【最新】高二上学期英语必修5人教新课标 课时练习 Unit 5 Section 3

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1、最新教学资料人教版英语Unit 5Section .单词拼写1The director has been praising her _ (勇敢) in trying to stop the thief.2Do not put much _ (压力) on the handle, or it will break.3To our sadness, she died before the _ (救护车) arrived at the hospital.4A _ (仪式) is held every year to remember those who died in the war.5We fee

2、l so happy that the boss often _ (请客) us!答案:1.bravery2.pressure3.ambulance4.ceremony5.treats.用所给词的适当形式填空1Now he is under great _(press)2He is of great _(brave)3The boy was_(present)with his award.4We cant put our _(hand)on the missing book.5He _(squeeze)himself into a crowded bus just now.答案:1.press

3、ure2.bravery3.presented4.hands5squeezed.完成句子1毫无疑问,她会被授予奖赏。_ _ _ _ _ she will be presented with an award.2是我们老师请我们吃的午饭。_ _ our teacher _ _ us to lunch.3直到上高中时我的计算机知识还很有限。I had only _ limited _ _ computers until I attended high school.4在申请这份工作之前,他向他的父亲寻求了一些建议。Before _ _ the job, he _ _ his father for

4、some advice.答案:1.There is no doubt that2.It was;who treated3.a;knowledge of4.applying for;turned to.单句改错1Was it the cat which broke the window?_2She finally put the hands on her lost keys._3I will treat you with lunch._4There is no doubt whether Liu Xiang can win._5What the teacher said applies only

5、 with some of them._答案:1.whichthat2.theher3.withto4.whetherthat5.withto.完形填空We are always hearing about road accidents, so when we are in the car we should try to drive carefully. But, how many of us take the same degree to care in our homes? A large _1_ will tell you the number of accidents that ha

6、ppened in the home is almost the same as those on the _2_.I dont pretend to be _3_,but Ive thought a lot about how and why these accidents happen and what we can do to _4_ them.One of the most common and most dangerous_5_at home accidents is wrong and careless use _6_ electrical equipment. People wi

7、ll continue to use a loose plug or_7_ out a plug without first turning off the _8_.In spite of warning, one_9_carry an electric heater into the bathroom when he is going to have a _10_. Sometimes one forgets to turn off the power_11_mending a lamp or something_12_. All of these can cause accidents.

8、So the _13_about anything that works by electricity is:switch off before you _14_anything and dont pretend you know when you actually _15_.If youve got_16_ in the house, its always the best to keep medicines of any kind out of their_17_.Otherwise, these medicines may be taken for candies or new kind

9、s of drinks. When there are elder people living with you, you have to take particular _18_ in a number of ways in order to make them _19_and happy._20_, of course, is always a risk. So remember to turn it off after cooking. Also, dont forget to keep the children away from the cooker.Safety first may

10、 mean a little more time and care, but it may save you a lot of trouble.1A.familyBfactoryChospital Dschool答案:C根据上下文和文化背景可知这些数据一定是医院提供的,四个选项中也只有这项最合适,因此选C。2A.roadBwayCpath Dstreet答案:A根据上文提到的road和下文进行对比,可知此句意思是在说在家里发生的事故和在马路上发生的交通事故一样多,因此选A。3A.an expertBa doctorCan engineer Da scientist答案:A根据上下文可知作者是在

11、谈论这些事发生的原因及怎样预防,因此选A。4A.pretendBpreventCprotest Dcomplete答案:B根据上下文可知作者谈到了发生的原因及如何阻止,也就是怎样预防,因此选B。5A.reasonBcausesCdifficulties Dproblem答案:B根据上下文和常识可知在家里发生事故的原因一般是使用电器错误或不小心,“造成的原因”用cause,因此选B。6A.atBofCfor Don答案:B考查介词的用法。根据上下文可知是使用电器,因此选of。7A.pushBdragCpull Ddraw答案:C根据常识可知错误地使用电器包括使用松动的插头,或者是在拔出插头的时候

12、忘记关闭电源,因此选C。8A.lightBpowerCplug Delectricity答案:B根据常识可知是忘记关闭电源,因此选B。9A.mayBcanCmust Dwill答案:A根据常识可知尽管一再提醒,但是还会有人洗澡的时候拿着电热器进入浴室,这是一种可能性,因此选A。10A.coldBwarmCwash Dbath答案:D考查固定用法have a bath“洗澡”,因此选D。11A.afterBwhenCas Dfor答案:B根据常识可知事故一般会发生在开着电源进行维修台灯或其他物品时,因此选B。12A.othersBanotherCelse Dalso答案:C“其他的事物”,一般用

13、something else,因此选C。13A.orderBsuggestionCrule Drequirement答案:Crule表示:用电的规则。14A.touchBfeelCcatch Dhold答案:A考查动词的词义辨析。根据句意:在你触摸电器前一定要关闭电源,因此选A。15A.dontBdoCdid Ddidnt答案:A根据上下文可知句意是:不要假装知道不知道的事情,因此选A。16A.patientsBchildrenCfriends Dthe older答案:B根据下文可知句意是:如果有孩子在房子里,注意把各种药品放在孩子摸不到的地方,因此选B。17A.lookBsightCknowing Dreach答案:D考查固定搭配,out of reach“够不到”,因此选D。18A.attentionBmindCnotice Dcare答案:D根据上下文可知是在谈论老人,意思是如果和老人住在一起,要特别注意关心他们,因此选D。



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