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1、考 试 大 纲课 程 名 称 大学英语(21世纪)课程负责人 关淑云 开 课 系 部 外国语学院 教 研 室 大学英语教研室 二一二年七月十日大学英语考试大纲(21世纪)一、课程基本信息 课程编号:AJX034001/ AJX034002/ AJX034003/ AJX034004中文名称:大学英语英文名称:College English 适用专业:非英语专业本科考试对象:非英语专业本科生课程性质:公共基础课总学时:280总学分:16二、课程简介本课程是非英语专业本科生的一门必修基础课,选用教材为高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材21世纪大学英语,是一门以外语教学理论为指导,以英语语言知识与应用

2、技能、跨文化交际和学习策略为主要内容,以培养学生较强的英语综合应用能力,增强自主学习能力和综合文化素养,从而适应今后工作、进一步学习和进行国际交流的需要为目的,集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的课程。三、考试目标 1、考察学生能掌握英语会话中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节的听力能力。2、考察学生运用基本词汇和短语的能力。 3、考察学生运用基本语法结构以及多种句型结构的能力。4、考察学生通过阅读获取信息的能力。5考察学生的翻译能力和书面表达思想的能力。四、考试依据1、考试内容所依据的教材1 汪榕培、陶文好、邹申. 21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程(1-4册). 上海:复旦大学出版社. 2011年8月.2

3、 汪榕培、陶文好、邹申. 21世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程(1-4册). 上海:复旦大学出版社. 2011年8月. 2、考试内容所依据的教学大纲大学英语教学大纲3、考试内容所依据的基本阅读素材 1 赵振才. 英语常见问题解答大词典M. 北京:世界图书出版公司, 2010.2 薄冰. 薄冰大学英语语法M. 北京:开明出版社, 2010.3 张道真. 现代英语用法词典. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 2009 五、考试方法与考试时间 1、考核形式:闭卷 2、考试题型、题量及分值 试卷可以含以下题型:1) 听力(短对话;长对话;复合式听写等多种形式);20-302) 多项选择(包括语法、语序、句型、

4、连接词、形近词等);10-203) 十五选十;104) 完型填空;10-155) 翻译(包括补全句子、整句翻译、段落翻译);5-156) 阅读理解(阅读理解可以是选择题、正误判断题或者回答问题);307) 写作(应用文类型、四六级类型);15试卷包含四至六道大题,主观题占30%左右,客观题占70%左右。3、成绩评定方式:考试满分为100分 4、考试时间:110分钟六、考试内容与考试要求细目考试内容:第一册第一单元Section A A Day in the Life of a College Student; Section B Does Your GPA Really Matter?Sect

5、ion C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Consonants: Plosives and Tense (1) Listening and Speaking: College Life第二单元 Section A Cant Forget Your First Love; Section B College Dating Tips for Student Couples;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Consonants: Fricatives and Tense (2)Listening and Spe

6、aking: Love第三单元 Section A Is the Internet Really Killing Family Life? Section B How Technology Is Affecting Interpersonal Relationships? Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Consonants: Fricatives and Tense (2)Listening and Speaking: Life in E-era第四单元 Section A We Are Raising Children, Not Flo

7、wers; Section B Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior; Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Consonants: Fricatives and Tense (2)Listening and Speaking: Education第五单元 Section A A Simple Life Well Lived; Section B I Will Act Now;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Vowels: Front Vowels and Past

8、 ParticipleListening and Speaking: Success第六单元 Section A A Moving Letter to My Wife; Section B Banana Pudding Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Vowels: Back Vowels and Present ParticipleListening and Speaking: Family第七单元 Section A Lady Gaga and Her Way to Pop Culture; Section B Pop Culture

9、in an Internet Culture;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Vowels: Central Vowels and Centering Diphthongs and Subjunctive Mood (1)Listening and Speaking: Pop Culture第八单元 Section A Yes! We Can Support Mother Earth; Section B Was Chernobyl Really Worse Than Fukushima?;Section C Interpreting, W

10、riting, Workshop, Vowels: Closing Diphthongs and Subjunctive Mood (2)Listening and Speaking: Our Planet第二册第一单元 Section A Eating Food Thats Better for You, Organic or Not; Section B Food Safety and Foodborne Illness;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Word Stress, Sentence Stress and Noun Clau

11、se (I);Listening and Speaking: Food and Health第二单元 Section A Loving Memory: Elephant Reunion; Section B The Naked Ape (Excerpt);Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Linking (I) and Noun Clause (II);Listening and Speaking: Animals第三单元 Section A An Uplifting Power; Section B The Amateur Ideal;Se

12、ction C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Linking (II) and Restrictive Attributive Clause;Listening and Speaking: Sportsmanship第四单元 Section A A Reason for Living; Section B Volunteer Vacations;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Assimilation and Nonrestrictive Attributive Clause; Listening and

13、 Speaking: Volunteering第五单元 Section A Inaugural Address of John F Kennedy; Section B Comparing Western Values with Changing Chinese Values;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Elision, Contraction and Adverbial Clause;Listening and Speaking: Values第六单元 Section A The Effects of TV Advertising o

14、n Children; Section B Create an Effective Advertising Message;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Weak forms (I) and Subject-verb Agreement;Listening and Speaking: Advertisement第七单元 Section A Here Comes the East; Section B Shanghais Goodbye to the Past;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Worksho

15、p, Weak forms (II) and Inversion;Listening and Speaking: China in the 21st Century第八单元 Section A A Letter to the Year 2100; Section B Politics in the Future;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Stress, Rhythm and Elliptical Sentences;Listening and Speaking: Future World第三册第一单元 Section A What Courage Looks Like? Section B Everyday Hero: Jeff May;Section C Interpreting, Writing, Workshop, Guessing the Meaning of Wor



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