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1、 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(十一) 2001年6月六级试题8.The authored of report is well _with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years. A)acquainted B)informed C)accustomed D)known 9.When the farmers visited the city the first time. they were _by its complicated traffic system. A)evokedB

2、)bewildered C)diverted D)undermined10.If Japan _ its relation with that country it will have to find another supplier of raw materials. A)precludes B)terminates C)partitions D)expires 11.They were _ in their scientific research, not knowing what happened just outside their lab. A)submerged B)drowned

3、 C)immersed D)dipped 12.You should _ to one or more weekly magazines such as time, or Newsweek. A)ascribe B)order C)reclaim D)subscribe 13.The automatic doors in supermarkets _the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts. A)furnish B)induce C)facilitate D)allocate 14.Each workday, the workers

4、 followed the same schedules and rarely _from this routine. A)deviated B)disconnected C)detached D)distorted 答案:8.A 这篇报道的作者对医院的问题非常熟悉,因为他已经在那里工作许多年了。A)acquaint 熟悉B)inform告知C)accustom 习惯 D)know 知道9.B 当这些农民第一次来到城里时他们被复杂的交通系统搞得晕头转向。A)evoke 恳求B)bewilder 迷惑C)divert 转移D)undermine 颠覆10.B 如果日本终止与那个国家的关系,它就不

5、得不另寻找原材料供应者。A)preclude 防止B)terminate 终止C)partition 分割D)expire 过期11.C 他们沉浸于科学研究,对实验室外发生的事浑然不知。A)submerge 淹没B)drown 溺水C)immerse 沉浸D)dip 浸入12.D 你应该订一两种周刊,比如或。A)ascribe 归因于B)order 命令C)reclaim 重新要求D)subscribe 订阅13.C 超市的自动门给推着购物车的消费者出入提供了方便。A)furnish 配备B)induce 引起C)facilitate 使便利D)allocate 分配14.A 每天这些工人都按

6、照同样的日程表工作,很少有变动。A)deviate 避开,偏离B)disconnect 割断C)detach 分开D)distort 扭曲 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(十二) 2001年6月六级试题15.The little girl was _ by the death of her dog since her affection for the pet had been real and deep. A)grieved B)suppressed C)oppressed D)sustained 16.Avisitor to a museum today would notice _ chan

7、ges in the way museums are operated. A)cognitive B)rigorous C)conspicuousD)exclusive 17.Most people tend to think they are so efficient at their job that they are _ . A)inaccessible B)irreversible C)immovable D)irreplaceable 18.Bejing impatient is _ with being a good teacher. A)intrinsic B)ingenious

8、 C)incompatible D)inherent 19.For a particular reason, he wanted the information to be treated as _. A)assured B)reserved C)intimate D)confidential 20.Fortune-tellers are good at marking _ statements such as “Your sorrows will change,” A)philosophical B)ambiguous C)literalD)invalid 21.The tenant mus

9、h be prepared to decorate the house _the terms of the contract. A)in the vicinity of B)in quest of C)in accordance with D)in collaboration with 答案:15.A 这个小女孩对狗的死感到悲痛,因为她对宠物怀有真挚、深厚的感情。A)grieve 悲伤B)suppress 压抑 C)oppress 镇压 D)sustain 维持16.C 今天到博物馆参观的人会注意到博物馆的运作方式发生了显著的变化。A)cognitive 认知的B)rigorous 严格的C)

10、conspicuous 明显的D)exclusive 独特的17.D 大多数人认为非常胜任自己的工作,以至于他们是不可替代的。A)inaccessible 不可获得的B)irreversible 不可逆转的C)immovable 不为所动的D)irreplaceable 不可替代的18.C 没有耐心和做一名好老师是矛盾的。A)intrinsic 内在的B)ingenious 聪明的C)incompatible 矛盾的D)inherent 固有的19.由于某种特殊原因,他希望将这个消息保密。A)assured 确信的B)reserved 保守的C)intimate 亲密的D)confidenti

11、al 机密的20.B 算命者擅长说模棱两可的话,比如:“你会时来运转”。A)philosophical 复杂的B)ambiguous 模糊的C)literal 字面的D)invalid 无效的21.C 房客必须按照合同条款对房子进行装修。A)in the vicinity of 附近B)in quest of 寻找.,追求.C)in accordance with 根据D)in collaboration with 与.合作 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(十三) 22.The winners of the football championship ran off the field carry

12、ing the silver cup _ . A)turbulently B)tremendouslyC)triumphantly D)tentatively 23.He said that they had _ been obliged to give up the scheme for lack of support. A)gravely B)regrettablyC)forcibly D)graciously 24.The law on drinking and driving is _ stated. A)extravagantly B)empiricallyC)exceptional

13、ly D)explicitly 25.Their claims to damages have not been convincingly _. A)refuted B)overwhelmedC)cepressed D)intimidated 26.Please dont _ too much on the painful memories.Everything will be all right. A)hesitate B)lingerC)retainD)dwell 答案:22.C参考译文:足球锦标赛的冠军举着银质奖杯绕场一周。 A)turbulentlyadv.动荡地 B)tremendo

14、uslyadv.相当地,非常多地 C)triumphantlyadv.成功地,耀武扬威地 D)tentativelyadv.暂时地,短暂地 23.B参考译文:他说因为缺乏支持,他们不得不遗憾地放弃这个主题。 A)gravelyadv.严重地 B)regrettablyadv.遗憾地,后悔地 C)forciblyadv.强制地 D)graciouslyadv.优雅地 24.D参考译文:关于饮酒和驾驶的法律已经制定地很清楚了。 A)extravagantlyadv.奢侈地,过度地 B)empiricallyadv.经验主义地 C)exceptionallyadv.例外地 D)explicitlya

15、dv.明晰地,直率地 25.A参考译文:他们对损失情况的公告没有被有说服力地驳倒。 A)refutedadj.驳斥,反驳,驳倒的 B)overwhelmedadj.压倒性的,不知所措的 C)depressedadj.沮丧的,消沉的 D)intimidatedadj.恐吓的,恐怖的 26.D参考译文:请不要太多地回想痛苦的记忆,一切都将会好起来的。 A)hesitatev.犹豫,踌躇B)lingerv.逗留,闲荡,拖延(通常与on连用表示:(人)苟延残喘(习俗)历久犹存)C)retainvt.保留,保持 D)dwellvi.居住,踌躇(通常与on连用表示:细想,详述;dwellin表示居住于某地) 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(十四) 27.The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed _to him ,but o



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