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1、2014年 牛津9A Unit 1 词组归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 67)1. make them feel good 使他们感觉好2. eat up my breakfast 吃光我的早饭3. be well organized 非常有条理4. keep all her things in good order 使她的所有东西保持井然有序5. show off 炫耀6. be patient enough to do sth 足够耐心做某事7. repeat grammar rules for us 为我们重复语法规则8. come up

2、with new ideas 想到新的主意9. be curious about everything 对一切好奇10. get angry easily 容易变得生气11. play football for hours 踢几个小时的足球12. neither nor 既不也不13. make a good accountant 成为一名优秀的会计14. all day long 整天 Reading (P. 811)1. a born artist 一位天生的艺术家2. his work shouts 他的作品极有说服力3. impress the whole country 给全国留下很

3、深的印象4. with his creative work 用他富有创造力的作品5. win high praise from the art community 赢得艺术协会的高度赞扬6. search for something better or different 搜索一些更好的或不同的东西7. this in itself 这本身8. give up her job as an accountant 放弃她的会计工作9. the sales department 销售部10. in my last job 在我上一份工作中11. work with numbers 跟数字打交道12.

4、 day after day 日复一日13. the general manager of the company 公司的总经理14. be like a race 像一场赛跑15. either take the lead or fall behind 要么领先要么落后16. take on new challenges 迎接新的挑战17. the chief engineer 首席工程师18. the high-speed highway 高速公路19. connect Sunshine Town to Tianjin 连接阳光镇和天津20. as good as 简直是21. a mes

5、s is as good as a mile 失之毫厘,谬以千里22. make some mistakes 犯错误23. pay attention to every detail 注意每一个细节24. one of his team members 他团队的一名成员25. work to high standards 工作有着高标准26. head of Sunshine Hospital 阳光医院的院长27. a pioneer heart surgeon 心脏手术的开拓者28. as a doctor 作为一个医生29. not only to sb.but (also) 不但对于某人

6、而且30. work extra hours 加班31. in fact 实际上 32. do operations 动手术33. devote most of her time to her work 把她的大部分时间奉献给了工作34. an energetic person 一个精力充沛的人35. a work of art 一个艺术品36. take part in different activities 参加不同的活动 37. be happy with her job 对她的工作满意38. find it difficult to work with him 发现和他一起工作难 G

7、rammar (P. 1214)1. accept others advice 接受其他人的建议2. think twice 三思而后行3. worry too much 担心太多4. bothand 和都5. eitheror 或者或者 6. be a disaster to ourselves 对我们自己来说是个灾难7. take the lead 领先8. fall behind 落后9. know about types of personality 了解性格的类型10. do the dishes 洗碗11. help with it 帮着做这件事12. play cards 下棋1

8、3. do you think 你认为(插入语)14. make an excellent teacher 成为一名优秀的老师15. be patient with them 对他们有耐心16. be suitable for being an artist 适合成为一名艺术家17. Im afraid- 恐怕- Integrated Skills & Study Skills (P. 1517)1. in the Chinese lunar calendar 在中国的阴历中2. appear in a fixed order 出现在一个固定的顺序里3. the cycle repeat ev

9、ery 12 years 每12年循环一次4. each of them 它们每一个5. in all 总共6. Chinese animal signs 中国的生肖7. born under the same animal sign 出生在同一生肖8. have similar personalities 有相似的个性9. western star signs 西方的星座10. a cycle of 12 star signs 一个12星座的循环11. depend on 取决于12. for example 例如13. in the Year of the Rabbit 在兔年14. sh

10、ape your life and future 掌控你的生活和未来15. be divided into 被分成16. it is said that 据说17. in some ways 在某些方面18. may be true 可能是真的19. believe in them 相信它们 20. some aspects of your personality 你性格的一些方面21. make you different from other people 使你不同于其他人22. be formed by nature 自然形成23. be passed onto you by your

11、parents 由你父母遗传给你24. like father, like son 有其父必有其子25. that is why 那就是为什么的原因26. remain the same 保留27. through your life 在你的一生中28. complete a difficult task 完成一项艰巨的任务29. through hard work 通过努力工作 Task (P. 1819)1. make a speech 做演讲2. help with our class projects 帮助我们的班级活动3. do extra work 做额外的工作4. forget the things he needs to do


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