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1、本人根据教学目的和要求,做了九年级第七单元第三课时PPT作品,希望大家指正,也希望对大家的实际运用会有所帮助。这是本单元的第三课时,又是一节阅读课,所以从过程来看分为四在板块,即复习,新学,精讲和巩固练习。作为语言学习和阅读,我又遵循了听说领先读写跟上的原则,先是放听力,让学生抓住主要信息,然后又分快速阅读和细读,最后体现在巩固练习的作业和课后的写作上。语言学习的目的是交际和文化意识,所以为了给学生更多的文化背景,中间还插上了一段巴黎十景的视频和导游介绍,这样更有趣味,也能开阔学生视野。新目标九年级英语第七单元第三课时教学设计2010-11-27 00:00:00|分类: A九年级6-10单元

2、 |标签: |字号大中小订阅 第三课时教学设计 教学目标 A说能运用以下句型进行交际: What are important to you when you go on vacation? The weather is the most important thing, I like to go somewhere warm. B听能从所听到的对话中获取信息。 C掌握词汇: take a trip, in / on / to the este of, mind doing,need to do ,save money by,stay at ,be away 教学设计 热身(Warm-up) T

3、: What are important to you when you go on vacation? S: The weather is the most important thing, I like to go somewhere warm. S: I hope it is near the ocean. S: I hope the things there wont be so expensive. 展示旅游景点图片,让学生畅所欲言。把他们所谈论的事项板书出来。 Weather,price,hotel,shopping,transportation, (通过口语练习,既激发了学生的学

4、习积极性,让学生在轻松好奇的氛围中复习了上节课的目标语言,又引出新课。) 呈现(Presentation): 教学1 能用上面的事项和同桌进行对话,讲述自己对旅游各项事情的要求。 学生对话完毕,让一些同学表演。 (巩固句型,学会灵活运用,结合自己的情况,让学生能更好进行表述。) 教学 2a,2b (1)首先,听力前的brainstorm First, Let students describe the three pictures of 2a Explain“somewhere warm, go on a nature tour” (说明:通过学生的描述让他们对对话内容有整体了解,为听力练习做

5、好准备;又培养学生的注意力,想像力,观察力。) (2)T: Jeff has a summer job at a travel agency. Three customers call to ask for information about the vacations. Listen to their conversation carefully and check the questions customers ask then listen again, and fill in the blanks. (3)Check the answers (通过听电话,学习辨别信息,选择内容并完成填

6、空,学生通过听力练习,进一步熟悉本课的目标语言。)最后,重放一遍录音内容,学生跟读。 (4)2c Pairwork 根据听力的对话内容,首先理解对话,模仿对话。 (5)表演对话(Act out) 叫部分同学演示其对话内容。 (让学生合作学习,互相交流) 教学 阅读(Reading)3a T: Happy to know your requirements about vacations, now, lets read 3a, and try to find what S. T. Zhang want about his vacation T: If you understand the pas

7、sage, you can finish the “T”or“F”. (学生通过自己阅读理解,在过程中加深印象,比教师直接说出答案要有效得多。) Explain their questions about the 3a take a trip, in / on / to the east of, mind doing, need to do, save money by, stay at, be away 作业的布置(Homework): 1用动词的适当形式填空。 (1)下个假期你打算去哪里? _would you like to go_your next_? (2)我希望游览夏威夷。 I h

8、ope to_ _Hawaii one day. (3)北京是个非常有教育意义的地方。 Beijing is very_. (4)在新加坡坐地铁观光最容易。 Its_to get_Singapore by subway. (5)住在纽约是很昂贵的。 _in New York is quite_ 2你打算下周去旅行,想根据自己的要求写信向旅行社咨询。各位领导老师:大家好,今天我说课的题目是初中英语人教板九年级unit7. where would you like to visit ?本课的中心话题是旅游。For your next vacation, why not consider _(访问)

9、 Paris? Paris is the _(首都) of France, and is one of the _(最有活力的) _(城市) in Europe. It doesnt have any _(沙滩) or mountains, but there still many things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, _(包括) the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world.

10、_(旅行) around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but its usually quite convenient _(乘坐) the underground train to most places. _(一般来说), though, France is quite an expensive place. One thing that is not expensive in France, however, is the wine. Most people in France have learned English. But many people dont like to speak English, especially in Paris. So unless you speak French yourself, its best _(和旅行) someone who can translate things for you.


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