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1、20082009学年度第一学期小学六年级英语第一单元测试卷 班级: 姓名: 座号: 第一部分 听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,词组或句子。(5分)( )1、A、near B、fast C、light( )2、A、stop B、wait C、go( )3、A、by train B、by plane C、on foot( )4、A、traffic lights B、traffic rules C、not far( )5、A、How do you go to the park? B、When do you go to the park? C、Where is the park?二、听

2、录音,写序号。(分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 听录音,正确的打“”。(分)waynamebikefootsubwaybusmotorbikeMr. BlackLiu YunWu YifanBai Ling四、听读句子,判断所读句子是否符合情理,若符合请用“”否则用“”。(分)1. ()2()3()4()5( )五、听读句子,把句子补充完整,一词一空。(10分)1. A: _ _ you go to school, _ ? B: _ I go to school _ _ _ I go by subway. 2. _ at a red light . _ at a yellow

3、 light. _ at a green light.第二部分笔试部分(6分)一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在左边的括号里。(5分)( )1、A、yellow B、rules C、red( )2、A、on foot B、by plane C、by way( )3、A、light B、stop C、go( )4、A、school B、China C、Canada( )5、A、fifth B、one C、fourth 二、根据中文提示,把句子补充完整。一词一空。(11分) 1.Excuse me,_ _ _ get to the _ ( 动物园)? You can go by th

4、e_ _ bus.(15路) 2.There are_ _ _ (三种交通灯)in every country. Renmenber the _ _ . (交通规则)三、读一读,选一选。(4分)( )1.You can go by train.( )2.You can go straight.( )3. Go at a green light. ( )4.I go to schoolby bus.A. B. C. D. 四. 选择题。(15分) ( ) 1.Usually I go to school on_. A. bike B. foot C. plane ( )2. _ do you g

5、o to school? A. How B. Who C. Where ( )3.In England and Australia, drivers drive on the _side of the road. A. left B. right C. straight( )4._ at a yellow light.A. Stop B. Wait C. Go( )5.If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the _ . A. traffic lights B. traffic C. traffic light ( )6.Can

6、 I go on foot? A. Yes, you can. B. I go there on foot. ( )7. Look at the traffic lights. A. We must stop. B. Its not far.( )8.How can I get to the supermarket? A. You can get there by bike. B. Yes , you can.( )9.当你建议和朋友一起去动物园的时候,你应该说:A. Lets go to the zoo. B. How do you go to the zoo?( )10.当你询问别人怎样去

7、Australia时,应该说:A. Do you go to Australia by plane? B. How do you go to Australia? 六.连词成句,并写出中文意思。(15分) 1. do go Canada how you to ? 2. by I go sometimes bike. 3. at go light green . 4. can by you the No.10 bus go . 5. work to go I how can ? 七.阅读理解(判断对“”或错“”).(10分) I am a student . I like reading a b

8、ook .Every week , I go to Xinhua bookstore . Usually I go by bus , but sometimes I go by bike . I know the traffic lights are the same in every country .Red means stop . Yellow means wait and green means go . But some traffic rules are different in some country . We should remember the traffic rules

9、 .( )1. Every week I go to the park .( )2. I often go to Xinhua bookstore by bus .( )3.Traffic lights are the same in every country .( )4. Traffic rules are the same in every country .( )5.We shouldnt remember the traffic rules .附:听力材料一、 听录音,选出你听到的单词,词组或句子。1 light 2. wait 3 by plane 4 traffic rules

10、5 Where is the park?二、听录音,写序号。1.by subway 2.on foot 3.by car 4.bybike 5.by bus三、 听录音,正确的打“”。1.A:Hello!Mr Black. How do you go to school? B:Usually I go to school by motorbike.Sometimes I go by bus.What about you,WuYifan A:I go on foot.2.A:Hi!LiuYun.Do you go to school on foot?B:No,I go by bike.A:Oh,

11、 my home is far .I go by subway.四、听读句子,判断所读句子是否符合情理,若符合请用“”否则用“”。1.We can go at a yellow light.2.The traffic lights are the same in every country.3.In HongKong,drivers drive on the right side.4.If you go on foot,you dont have to know the traffic rules.5.We must stop at a red light.五、听读句子,把句子补充完整,一词一空。(10分)1. A: _How do you go to school, Sarah_ ? B: _Usually_ I go to school on _ _foot_ Sometimes_ I go by subway. 2. _Stop_ at a red light . _Wait_ at a yellow light. _Go_ at a green light.



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