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1、The way to successSuccess, the one everyone desires, plays an essential role in our daily life, because it directly determines our daily behaviors. In other words, if there is no desire for success, there will be no individuals development and even no advance of our society. It is the aspirationfor

2、success that promotes our growth of our individuals and society. But throughout the whole human history, how to Succeed is always the most concerned topic.Among all the factors of success, the well preparation of knowledge, the basic requisition of success, should be placed on the first one. Without

3、 extensive and intensive knowledge, even if there are exterior opportunities to success, such as the parents assistance or friends recommendation, you will still never succeed, because you cannot qualify the job you have already had. The more preparation you do in advance, the more likely you will g

4、et success. As Lincoln has said, if I had six hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.Besides the well preparation of knowledge, the preparation of confidence and interpersonal skills is also indispensable on the way to success.第一段,依然是找到题目中的关键词,然后扯一下它的重要性,引出如

5、何获得成功是大家最关注的话题,这种开头在课堂上专门讲过,而且是属于模板之一。第二段:因为有一个林肯的例子在题目中,所以这里只需要写充分准备在成功中的作用。在本段结束时用林肯的话作为例子来证明充分准备的重要性,我觉得这是考官的想法吧。如果大家还记得字数不够举例凑的话应该很容易想到这一点。另外这篇文章运用了我在课堂上讲的拟无论证,就是假设没有充分准备会怎样。紧接着用了一个the more, the more句型,最后用林肯的话作为一个本段的结论式论证第三段:附加理由总结Is a test of spoken English necessary? 1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是 2.

6、 也有人持不同的意见, 3. 我的看法和打算Some people are in favor of spoken English test owing to the fact that English is a language, whose prime function is to communicate with others. To begin with, with the globalization of economy, spoken English is the basic requirement in college students job hunting of western

7、 enterprises. Furthermore, if spoken English test becomes a must, much emphasis is expected to spoken English by public instead of emphasis on dead English such as reading or writing.Others, while, argue that spoken English test is unnecessary due to the overburden of students. At the same time, spo

8、ken English, as a communication skill,is a kind of survival English. As long as the counterpart can understand what the one has expressed, fluency is secondary. In addition,body language can be added to the communication.Spoken English test,from my perspective,should be an optional examinationrather

9、 thana compulsory one. If some students need it to find an ideal job, the test can be available.第一段:一些人赞成3句话 第一句:一些人赞成是因为英语作为一种语言,交流才是其真正的目的。 第二句:随着经济全球化,口语成为进入外资企业的基本要求 第三句:如果口语考试成为一种必须,公众会更加重视口语,而不是重视哑巴英语,比如阅读和写作第二段:另一些人反对4句 第一句:因为学生负担太重,不能再增加额外的考试 第二句:口语作为一种交流手段只是生存英语 第三句:只要对方听得懂,流畅性是次要的 第四句:何况我们

10、在交流中还可以加入身体语言第三段:我的观点两句 第一句:在我看来口语考试应该是可选,而不是必须 第二句:如果有学生需要考试结果来找好工作的话,他可以参加这类考试。(潜在意:不需要的则可以不考)总评:SomeothersI 类型的文章很好写2008年12月六级作文题 How to improve students mental health 1、大学生的心理健康十分重要 2、因此,学校可以. 3、我们自己应当.Nowadays,college students mental health has aroused a public concern,because students mental h

11、ealth is as significant as their academic capacity. Without healthy psychology college student will never lead a happy life, let alone finish their study and create their splendid future.Obviously, proper measures can be taken to prevent the problems in our university. To begin with,more opportuniti

12、es should be offered for students to relax themselves, after all there are many pressures such as the study ,love or family burden for our college students . Whats more, more mental health classes can be opened to carry the healthy and optimistic life value.Of course, our college students also can a

13、dopt some effective measures to relieve ourselves. For example, whenever you encounter some problems,talking to your friends or your parents is a wise choice to release your pressure or pain. If you really get into trouble, another way is to consult the psychological expert, because they can come up

14、 with a solution to help you.总评:六级作文其实不需要太多的高级词汇,因为高级词汇你真正在考试的时候是想不出来的。还不如在文章的层次方面,句式方面稍下功夫,再加上几个固定搭配(最地道,最强大)就完全搞定了思路分析:第一段:第一句现状+原因,大学生健康已经引起了广泛关注,因为心理健康和学术能力一样重要。第二句:拟无论证,如果没有健康的心理,学生无法快乐生活,更不用说完成学术学习更不用说迎接美好未来第二段:第一句:总写 大学可以采取措施来防止心理问题 第二句:第一种措施 提供更多的放松的机会,毕竟大学生确实有比如 学习,爱情,家庭负担方面的压力。第三句 学校可以开设心理

15、健康课程来传播正确的人生观和乐观的生活态度第三段:第一句:总写 大学生也可以采取措施自我保护,第二句,第一种方式:倾诉 第三句 如果真的已经有心里健康问题的,可以咨询心理专家来解决。Some others.I 类型文章的写法一2009.06 On the Importance of a Name1.有人认为名字很重要,2.也有人认为无关紧要,3.我认为Some people place much emphasis on the importance on a name. And to them, a good name means success or fortune. For example, when they choose the day in which their shop is open, 8 is a fortunate number because they equate 8 to wealth. Furthermore, they even deem that a good name will bring their children the splendid future, so they spare no effort to contemplate their children name.Other pe


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