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1、阅读理解训练题(二十)AAt first sight the planet Mars(火星)does not appear very welcoming to any kind of life. It has very little oxygen and water, the temperature at night is below-50 degrees and winds of 100 miles (161 kilometres)per hour cause severe dust storms. However, the surface of the planet seems to sh

2、ow that water flowed across it at some time in the past, and it is believed that there is enough ice at the poles to cover the planet with water if it melted. Although there is no life on Mars now, some scientists think that there may have been some form of life a long time ago. At that time, the pl

3、anet had active volcanoes(火山); the atmosphere was thicker and warmer; and there was water. In fact, in some ways Mars may have been similar to Earth, where life exists.Some people believe that Mars could support life in the future if the right conditions were produced. The first step would be to war

4、m the planet using certain gases which trap the suns heat in the planets atmosphere. With warmth, water and carbon dioxide(三氧化碳), simple plants could begin to grow. These plants could slowly make Mars fit to live on. It is judged that the whole process might take between 100,000 and 200,000 years. I

5、n the meantime, people could begin to live on the planet in special closed environments. They would provide a lot of useful information about conditions on Mars and the problems connected with living there.56According to the passage, the planet Mars has no on it.AwindBdustCmountainsDanimals57It is b

6、elieved that on Mars now .Athere is a large amount of ice at the poles. Bthere is a thicker and warmer atmosphereCthere are some kinds of simple plants Dthere are so many active volcanoes.58What is the topic discussed in the second paragraph?ACertain gases should be used to warm Mars. BPlants should

7、 be grown to make Mars fit to live on.CMars could support life on right conditions in the future.DPeople could live on Mars in special closed environments.59A most suitable title for the passage is .ANo life on MarsB B.study of Mars CThe possibility of life on Mars DThe Future conditions on MarsBDec

8、ember 06 Canada: For those of you who have beenFollowing this story, the third suspect(嫌疑犯)in the CanadianCat Mutilation(残害)case has been caught. On March 8, afterjust under a year of searching, the Find Matt Campaign receivedinformation that would comfort many. Now known as MattewKaczorowski, 21 ye

9、ars old, this cat mutilator was picked up by thePolice from the streets of Vancouver.In May 2001, three young men took a young cat, named “Kensington” after the area of town from where she was taken,. from the street to a house. They began to cruelly treat and mutilate her to death, videotaping the

10、attack. Two of the suspects, recognized as 21-year-old Jesse Champlain Power and 24-year old Anthony Ryan Wennekers, were arrested shortly after the incident. Neither helped the police in an effort to find the third suspect, at the time known only as“Matt.”In May 2002, Katie set up the “Find Matt Ca

11、mpaign”, with the goals of raising public awareness(意识)about animal cruelty and having as many eyes as possible look for Matt.“I dont think Matt would have been caught had it not been for Katie Woodwards information, ”said Detective Gordon Scott, one of the arresting officers.Kaczorowski faces the c

12、harges of animal cruelty, theft under $ 5,000 and possession of property taken by crime, but one charge remains absent:that of animal cruelty. According to Canadian law, this kind of crime must be charged within six months.The case is now before the Courts.While finding Matt is a big step in the rig

13、ht direction of this case, it is not over. It remains that Kensingtons guardian(监护人)has not yet come forward. It is important that her guardian speak out to lessen the possibility of the charges being dropped.60What does the passage mainly talk about?AA cat was killed cruelly in Canada. BA Canadian

14、cat mutilator was caught.CPeople pay attention to animal protection. DNo crimes can escape from being charged.61Which of the following is in correct order according to the time when the events happened?aMatt was caught by the police.b“Find Matt Campaign”was set up.cJesse and Anthony were soon arrest

15、ed.dThree young men mutilate a cat to death.eKatie got the information about the third suspect.Ab, e, a, d, cBe, a , d, c, bCd, c, b, e, aDa, d, b, e, c62Which one of the charges does Matt certainly have to face?AStealing less than $ 5,000. BHis possession of property.CThe crime of animal cruelty. DA six-month imprisonment.61What can we infer from the passage?ACatching Matt was easy for the police. BVery few people care about Matts case.CKatie started the Find Matt Campaign to protect animals.DThe final result of the case depends on the cats guardian.CMickeys G



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