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1、 第二十课时 九年级Unit 11 Unit 1201考点扫描 知识清单化1. 考点梳理重点词汇1._ (n.)友谊;友情2._ (n.)国王3._ (adj.)苍白的;灰白的 4. _(n.)王后;女王5. _(v.)(仔细)地检查;检验6. _(n.)王宫;宫殿 7._(n.)权利;力量 8. _(n.)财富9._(天空)阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的10._(n.)肩;肩膀11. _(n.)球门;射门;目标12._(n.)教练;私人教师13._(v.)踢;踹14._(n.)勇气;勇敢15. _(v.) 拖;拉16. _(v.)点头17. _(n.)背包;旅行包18._(v.)睡过头;睡得太久19

2、._(n.)街区20._(prep./adv.)在上面;在上面21._(v.)着火;燃烧22._(n.)机场23._(n.)奶油;乳脂24._(n.) 豆;豆荚25._(adv./adj./n.)向西;朝西;向西的;西方26._(n.)果馅饼;果馅派27._(n.)市场;集市28._(n.)愚人;傻瓜29._(n.)女士;女子30._(v.)取消;删除词汇拓展1.drive (名词形式:司机)driver 2.bank(银行家)banker 3.weigh (名词形式:重量;分量)weight 4.agree (反义词:不赞同)disagree (名词形式:意见或看法一致;同意)agreeme

3、nt 5.appoint (动词形式:使失望)disappoint (形容词形式:失望的;沮丧的)disappointed (形容词形式:令人失望的)disappointing 6.expect (形容词形式:意料中的)expected(反义词:出乎意料的;始料不及的)unexpected7.work (名词形式:工作者;工人)worker8.live(形容词形式:活着;有生气的)alive 9.embarrassed(令人尴尬的;使人害羞的)embarrassing 10.hoax (复数形式:骗局;恶作剧)hoaxes11.discover(名词形式:发现;发觉)discovery 12.

4、office (军官;官员)officer 13.believe(形容词形式:可相信的;可信任的)believable 14.appear (反义词:消失;不见)fortable(反义词:使人不舒服的)uncomfortable重点短语1.使人发疯:drive sb.crazy 2.越越:the morethe more3.不包括;不提及:leave out 4.招来;叫来:call in 5.既不也不:neithernor6.起初;开始时:to start with 7.使失望:letdown 8.开除:kick sb.off 9.对某人苛刻:be hard on sb.10.而不是:rat

5、her than 11.齐心协力;通力合作:pull together 12.一致:in agreement13.在以前:by the time 14.捎(某人一程):givea lift 15.与成为一排:in line with 16.感到;露面:show up 17.在(某时间点)以前:by the end of 18.卖光:sell out重点句型1.Id _ to go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music _ Im eating.当我吃饭时,我宁愿去蓝色海洋饭店。But that music _ me_ .但是那

6、种音乐使我疲倦。2. _ _ I got to know Julie, _ _ Ive realized that we _ a lot _ _ .我越了解朱莉,我越意识到我们有很多共同之处。3.He slept badly and didnt_ _ _.他睡的糟糕,而且不想吃东西。4. _medicine _ rest can help him.药和休息都不能帮助他。5.My alarm clock didnt _ _ ! I _ _ ,when I woke up it was already 8:00 am.我的闹钟没有发出响声,我一直睡着,当我醒来时,它已是上午8:00.6.I was

7、 _ _go up when I decided to get a coffee first.我本决定上楼,这时我决定先去买杯咖啡。7.We_ _ _at the black smoke rising above the burning building.我们直愣愣地盯着燃烧着的大楼上升起的黑烟,无法相信。8.Many April Fools jokes may_ _ _not very funny.许多愚人节的笑话可能最终不是有趣的。2.词汇过关.根据句意和所给的汉语提示拼写单词并完成句子。1.The man always_ (迫使) his son to do lots of housew

8、ork.2.The _(女王) is kind and everyone in the country likes her.3.I dont like _(柠檬)juice.I want some water.4.The woman is carrying her baby on her _(肩膀).5.Zhang Bin is ill.He looks very _(苍白的).6.Before handing in the test paper,I _(检查) it once again.7.The countrys _(财富) comes from its oil.8.Early in t

9、he first half of the match he _(踢)a goal.9.You must_ (拉) the door open,or you cant come in the house.10.If you go to the cinema,you must cross two_(街区).用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。11.How can we build up _(friend) with them? By helping each other.12.Time is money and knowledge is _(powerful).13.The _ (weigh) of

10、the bags of rice is about 100 kg.14.It took these_ (work) about three years to build the new railway.15.My uncle was an _(office) in the police station.16.Jacks father became a famous _(bank) when he was young.17.Car and machines can produce much noise. It makes people feel _ (comfortable).18.There

11、are many _(coach) in the football club.19.They kept _ (stand) outside the room during all the meeting.20.The government built two new_ (market) in the city.从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式完成下列各句。neithernor, leave out, to start with, letdown, call in, rather than, by the time, show up, sell out, by the end of21._,

12、there were only six members in the band.22.We have finished most of the work _ the week.23.Dont _ the verb in the sentence.24.In some counties, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity_ buy them gifts.25.His action always _ his parents _ but he doesnt know it.26. _was over

13、, the rain had stopped. So I didnt use my raincoat.27.Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didnt _.28.The match tickets were completely _.29.You should _ your friend to help, if you cant solve the problem.30. _Jack _ Tom has seen the new movie.02 考点透视 问题情景化 Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.(From:Unit 11 Section A)我愿意去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为我喜欢吃饭的时候听轻柔的音乐。would



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