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1、 超喜欢英语口语表达练习 【篇一】超喜爱英语口语怎么说 keeon 例句: We have enjoyed staying with you very much . 我们很喜爱和你在一起。 He seems to have a penchant for my children . 他好像很喜爱我的孩子们。 Alferd developed a taste for the wine . 艾怀弗雷德很喜爱喝这种酒。 He liked the young man”s poise and balance . 他很喜爱这个青年的安静和镇静。 Of course , it is very agreable

2、 to me . 固然行,我很喜爱。 Peter is a keen footballer in his spare time . 彼得在业余时间里很喜爱踢足球。 She was very showy, but she was not genuine . 她很喜爱卖弄,可是她没有真才实学。 She is very keen on doing it herself . 她很喜爱自己做。 She likes beethoven very much . 她很喜爱贝多芬的作品。 She adores you, and does not affect to conceal it . 她很喜爱你,而且也不

3、掩饰她的感情。 【篇二】喜爱用英语怎么说 1.(宠爱) like; love; prefer; enjoy; be fond of; be keen on 2.(快乐) happy; delighted; elated; filled with joy 例句: I know the kind of people he admires most . 我知道他最喜爱哪一类人。 I can”t pretend that i do like them . 我不能言不由衷,说我喜爱他们。 The more i know him , the more i like him . 越是了解他,越是喜爱他。 I

4、 do not like you staying out so late . 我不喜爱你在外面呆到这么晚。 He likes to lord it over the junior staff . 他喜爱对下级职员逞威严。 He has a great liking for mrs. rouncewell . 他特别喜爱朗斯威尔太太。 I thought you always liked long books . 我记得您总是喜爱看大部头书。 I like him none the less for his faults . 他有缺点,但我照旧喜爱他。 I don”t like the stif

5、fness of his manners . 我不喜爱他那冷漠的态度。 They were more interested in their own pursuits . 他们喜爱自己玩耍。 【篇三】特殊喜爱英语怎么说 be a fool for be struck on have a warm spot in one”s heart for have a weakness for 相像短语 fool with 摆布,捣鼓,胡闹,玩弄 no fool 绝非傻瓜, 精明机敏 fool on 干蠢事 play the fool with 愚弄,戏弄;损坏,糟蹋 fool away v.铺张,虚度

6、old fool 老糊涂 act the fool 装疯卖傻,胡闹 fool around 胡闹,瞎弄;鬼混,无所事事 the fool of fate 被命运戏弄的人。 April fool 愚人节中的受愚弄者 相像单词 fool n. 1.C愚人,傻瓜 2.C小丑,弄臣 3.C,U奶油果泥 v. 1.T愚弄,哄骗,铺张 2.I 干傻事,开玩笑 fool”s errand n. 徒劳无功的工作 fool proof 【计】 极简洁的 翻译推举 特殊 especially 特殊化 specializa 特殊买方 special 特殊决议 special 特殊规章 rules 特殊进口 spec

7、ial 特殊预算 special 特殊令 extraordin 特殊任命 appointmen 特殊市 county 【篇四】很喜爱英语怎么说 be delithted with ;delight in 参考例句: Be very much pleased with;be very happy with 很喜爱 I adore sailing. 我很喜爱航行。 I enjoy keeping company with you. 我很喜爱跟你在一块。 I liked this shirt, but the collar has worn. 我很喜爱这件衬衫,但领子已破了。 You may reg

8、ard my husband as a stick-in-the-mud, But on my part I like his personality of that kind“ 你可以说我的丈夫是个老古董,但是我倒很喜爱他的这种性格。 On the other hand persons of whom they fancied themselves fond will be found to have become insipid and disagreeable 另一方面,她们原来以为她们很喜爱的人,现在却变得索然无味,一点也不行爱了。 I really like the wit who has talked to me. 我真的很喜爱刚刚跟我交谈过的机灵而不乏幽默的帅哥。 He”s a great reader of science fiction. 他很喜爱看科学梦想小说。 I am very attached to that old car. 我很喜爱那辆旧车。 I”m fond of cake myself. 我本人很喜爱蛋糕。



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