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1、Grade 3 Week 3: March 2-6 ESL WEEKLY REPORT * This week 本周学习内容* Thank you 感谢Thank you to all parents who have written notes to me in their childs agenda and/or the parent-teacher communication booklet. I hope to address any concerns as soon as I can, and apologise for my tardiness in responding. 感谢所

2、有在孩子作业本或家校联系本上给我留言的家长。我会尽量及时回复您关注的问题。如果回复得比较迟缓,也希望得到您的谅解。As previously mentioned, the Grade 3 classes are studying a unit called “Celebrate”. This week they made a booklet recognizing Womans day. In making the booklet, the children had to use their eyes and ears to listen and show respect whilst lea

3、rning or they would miss an instruction. Another element of respect discussed this week, was that students were asked to speak softly when inside school, otherwise known as their “inside voice” as opposed to shouting out loud to each other as they would be doing outside. In addition to showing respe

4、ct in their ESL class, they were asked to demonstrate safety e.g. when passing scissors, or walking from one desk to another with scissors in their hands, students were to shown how to and were asked to demonstrate this safely. 正如之前提到的,我们现在学习的单元是“庆祝”。本周我们制作了关于妇女节的小册子。制作小册子的过程中大家需要用眼睛仔细看,耳朵认真听,在学习中体现

5、尊重,不然就会错过某个指令要求。本周我们所强调的尊重中的另一个重点是大家在学校中讲话要用柔和的语调,而不能像在室外一样大声喊叫。除了在英文课上要注意尊重以外我们还强调了安全,比如递剪刀,手拿着剪刀来回走动时如何注意安全。This past week we based our topic on “what events are celebrated”, i.e. Chinese New Year, Christmas, Lantern Festival, Moon Festival, birthdays etc. are all in their spelling list. Parents a

6、re encouraged to share stories about these events either in English or Chinese. Next week, it is hoped that the Grade 3 ESL class has a little celebration recognizing over 100 days at TTMLIS! Imagine that - Already 100 days of school for this year! 本周的重点是讨论 我们庆祝的一些节庆,比如中国农历新年,圣诞节,元宵节,中秋节,生日等等。这些都在他们

7、的拼写篇子上。希望家长可以给孩子讲一些关于这些节庆的故事(中英文均可)。下周我们希望可以庆祝一下在枫叶学校学习的100天纪念。Thank You 感谢Once again, thank you to students who accomplished their homework assignments and thank you to parents for your continued support in setting time and space for students to address their homework. Remember all assignments are

8、awarded marks. 再一次感谢那些积极完成作业的同学及他们的家长对孩子的学习一直以来所给予的帮助和支持。记得,所有作业都是有加分的啊。_If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to make a note in either Parent-Teacher Communication Booklet or in the students ESL Agenda. Wishing you all a safe and happy weekend.如果有任何问题请及时通过家校本,或学生的作业本与我联系。愿大家度过安全愉快的周末。

9、- Jacqueline Morrow, ESL Teacher三年级外教:Jacqueline MorrowSafety * Care * Respect * Learning * Excellence“Working Together To Be The Best We Can Be” 安全 关爱 尊重 求知 卓越 共同努力做到最好 双语: 时间过得好快,我们已经学习了三周。本周我们结束了第十一单元,并进行了单元小测验。大多数同学对本单元的内容掌握得比较好,已经建立了使用过去时态的意识,并能掌握一些动词的过去式,而且能熟练运用于表达。但对一些基础比较薄弱的同学来说,慢慢建立语言的意识,语感


11、的学校,回答了老师提出的有关学校中的问题。本单元我们将接触现在完成时态,我们以是否曾经做过某事来引入,先回答,再自己运用一些过去分词造句。慢慢熟悉这种时态的使用。这周我们的阅读课上学习了短文Jack and the Beanstalk 我们将分四部分学习这个故事,本周学习了第一部分,课上特别强调了其中的过去式动词,并体会过去时态的使用。阅读后我们进行了选择,提问回答,图画排序,及练习复述故事的练习。上一周,老师给大家一个课外的诵读小诗歌,很多课余有闲暇时间或感兴趣的同学都进行了练习。这周利用一点时间在课上请几个同学自告奋勇到前面来给大家展示。 Simone, Lisa, Sally 这些同学得

12、到了奖励,他们的勇气和对英文的喜爱值得大家学习借鉴,也希望有更多同学勇于展示自己。本周我们还继续学习了音标,其中包括两个元音,两个辅音。详细内容请见学生的学习资料。本周末正值三月八日妇女节,祝所有的妈妈们节日快乐,你们辛苦了。本周学习内容:口语表达:What did you do yesterday? 例 I played I cleaned Where did you go yesterday? I went to the (zoo)What did you eat yesterday? I ate (a fish) When did you go to bed yesterday? I w

13、ent to bed at (nine oclock)Has your school got a swimming pool? Yes, it has. No, it hasnt. Have you ever seen a tiger? Yes, I have. No, I havent. 会运用简单句型介绍自己的学校:例: I study in Tianjin TEDA Maple Leaf International School. This is our school. It is very big. It has got a classroom building. This is th

14、e art room. Students are drawing pictures. 词组学习:(会使用)Have you ever seen a tiger? Yes, I have. No, I havent. I have _.seen a tiger, flown a kite, swum in a river, had a bag, caught a mouse, hurt your leg, sent an email, eaten English food, sung an English song, been to the Great Wall, ridden a horse, bought a bike 周末作业:1. 认真完成周末作业篇子一张。 2. 听十二单元磁带。 3. 请个别还没有准备好资料夹的同学,尽快将资料夹带来,以免造成学习资料的保管不便,不利学习。特别提示: 学校在五月份将举办一个英文口语比赛,目的是使大家都勇于展示自己,锻炼自己。有兴趣参加的同学现在就可以着手准备个人想参赛的节目(可以是小演讲,讲故事,诗歌朗诵等等)祝周末愉快!如果您有任何疑问或意见建议,欢迎您与我联系。乐于与您沟通,帮助孩子共同成长进步。您可以通过以下方式联系到我 办


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