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1、Lesson Fifty-One Past &Futurefirst thing first开门见山go to details 讲细节a clear time logic 清晰的时间顺序Yesterday was such a beautiful day. and we decided to go for a drive. 昨天天气很好,我们决定开车去兜风。Its a beautiful day.Its a lovely day.Its a nice day.We prepareed a picnic and drove down by the river.我们准备好了野餐,开车沿着河边一路驶

2、去。by the river=along the river.On the way back home,we had a flat tire.在回家的路上,我们有一个轮胎漏气了。on the way home=on the way back homeIt was after dark when we got back and we were all tired.当回来的时候,天色已黑,我们都很累了。dog tired很累A strange thing happened to me this morning.今天早上有一件事情发生在我身上。I was crossing the street an

3、d was almost hit by a car.我在过街差点被一辆车撞上。Fortunately I jumped back in time and avoided being hit.幸运的是我及时跳了回来避免被撞到。It was a terrible experience and I wont forget it.这次是太恐怖了,我是永远忘不了这件事的。I used to have a lot of fun when I was a student.学生时代我有很多的乐趣。I used to be a teacher.I used to work in a factory.I used

4、 to live in China.But now I live in America.I cant recall the exact circumstances.我记不起具体的情形了。I cant recall=I cant remeberI cant recall your telephone number.I cant recall his address.I cant recall the phone number of your office.We never imagined that John would become a doctor. 我们从来没有想象到约翰会成为一名医生。N

5、ever too old to learn.活到老学到老。Never say never.永远不要把事情说得过于绝对。If it doesnt rain tomorrow.I think Ill go shopping.如果明天不下雨,我想我会去购物。If it doesnt snow tomorrow,Ill go to take a business trip.take a business trip出差If I get my work finished on time.Ill leave for Sydney Monday.如果准时完成工作,我将下学期一前往悉尼。on time准时in

6、time及时go to some place=leave for some placesick leave病假home leave探亲假paid leave 带薪假期I hope I remember to get a haircut tomorrow.我希望我能记得明天去理个发。I hope I remember to turn off my mobile phone in the class.One of these days,Id like to take a vacation.过些日子我要休一次假。One of these days,Id like to take a trip to

7、hongkong.One of these days,Id like to take a trip to Tibet.on the weekendAs soon as I can,Im going to chang jobs.只要可以,我想尽快换个工作。As soon as I can , Im going to find a new job.As soon as I can, Im going to take a vacation.As soon as I can,Im going to see my parents.Theres a chance,he wont be home for c

8、hristmas. 有可能他将无法回家过圣诞节。Theres a good chance,he will be late. 很有可能,他会晚了。Theres a little chance,he will come here. 不大可能他会来这。As long as you keep practicing,your spoken english will be more and more fluent. 如果你坚持练习,你的口语一定会越来越流利。spoken english=oral english 口语On the condition that I get a scholarship,I w

9、ould consider studying abroad. 如果能得到奖学金,我就会考虑出国留学。consider doing sth.考虑做某事用英语描述事情:first thing firstgo to detailsa clear time logic本课重点:ifIllI hope I rememberone of these daysAs soon as I can, Im going toThere is a chanceas long ason the condition that Lseeon Fitfy-two Go On a TripIll take a vacation

10、 next week.下周我将去休假。Ill take a vacation next month.I took a vacation last week.My vacation is fifteen days.我的假期是15天。I didnt realize the time has passed so quickly.我没有意识到时间过得如此之快。Time really flies.光阴似箭。Time flies.How time flies.时间过得真快呀。Ive got a lot of things to do before I can leave.在我能够离开之前,我还有很多事情要

11、做。Ive got a book.Ive got a TV.For one thing,ive got to drop my the bank to get some money.有一件事,我将去趟银行取些钱。Money talks.有钱能使鬼推磨。cash现钞I want to get some cash.Im leaving tomorrow,but I havent packed my suitcase.我明天就走了,但我还没有收拾好箱子。First of all,i have to apply for a passport.首先,我得申请一本护照。first=first of all=

12、firstlyget a visa签证visa 签证visa officer 签证官embassy 大使馆consulate 领事馆Ive booked a plane ticket to san francisco.我已经订了一张旧金山的机票。plane ticket=air ticketfirst class头等舱economy class 经济舱business class 商务舱return ticket 往返票one way ticket 单程票sleeper ticket 火车卧铺coach ticket 火车硬座票book a room订房间stardard room 标准间si

13、ngle room单人间double room 双人间suite 套间Ive booked a plane ticket to shanghai.Ive booked a return ticket to shanghai.Ive booked three first class ticket to shanghai.Ive booked a business class ticket to beijing.Its a good thing you reminded me to take my heavy coat.真好,幸亏你提醒我把厚外套戴着。remaind sb. to do sth.

14、提醒某人做某事Please remind me to close the door.Please remind me to open the windows.Please remind me to turn off these lights.Please remain me to call him.remind sb. of sth. 让某人想起某事This picture reminds me of grandma.This picture reminds me of my hometown.A one-way ticket costs about two hundred dollars.一

15、张单程票,大概要花200美元。A return ticket costs about two hundred dollars.A first class ticket costs about five hundred dollars.An economy ticket costs about 180 dollars.Ill see you off at the airport.我会去机场给你送行。Ill welcome you at the airport. 我会去机场接你Ill meet you at the airport.Ill pick you up at the airport.rose 玫瑰camation 康乃馨lily 百合花waterlily 荷花lotus 莲花peony 牡丹camellia 茶花tulip 郁金香china rose 月季They are announcing your flight now,youd better run or youll miss the plane.他们现在在



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