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1、word可编辑英语角主持稿英语角主持稿一 The opening speech of the Master of Ceremony of an English Evening Party. young ladies and young men, we are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party. First of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight: *, our language expert from Canada. *, our he

2、admaster and *, the secretary of the CPC mittee of our school. And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish * to enjoy his stay in our school and all present to have a wonderful time tonight. Now lets invite * to say a few words to us. Mr. *s speech. Thank you, Mr *. Now its time for us to

3、 have performance. For this evening party all the classes have made careful preparations. So Im sure well be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight. The first item is a group dance given by Class 3 Senior 2. Now lets give them warm applause. Therefore,Im very glad to be the host of this e

4、vening party.I believe we can give you a great perform ! “Thank you for the warm hospitality that makes me feel so wele。” 英语角主持稿二 A: The 9th Sports festival of The Xiuwen International Academy at Zibo has e to a close successfully with the joint efforts of all teachers and students. 紧张而又快乐的运动会在全校师生的

5、共同努力下圆满的落下了帷幕。 B: First ,lets congratulate the athletes who participated in all the events 首先我们向在比赛中获得优异成绩的运发动们表示热烈的祝贺,(鼓掌) A: Thanks to all the judges for their fair judgment and dedication. 比照赛过程中裁判员们的公平、公正和无私的付出表示真挚的感谢(鼓掌) B: We appreciate your determination and fighting spirit, which encourage us to excel in our endeavors. 对运发动们的顽强拼搏表示深深的敬意!同时勉励我们自己胜不骄傲败不气馁 A: Now, Lets wele the parents representative, _s father, to give us a speech. 下面请家长代表-同学的爸爸或妈妈发言。 B: Finally, Lets wele _ to make closing remarks. Wele! 感谢-的精彩发言,最后致请xxxx领导闭幕词,大家掌声欢送! 第 页 共 页



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