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1、初中英语基本词汇语法解析以字母R开头的单词R rabbit rbt n. C野兔;猪兔 The rabbit disappeared in the bushes. 那只兔子消失在树丛中。 race res n.C比赛,赛跑;种族,民族v.竞赛,参加比赛 Every moming he spent two hours training for the race.他每天早晨花两个时练习赛跑。 A rabbit races with a tortoise.兔子和乌龟赛跑。 短语:1.relay race 接力赛 2.a race against time 和时间赛跑 v. 参加速度竞赛 3/ aga

2、inst /with sb radio red n.C收音机;无线电广播 We listened to the Presidents speech on the radio yesterday.昨天我们通过无线电听了总统演说。on the radio/ by radio 通过天线电 railway relwe n. C铁路;铁道 The railway traverses the country. 这条铁路横贯全国。 rain ren v.下雨,降雨n. C,U雨 Dont go out in the rain.不要冒雨出去。 短语:1.rain out 因雨而中断: e.g. The gam

3、e was rained out.比赛因雨暂停举行。 2.as right as rain 非常健康 3比较rain heavily/heavy rain n. e.g. Dont go out in the rain.不要冒雨出去 Come in out of the rain. 快进去别让雨淋着 。 Adj rainy 下雨的,多雨的 相关词汇: raincoat 雨衣 rainbow 彩虹 rainfall降雨量 rainless 无雨天 rainy ren adj.下雨的,多雨的 They walked along the beach on a rainy night.他们在一个雨夜沿

4、着沙滩散步。 raise rez v.举起,抬起;招募,筹集;提高,升高 She raised her fingers to her lips as a sign for silence.她把手指举到嘴唇上示意别说话。 How were they going to raise enough money for it?他们怎样来为此筹集足够的资金呢? raise与rise raise 及物动词,后面一定要加宾语。指“提起,使升高”。例如:If you have any question, please raise your hands.如果你们有任何问题,请举手示意。 1 rise 不及物动词,

5、后面不能加宾语。指“上升,升高,上涨”。例如:The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。 短语:1.raise ones eyes 举目观看 2.raise ones voice against sb/sth坚决的发言而反对某人或某事物。 rapid rpd adj.快的;迅速的;急促的 He has made rapid and brilliant progress in his studies.他在学业上有着迅速而突出的进步。 rat rt n.C老鼠;叛徒 The hungry rat ravened down the poison bait. 饥饿的老鼠一口吞

6、下毒饵。 短语:1.look like a drown rat 湿的像落汤鸡 2.the rat race激烈的竞争 rather r adv. 宁可;最好 Its a rather good idea. ( = Its rather a good idea.) 这可是个好主意。rather修饰名词 ,放在冠词前,如果有形容词,放在a( n)前后均可 He speaks English rather well.他英语说得相当好。 He would rather stay at home than go out.他宁愿呆在家也不愿出门。would rather. . . than宁愿而不愿,后而

7、接动词原形 短语2.ratherthan 与其 倒不如,不是 而是: e.g. Hed rather drink boiled water than coffee. 他宁愿喝开水也不愿喝咖啡。 e.g. He is an artist rather than a philosopher. 与其说他是个哲学家不如说他是个艺术家注意: 注意:would ratherthan 词组中,后面接动词原形,但当would rather 后跟从 句,从句谓语要用虚拟语气,即用过去时表示现在或将来要做的事: e.g.I would rather that we stopped now.我宁可现在停下来。 re

8、ach rit 1伸出;延伸 ;2到达 相当于 v. When you roach the top of the hill, turn right.当你到达山顶时,向右转。 短语:1.get to / arrive in/arrive at 2.reach ones hand 出手 3.reach sb. Sth. 给某人某物 4.with easy reach of 在容易达到 的地方:在 的附近 read rid (read, read) red v.读;阅读; The teacher read a poem to the class.老师向班上的同学朗诵了一首诗歌。 短语:1. read

9、 sth. (to sb.) 读,朗读; e.g. He was reading silently to himself. 他正在默读。 2. read about / of sb. / sth. 借助阅读发现某人的情况。 e.g. I read about / of her in todays paper.我在今天的报纸上读到关于她的消息。 3. read aloud 朗读 e.g. The teacher asked the strdents to read the text aloud after class. 教师叫学生们在课后朗读课文 2 reader n.读者,阅读人reading

10、 n.读书,朗读 ready red adj. (-ier -iest) 有准备的;乐意的 有准备的,准备好的;乐意的,喜好的 He was always ready to help his friends.他总是乐于帮助朋友。be ready to do sth.乐于做某事 They are ready for the competition.他们做好了比赛的准备。be ready for sth.为.而准备好 real ril adj.现实的;真实的。非模仿的,真的adv非常;的确 No, it wasnt a dream. It was real.不,它不是一个梦,它是真实的。 e.g.

11、 Im real sorry. 我非常抱歉 词型转换:realism 现实主义 realist 现实主义者 realistic 现实主义的reality真实性 realise rlaz (realize) v.意识到,实现,明白 He didnt realise how late it was.他并没有意识到已经有多晚了。 近义词辨析:realize / understand 这两个词是近义词,在一起比较一般和含义是“意识到”,“弄明白”,常常可以互换使用。 e.g. You dont understand / realize what a difficult position Im in.

12、你不会明白我的处境多么困难。 realize 也可以表示“实现”: e.g. The Chinese people are sure to realize the modernization of their country.中国人民必将实现国家现代化。 understand 也可以表示“听懂,理解” e.g. The English understand them.英国人说话都能互相听懂,可是他们讲话我却听不懂。 really rl adv.事实上,实际上 It was a short trip but we had a really good time.虽然这是一次短暂的旅行,但我们过得真

13、愉快。 reason n.C原因,理由v.评理,劝说;推断,推理 That is the reason why I dont like it.那就是我不喜 欢它的原因。 There are a number of reasons for eating good food. 要吃好东西有许多理由。reason for sth. /doing sth的理由 短语:1 reason for sth/doing sth 2reason to do sth 有某事的原因 思考 理解 推理 e.g. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be t

14、here by noon. 3.reason sth out receive rsiv v.接收;收到;接受; I didnt buy the book, I received it from the writer as a gift.这本书不是我买的,3 而是作者送给我的礼物。receive sth from sb.从获得,收到 短语:1. receive a letter from sb. = hear from sb.收到某人的来信 adj 公认为正确而普遍接受的 2. received opinion n. receiver 接受者, 电话听筒 recent ris()nt adj.最近的,新近的 There have been many changes in recent years.近几年发生了许多的变化。 recently risntl adv.最近,近来 We received a letter from him recently.我们不久以 前收到了他的一封信。 recite rsat v. 背诵;描述 Each child ha



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