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1、2022年浙江省台州市温岭市五校联考中考英语模拟试卷一、解答题(共1小题,总分值15分)1. (15 分)Jasmine and Belin Thomason are sisters but theyre very different.Pale - skinned Jasmine has got long, white hair and white eyebrows. (1), her sister, Beth, is dark -haired and her skin is also quite dark.When youre a person with abilinism (白化病)lik

2、e Jasmine, people sometimes arent very nice.But Jasmine is always a (2)and confident person.When they walk down the street, some people (3)Jasmine strangely, and one or two make comments, but Jasmine doesn*t react (反响)一 (4)People sometimes say bad things, she says.nOften this is because they are act

3、ually a bit afraid of (5)even if they dont realize it.”But Jasmine always (6)positively .She wants to help other people with albinism to become stronger and more confident like her.She has (7) her own websites which gives advice to young people around the world who have albinism, In this country peo

4、ple are (8) understanding about albinism, but its different in some other parts of the world.nSays Jasmine, nthere are places where people will move away from you and (9) to talk to you.”Lots of people visit my (10) every month and say that it helps them, Jasmine says proudly.,It,s difficult not to

5、be upset when people are hostile (敌对的)towards you( 11) youre different, and it happens, but you can learn to be strong.The important thing is to be friendly and speak to people.Then they relax and (12) you normally/There are people (13) across the world who are unfriendly to others simply because of

6、 the (14) official skin, their clothes or their appearance in general.Its sad (15)true.If it happens to you, remember to react in a positive way and that will make you stronger.(1) A.AlsoB.However C.StillD.Againmission is (7)(value) for Chinas science community because the astronauts can carry out s

7、ome large in - orbit (在轨的)experimentsThe researcher said that female astronauts (8) (actual) have many advantages over male astronauts.nWomen are usually more sensitive and careful in many (9 ) (way), and normally are better at communicating, which are useful in long - term flights.And a female astr

8、onaut usually (10 )(bring) more joy to a difficult mission, Pang said, noting he looks forward to Wangs success七.任务型阅读(此题有5小题;每题1分;共计5分)阅读下面材料,根据文中信息帮助Happy Day设计一份广告,完成以下任务。任务A:补全信息。每空限填一词。任务B:编写一句广告语,完成问题。不超过10个词。9. (5 分)One evening, Grandad said, I once had a friend called Day.His first name was

9、Henry, but everyone called him Happy.Happy Day made a very good living.He had been to many places and when he came to a place that he liked, he opened a pet shop and began selling African Ghost Fish.According to Happy, these are the worlds only invisible fish, and theyre especially good pets because

10、 they dont need any food.Once a year, the female Ghost Fish lays eggs, Immediately after that, and if everything is completely quiet, she becomes visible.But in a blink (眨眼)of an eye, shes gone again.If you see her, you*re extremely lucky for she*s the most beautiful creature alive.When Happy told h

11、is customers this story, his tanks of fish sold very quickly.When they were completely sold out, Happy usually left for another town.*“Was that because his customers were not satisfied? ”We asked.Not at all, Grandad said.His customers were completely satisfied.Many people told him that they got grea

12、t pleasure from their invisible fish.It was so relaxing.A few even claimed that they had seen a female Ghost Fish, and it was truly unforgettable.Yes, Happy was a clever man.”Can you tell us some more about him? ”We said.Net now, said Grandad.Pm tired, and I want a nap (打盹).Why dont you children goa

13、nd watch the tank of Ghost Fish in my room? Remember, if you sit quietly and watch really closely, you might even see a female.As we rushed excitedly from the room, I heard Grandadwhispe, “Thank you, Happy.nI wonder what he meant.AFRICAN GHOST FISH NOW ON SALEAt Happy Day*s( 1)Shop!The world*s only

14、invisible fish.They need (2)food.The female is the most (3) creature alive.She becomes visible after she lays eggs.All customers will be completely satisfied.The fish will live great (4) to you.(5)Hurry! Hurry! Harry !八.书面表达(此题有1小题;共计20分)10.(20分)假如你是李华,请给你的外国好友Andrew写一封电子邮件,介绍你校美食文化节(food festival)的

15、相关内容及举办目的,并邀请他参加此次美食节。邮件内容包括:Time2: 00 p.m.Friday.June 25thPlacethe school playgroundActivities注意:Aimscook, have something delicious.experience Chinese food culture, raise money for charity.(1)邮件必须包括表格中的所有信息,可适当发挥;(2)邮件中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;(3)词数:80 - 100o邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。To: AndrewFrom Li HuaHi, Andr

16、ewHow is it going?Looking forward to your reply.Li Hua参考答案与解析一、解答题(共1小题,总分值15分)(15 分)Jasmine and Belin Thomason are sisters but theyre very different.Pale - skinned Jasmine has got long, white hair and white eyebrows. (1) B , her sister, Beth, is dark -haired and her skin is also quite dark.When youre a


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