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1、一、 选择原句的主语做译句的主语天气很好,我们决定去爬山。As the weather is fine, we decided to climb the mountain.几年来,为了这个科研项目,我牺牲了许多节假日。In the past few years, I devoted many of my holidays to the scientific research project.他的话我可不信。I would not believe what he said.背地里说别人坏话,小李绝不会做这样的事。Xiaoli is the last person to say bad thing

2、s behind peoples back.打雷你不害怕吗?Arent you scared of thundering?春天里的树叶又嫩又绿。Leaves are green and tenor in the spring.大熊猫人人都喜爱它。Everyone likes panda.下午开会你通知黎明了吗?Did you inform Liming of this afternoons meeting?我一时想不起他的名字。I cant recall his name suddenly.二、 选择原句里表示时间、地点、情感、意识、喜好、行为等意思的词语做译句的主语我突然感到一股莫明的恐慌。

3、A sudden indescribable panic seized me. (情感 做主语)暮色里匆匆的人群中,总是有我赶路回家的身影。The gathering dusk often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crowd.(时间 做主语)那是一个阴沉的下午,我像往常一样经过那段正在搞基建的路。A gloomy afternoon saw me taking my routine path through that construction site. (时间 做主语)三、选择原句“的”字前的定语做译句的主语这位导师的严格和苛刻是全校有名的

4、。This tutor is noted for his strictness and rigor across the campus.世界各国人民的正义斗争都是互相支持的。The people of the world support each other in their just struggle.鲁镇的酒店的格局,是和别处不同的。The wine shop in Luzhen is different from those in other parts of China.三、 选择原句的宾语做译句的主语没有安定的政治环境,干什么都不行。Nothing can be done witho

5、ut a stable political environment.过马路时要小心。Care is needed when crossing the road.新建了许多高楼。Many buildings are newly built.要注意服务态度。Service attitude should be cared.在解决环境问题时,不仅要考虑各国的眼前利益,还要考虑全世界的长远利益。In tackling environmental problem, consideration should be given to both the immediate interests of vario

6、us countries and the long-term interests of the world. 类似的词有 pay attention to; attach importance to; give priority to等等。四、 选择one、ones、we、you、he、people等人称代词做主语在很多情况下都需要冒险试一试,然后一边前进一边改正自己的错误。In many cases, one has to take a chance, and corrects his mistakes as he goes along.学习外国的经验,必须有分析有批判的学,不能盲目的学。W

7、e must learn foreign experience with an analytical and critical eye, not blindly.改革开放和社会主义现代化建设,必须从我国社会主义初级阶段的基本国情出发,走自己的路。In our efforts to carry out the reform, opening-up and the modernization drive, we should proceed from the actual situation of being in a primary stage of socialism and take our

8、 own road.五、 用it 或there 做主语细雨淅沥,秋风瑟瑟。It was drizzling on a windy autumn day.热得她满身是汗。It was so hot that she sweated all over.小河上有一座桥。There is a little bridge over the river.许多国家都面临着失业和环境污染的问题。There are unemployment and environmental pollution in many countries.对于这种现象已经有了好多议论。There were many comments about the phenomenon.



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