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1、人教版高三英语句型转换专项训练100题(含答案)学校:姓名:班级:考号: 一、句型转换The football match had to be put off because of the bad weather.(对划线局部进行强 调,把句子变为强调句)John gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.(对戈ij线局部进行强调,把句子变为强调句)It didn stop raining until midnight.(对划线局部进行强调,把句子变为强调句)1. Jane has been living in London since she left China.(

2、对划线局部进行强调,把句子 变为强调句)My mother met Tom in the street yesterday.(对划线局部进行强调,把句子变为强调 句)Only in this way can you finish the work in time.(对划线局部进行强调,把句子变为 强调句). We won the game because you helped us.=we won the game.(句型转换)We had to go to school on foot because of the rain.=We had to walk to school it.(句型转

3、换)He didnt pass the test last week.lt was a pity.(合并为名词性从句)Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.(模仿造句)没有像你所要的这种书。2. I went home in order that I could change my clothes.(同义句转换)=1 went home my clothes.=1 went home my clothes.3. We started early so that we could get to the meeti

4、ng on time.(同义句转换)=We started early we could get to the meeting on time.=We started early get to the meeting on time.句型转换The people who are waiting for the bus are talking with each other.The people the bus are talking with each other.conditions.116. The old lady has two daughters. Both of them have

5、 become famous doctors.117. There used to be a beautiful house at the top of the hill. In front of the house stood a huge tree.Directions: Rewrite the sentences by using non-finite verbs.118. Students who go abroad can have access to another culture.119. After the long run, John returned home and fe

6、lt exhausted.120. We ate inside the hut and sat around the fire.121. She spent all her days studying and didnt even take time off on Sundays.122. The bridge was built in 1192 and it is over 800 years old.123. While users are enjoying the great benefits which are brought by the Internet, they have to

7、 admit the disadvantages.同义句转换124. As time passes by, we will have a better and better life.125. I saw that they were coming across the street.126. I stood on the bridge and watched boats were passing by.-.127. I felt that someone was patting me on the shoulder.128. I heard that Mary sang a song in

8、the next room last night.your family;第二空考查条件状语从句,“如果你们食用绿色食物if you eat green food。故 填(1). for you and your family (2). if you eat green foodoLocated coveringWhat makes it different from others【解析】.考查分词作状语和定语。句意:它坐落于城市的西部。它已经变成了一个农场。在过 去的20年里,这个农场占地超过100公顷。根据提示可知,第一空处用非谓语动词作状 语,逻辑主语it和locate (使位于)之间是

9、动宾关系,故用过去分词,即located;第 二空处是非谓语动词作后置定语,逻辑主语farm和cover (占地)之间是主动关系,故用 现在分词,即 covering,故填 (1). Located (2). covering 。316 .考查主语从句。句意:这儿种植的蔬菜没有任何有害化学物质,这使得它有别于其它 农场。根据提示可知,本句改写为what引导的主语从句,“使它和别的农场不同make it different from others,连接代词what是单数,故动词用三单现形式,故填What makes it different from others。316. some measu

10、res arent takenliving in safe environmentspeople say that it9s said that【解析】.考查被动语态。句意:如果我们不采取措施,它们将有灭绝的危险。根据提示,将状 语从句改为被动语态,即be done,主语some measures(一些措施)和动词take之间是被动关 系,且主语为复数,故用are taken,再结合句意,故填some measures arent taken.考查非谓语动词。句意:生活在平安环境中的动物更容易存活。根据提示,将定语从 句改为现在分词作定语,逻辑主语animals和live之间是主动关系,故用现

11、在分词,故填 living in safe environments o.考查宾语从句和主语从句。句意:这些动物很可爱,但据说它们的数量在逐年减少。 根据提示,第一句考查宾语从句,“据说people say that.一第二句考查主语从句,“据说”it is said that, 故填(1). people say that (2). its said thato318 . My hometown used to be a beautiful place. My hometown has become a beautiful place.答案第58页,共91页322.To protect th

12、e environment all the people take good care of the forests instead of cutting them downexpress my views about/ concerning the environment in my hometown【解析】.考查固定短语和现在完成时。句意:我的家乡是一个漂亮的地方。根据提示,第一句 考查短语used to do过去常常做某事,“曾经是used to be,第二句考查现在完成时,“已经 变成“has become,故本句可以扩充为:(1). My hometown used to be a

13、beautifulplace. (2). My hometown has become a beautiful place o.考查不定式和宾语从句。句意:我希望人们植树。根据提示,“为了保护环境” t。 protect the environment, “保护森林take care of the forests, “砍伐cut down,“而非instead of,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句可扩充为:(1). To protect the environment (2). all the people take good care of the forests instead of cutt

14、ing them down。321 .考查不定式。句意:我正在写。根据提示,“有关about/concerning, “看法”view,“表达express,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句可扩充为:express my views about/ concerning the environment in my hometown owhich can help you get along well with themaged 17/who is 17 years old with big eyes and long hair323. Easy-going and warm-heartedIt is

15、a good idea to write letters rather than send e-mails【解析】.考查非限定性定语从句。句意:你可以和他们有很多共同之处,这样可以帮你和他们 相处得好。根据提示可知,用It can help you get along well with them修饰前面的句子,即 句子作为先行词,用关系代词which,句中it指代前面整个句子,故用which替换it,故本 句改写为: which can help you get along well with themo.考查定语。句意:童欣是一个善良漂亮的女孩。她17岁。她有大大的眼睛和长头 发。根据提示

16、可知,本句将“17岁唯为“Tong Xin”的定语,“有大眼睛和长头发”作为“girl” 的定语;17 岁的aged 17/ who is 17 years old,“有大眼睛和长头发的with big eyes and long hair,故本句可改写为:aged 17/who is 17 years old; with big eyes and long hair o.考查形容词作状语。句意:她很随和而且热心。她总是时刻准备好帮助他人。根据提答案第59页,共91页 示可知,此处考查形容词状语,修饰主语she, “随和且热心的 easy-going and warmhearted, 故本句改写为:Easy-going and warm-hearted o.考查it作形式主语。句意:请用手给你的朋友和亲人写信。不要发邮件。这是个好主 意。根据提示,此题考查it is



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