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1、Module 1换句话说in other words 总之 in a word 期待;盼望look forward to 在.开始的时候 at the start of 在结束的时候 at the end of 上大学 go to college 被(划)分成 be divided into 参加 take part in 对的态度 attitude to(towards) sb/sth 与相似 be similar to 玩得高兴 have fun 完全不像,完全不是 nothing like 单独地 by oneself 以一种有趣的方式in a fun way 远离;远非 far fro

2、m 用这种方法(4个)with this method by this means in this way in this manner 当然可以 by all means 决不(3个) by no means at no time in no way 对热心(热情)be enthusiastic about 因而窘迫(尴尬)be embarrassed about / at 对留下深刻印象be impressed with /by 使某人铭记impress sth on sb 留下印象make /leave a /an impression 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do

3、 sth 用覆盖(遮盖,掩盖)be covered with/by 对吃惊be amazed at/by sb /sth Module 2 确定;确信;弄清 make sure 取得进步 make progress 结果 as a result 由于,作为.的原因as a result of 导致 result in 起因于 result from 事实上 in fact 睡着 fall asleep 讲笑话 tell jokes 对某人严格 be strict with 对某事严格 be strict in 对某人有耐心 be patient with 忍耐某事 be patient of

4、避免做某事 avoid doing sth 欣赏(感激)做某事 appreciate doing sth 承认做某事 admit doing sth 准许某人进入 admit sb to /into 尊重某人 respect sb 或show /have respect for 向某人致敬(问候)give /send your respects to sb 把看作consider (as/to be) =think of as = look onas =regard as =treat as =see as 犯错误 make mistakes 受某人欢迎be popular with /amo

5、ng 或者或者 either or 度假 on vacation 目前,现在at present 宁愿做某事而不做某事(4个)prefer to do rather than do prefer doing to doing = would rather do than do = would do rather than do 对适用,适用于be true of 在方面存在问题 have problems /trouble / difficultywith 有困难做某事 have problems /trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth 由你决定 Its up

6、to you. 就这么定了 Thats settled.Module 3 上(车、船等)get on 下(车、船等) get off 上(车) get into 下(车) get out of 是的缩写/简称 be short for 缺乏,缺少 be short of 总之,简言之 in short 缩写;简称 for short 不再 not any more 过时 out of date 最新的 up to date 沉溺于 abandon oneself to 向外看 look out of 小心 look out for 允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth 允许做某事

7、 allow doing sth 以的速度 at a speed of 开幕式 the opening ceremony 与相匹配match with 在远处 in the distance 在稍远处 at a distance 在距的地方 at/ from a distance of 与保持距离 keep sb at a distance=keep ones distance from 与相处;进展 get on /along with 着手做某事,开始认真做某事 get down to doing sth (使)被理解get across 度过,通过,接通电话 get through 做的

8、方法(way)way of doing /to do sth 超过,非常,不仅仅 more than起飞,脱下,(事业)腾飞,休假 take off 指的是,参考,查阅,涉及 refer to 意味着做某事 mean doing sth 打算做某事 mean to do sth Module 4(做)某事的方法/途径(approachan approach to sth/ doing sth 到目前为止so far up to now;till now 摆脱get away from 许多;大量a great many 上升go up 与某人交换某物exchange sth with sb 用

9、A换B exchange A for B 一个十六岁的女孩 a sixteen-year-old girl 由制成(看出原材料)be made of 由制成(看不出原材料)be made from 有组成be made up of; consist of 对做调查make a survey of 把比作compare 把与相比comparewith与相比compared with引起某人的注意attract ones attention 一会儿for a while 归还;报答;报复 pay back 还清债务;取得成功 pay off从事故中幸存下来survive the accident

10、比某人多活10年survive sb by 10 years负担得起干(的费用)afford to do sth 交换in exchange for 修建;张贴;搭起;为提供食宿 put up 成功;及时赶到 make it 理解;明白get it 相信某人说的话 believe sb 信任某人 believe in sb “自从以来多长时间了It is / has been +段时间+since +一般过去时(动词是终止性的).。”“自从不做某事以来多长时间了”It is / has been +段时间+since +一般过去时(动词是延续性的)This is /was the first

11、time that sb have /had done sth It will be/was +段时间+before +句子“得过多久才”It wont be/wasnt +段时间+before +句子“没过多久就”It be +点时间+when +句子Module 5-6 众所周知As we all know, =As is known to us all, = It is known to us all that 在互联网(因特网)上on the Internet聚精会神;集中思想concentrate on 为感到骄傲/自豪be proud of / take pride in 应当(理

12、应)做某事be supposed to do sth 说吧,干吧,开始,前进go ahead 得以使用(进入)have access to 可接近的,可进入的,可使用的be accessible to从中独立出来,不需要的帮助be independent of 由组成consist of / be made up of 也 as well 下降go down 提出,想出come up with 偶遇come across 出版,出来,开花come out 发生come about 往加入add to 总共是;总计为 add up to 增加;加到;添加add to 补充说 add that +

13、 句子过去常常做某事used to do sth 习惯于做某事be used to doing sth 被用来做某事be used to do sth 在领域in the area of 瞄准take aim at / aim at 旨在做某事,目标在于aim to do /aim at doing 因而闻名be known for 作为而闻名be known as 为某人所熟知be known to sb 得出结论draw /come to / arrive at/ reach a conclusion 最后,总之in conclusion 与起(化学)反应react with 对作出反应 react to 反抗(对)react against 网上冲浪surf the Internet 对感兴趣be interested in 从那时起from that moment on 有意地;故意地by design = on purpose 允许做某事permit doing sth 允许某人做某事permit sb to do sth



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