phones and in the letters. Its a useful tool for the people from all over the world to communicate with each other. It is spoken not only in the United Ki

7、ngdom, the United States, but also in China and many other places. More and more Chinese people are practicing speaking English.(板书并要求学生掌握communicate和state,理解kigdom和the United Kingdom。) communicate, kingdom, the United Kingdom, state(教师出示一幅有许多游客的风景名胜图片,呈现单词。)T: Every year, tourists from the United K

8、ingdom, the United States and some other countries come to China for a visit. Most of them communicate with Chinese people in English. English is useful in many different fields of life, business, technology, tourism, etc.(板书并要求理解tourism;掌握tourist)2. (教师用小黑板出示下面的内容,要求学生听1a的录音并填空。)T: We all know Engl

9、ish is the most widely used in the world, but do you know how many people speak English as their mother tongue in the world? Now lets listen to the tape and write down the correct numbers in the brackets.English Around the World (1)( )people speak English as their mother tongue in the world. (2)Over

10、 226 million people speak English in .English is used (3)English is also learned as a foreign language in . (4)About ( )of the worlds scientists read in English. (5)About ( )users of the Internet communicate in English. (1)(听录音一至二遍,要求学生在括号中填入数字。核对答案,鼓励学生。)(2)(再读课文,要求学生用国家名称填写方框,回答文前问题,并找出课文中心句。核对答案。

11、)(3)(根据上面表格,师生互动问答,复习被动语态。)T:You did very well. Now look at the form and answer my questions with passive voice. S3, how many people speak English as their mother tongue?S3: English is spoken as their mother tongue by over 400 million people. T:In which countries English is spoken?S4: In the U.S.A.

12、T: S5: T:So English is the most widely used, isnt it?Ss: Yes, it is. 3. (再读课文,完成1b,核对答案。) T:Please read 1a again. Then finish 1b.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)学生精读1a,并根据1b提供的数字复述1a,培养学生的概括能力和表达能力。1. (学生跟读课文,找出重难点,教师鼓励学生讨论并做补充讲解。)T:Boys and girls, if you have any problems, please put up your ha

13、nds. Lets discuss and solve them together.(板书并讲解。)the number of a number of two thirds of another+数词 (举例并强调be动词用法。)Example:The number of the students in our class is 60.A number of students are doing some cleaning.2. (根据Section C中1b提供的数字对课文复述,要使用被动语态。) (方案一)(复述课文。分组活动,每组56人,以接力赛的形式复述课文。最后选本组较好的23人把课

14、文复述完整,表扬优秀,鼓励后进。)(方案二)(两人对话。假设一个同学没上这节课,他问另一个同学今天学了哪些内容。根据这一情况,把所学主要内容表现出来。)Example:S1: Hi, S2. I didnt go to school today. Would you like to tell me what we learned in the English class?S2: We learned English Around the World. S1: Is it interesting? Can you tell me something about it?S2: OK, I lear

15、n how important English is (S2把书中所学英语的重要性详细讲给S1。)S1:English is really very important. I must study English hard from now on. Thank you, S2.T:You all did very well just now. Boys and girls, you are great!Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)听2录音,完成2和3。让学生进一步认识到英语在我们日常生活中的重要性。1. (学生听录音,完成2。核对答案。) T:Listen to 2, finish it, then check the answers.2. (1)(学生分组讨论他们身边所能听到或看到的英语,然后把内容按下列表格填好。完成3。)WhereWhatMeaningbuildingExit安全出口squareParking停车场



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